Kurt, AtılAzizoğlu, MeralÇetinkaya, Ferda Can2018-09-192018-09-192018Kurt, A., Azizoğlu, M., Çetinkaya, F.C. (2018). Solution approaches to the blood distribution problem of the Turkish Red Crescent. European Journal of Industrial Engineering. 12(3), 405-441. http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/EJIE.2018.0920081751-5254http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/1736This paper considers the blood distribution problem that includes irradiation centres, urgent demands, and product availability in Turkey, Central Anatolian Regional Blood Center of the Turkish Red Crescent. To address the problem, we develop a mixed integer linear program with two objectives: maximising the demand satisfaction and minimising total time travelled by the vehicles. We propose two decomposition-based heuristic solution approaches. The results of our experiments have revealed that the model cannot solve even small sized instances in reasonable times; however, the heuristic solution approaches are appropriate for solving complex real life problems.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessBlood Distribution SystemHumanitarian LogisticsVehicle RoutingMixed Integer Linear Programming ModelHuristic Solution ApproachesSolution approaches to the blood distribution problem of the Turkish Red CrescentSolution Approaches To the Blood Distribution Problem of the Turkish Red CrescentArticle12340544110.1504/EJIE.2018.092008