Khan, Zareen A.Rashid, SaimaAshraf, RehanaBaleanu, DumitruChu, Yu-Ming2022-05-132022-05-132020Khan, Zareen al. (2020). "Generalized trapezium-type inequalities in the settings of fractal sets for functions having generalized convexity property", Advances in Difference Equations, Vol. 2020, No. 1.1687-1839 the paper, we extend some previous results dealing with the Hermite–Hadamard inequalities with fractal sets and several auxiliary results that vary with local fractional derivatives introduced in the recent literature. We provide new generalizations for the third-order differentiability by employing the local fractional technique for functions whose local fractional derivatives in the absolute values are generalized convex and obtain several bounds and new results applicable to convex functions by using the generalized Hölder and power-mean inequalities. As an application, numerous novel cases can be obtained from our outcomes. To ensure the feasibility of the proposed method, we present two examples to verify the method. It should be pointed out that the investigation of our findings in fractal analysis and inequality theory is vital to our perception of the real world since they are more realistic models of natural and man-made phenomena. © 2020, The Author(s).eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessFractal SetGeneralized Convex FunctionsGeneralized Hölder InequalityHermite–Hadamard InequaltyPower-Mean InequalityČebyšev InequalityGeneralized trapezium-type inequalities in the settings of fractal sets for functions having generalized convexity propertyGeneralized Trapezium-Type Inequalities in the Settings of Fractal Sets for Functions Having Generalized Convexity PropertyArticle2020110.1186/s13662-020-03121-x