Gazi, Orhan2024-05-082024-05-082012Gazi, Orhan. (2012). "Prunable collision free random interleaver design", Wireless Personal Communication, Vol.65, No.3, pp.555-566.9296212 this article we introduce a new collision free prunable random interleaver. The suggested interleaver is a joint structure involving rectangular and S-random interleaver. It comprises a general model for all kind of collision free prunable random interleavers. In addition, it can be designed for any number of parallel processors and any length of information sequence vector and can be considered also as a template for collision free prunable interleavers. The proposed interleaver can be used with all kind of turbo-like codes. The performance of the proposed interleaver is measured with parallel decodable serially concatenated convolutional codes (PDSCCCs) and compared to the PDSCCCs' performance with collision full S-random interleaver.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessMemory CollisionParallel ProcessingPrunable InterleaverTurbo CodesPrunable collision free random interleaver designPrunable collision free random interleaver designArticle65355556610.1007/s11277-011-0272-0