Salmanoğli, Ahmad2020-12-012020-12-012019Salmanoğli, Ahmad (2019). "Entangled two-photon interference", Optik, Vol. 179, pp. 909-913. article proposes a theoretical solution to one of the original problems of the double-slit experiment, which expresses that it is impossible to identify the photon's path without disturbing it We contend that using the entangled two-photon (signal and idler photons) and inserting a double-slit into the beam of signal (idler) photon, it is possible to distinguish the path of signal (idler) photon, just by the detection of the idler (signal) photon. Basically, the signal and idler photons are highly correlated to each other due to the momentum conservation. Indeed, the photon-photon correlation originates the nonlocal interference effect, so using this effect, lets us know about which path the photon goes through, with its conjugate photon's position detection rather than its detection.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessEntanglementTwo-PhotonCoincidence InterferenceInterference PatternDouble-SlitEntangled two-photon interferenceEntangled Two-Photon InterferenceArticle17990991310.1016/j.ijleo.2018.11.026