Altay Arpali, Serap2024-05-082024-05-082021Altay Arpali, Serap. (2021). "Performance Analysis Of Optical Spherical Wave İn Biological Tissue", Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.7, No.2, pp.36-39.2149-3596 this study, bit error rate (BER) of optical spherical wave is investigated to analyze the performance of spherical wave through in soft tissue. Within this scope, average BERs (<BER>) of optical spherical wave are extensively examined depends on the different tissue and turbulence parameters that are random changes in the refractive index of the soft tissue, the tissue length from source to receiver, and the outer scale of the tissue turbulence. It is observed from the outputs that the (<BER>) increases with increasing value of outer scales, tissue lengths and random changes in the refractive index of the soft tissue. Also we investigated (<BER>) values of the optical spherical wave for the different values of the one half of the quantified slope in the range of power-law scaling. It is found that smaller <BER>s of the spherical wave are obtained for decreasing values of one half of the quantified slope in the range of power-law scaling.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessOptical Spherical Wave PropagationBit Error RateBiological TissuesTissue TurbulencePerformance Analysis Of Optical Spherical Wave İn Biological TissuePerformance Analysis of Optical Spherical Wave İn Biological TissueArticle72363910.22531/muglajsci.947190