Çıkış, MelisTileyoglu, SalihAkagunduz, Erdem2022-12-072022-12-072020Çıkış, Melis; Tileyoglu, Salih; Akagunduz, Erdem (2020). "Representing Earthquake Accelerogram Records for CNN Utilization", 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020Gaziantep5 October 2020through 7 October 2020.9781728172064http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/5968In this study, a spectrogram based false color representation of earthquake accelergrams is proposed and its usability for both human investigation and its application in convolutional networks are discussed. By using more than forty two thousand earthquake records open to the public, an epicenter clustering algorithm was employed, and it was observed that earthquakes in similar clusters produce similar representations. The prospective purpose of the proposed representation is to estimate the epicenter of an earthquake by processing the accelerograms recorded in a single station using convolutional networks.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessConvolutinal Neural NetworksEarthquake AccelogramsEpicenter ClusteringRepresenting Earthquake Accelerogram Records for CNN UtilizationRepresenting Earthquake Accelerogram Records for Cnn UtilizationConference Object10.1109/SIU49456.2020.9302312