Kalsoom, HumairaLatif, Muhammad AmerRashid, SaimaBaleanu, DumitruChu, Yu-Ming2022-06-282022-06-282020-12-31Kalsoom, Humaira...et al. (2020). "New (p, q)-estimates for different types of integral inequalities via (alpha, m)-convex mappings", Open Physics, Vol. 18, pp. 1830-1854.2391-5455http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/5701<p>In the article, we present a new (p, q)-integral identity for the first-order (p, q)-differentiable functions and establish several new (p, q)-quantum error estimations for various integral inequalities via (a alpha, m)-convexity. We also compare our results with the previously known results and provide two examples to show the superiority of our obtained results.p>enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess(P,Q)-Quantum CalculusHermite-Hadamard InequalitySimpson's Type Inequality(Alpha,M)-Convex FunctionsNew (p, q)-estimates for different types of integral inequalities via (alpha, m)-convex mappingsarticle1818301854