Kayar, ZeynepKaymakçalan, Billur2024-03-062024-03-062022-02-14Kayar, Z.; Kaymakçalan, B. (2022). "Diamond alpha Hardy-Copson type dynamic inequalities", Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.51, No.1, pp.48-73.2651-477Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/7493In this paper two kinds of dynamic Hardy-Copson type inequalities are derived via diamond alpha integrals. The first kind consists of twelve new integral inequalities which can be considered as mixed type in the sense that these inequalities contain delta, nabla and diamond alpha integrals together. The second kind involves another twelve new inequalities, which are composed of only diamond alpha integrals, unifying delta and nabla Hardy-Copson type inequalities. Our approach is quite new due to the fact that it uses time scale calculus rather than algebra. Therefore both kinds of our results unify some of the known delta and nabla Hardy-Copson type inequalities into one diamond alpha Hardy-Copson type inequalities and offer new Hardy-Copson type inequalities even for the special cases.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessDiamond Alpha CalculusHardy’s InequalityCopson’s InequalityDiamond alpha Hardy-Copson type dynamic inequalitiesarticle5114873