Baleanu, DumitruMustafa, Octavian G.2016-06-142016-06-142010Baleanu, D., Mustafa, O.G. (2010). On the global existence of solutions to a class of fractional differential equations. Computers&Mathematics With Applications, 59(5), 1835-1841. present two global existence results for an initial value problem associated to a large class of fractional differential equations. Our approach differs substantially from the techniques employed in the recent literature. By introducing an easily verifiable hypothesis, we allow for immediate applications of a general comparison type result from [V. Lakshmikantham, AS. Vatsala, Basic theory of fractional differential equations, Nonlinear Anal. TMA 69 (2008), 2677-2682]eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessFractional Differential EquationGlobal Existence of SolutionFixed Point TheoryOn the global existence of solutions to a class of fractional differential equationsOn the Global Existence of Solutions To a Class of Fractional Differential EquationsArticle5951835184110.1016/j.camwa.2009.08.028