Salmanogli, AhmadGeçim, H. Selçuk2018-09-122018-09-122018Salmanoğli, A., Geçim, H.S. (2018). Array of nanoparticles coupling with quantum-dot: Lattice plasmon quantum features. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems&Nanostructures, 100, 54-62. this study, we analyze the interaction of lattice plasmon with quantum-dot in order to mainly examine the quantum features of the lattice plasmon containing the photonic/plasmonic properties. Despite optical properties of the localized plasmon, the lattice plasmon severely depends on the array geometry, which may influence its quantum features such as uncertainty and the second-order correlation function. To investigate this interaction, we consider a closed system containing an array of the plasmonic nanoparticles and quantum-dot. We analyze this system with full quantum theory by which the array electric far field is quantized and the strength coupling of the quantum-dot array is analytically calculated. Moreover, the system's dynamics are evaluated and studied via the Heisenberg-Langevin equations to attain the system optical modes. We also analytically examine the Purcell factor, which shows the effect of the lattice plasmon on the quantum-dot spontaneous emission. Finally, the lattice plasmon uncertainty and its time evolution of the second-order correlation function at different spatial points are examined. These parameters are dramatically affected by the retarded field effect of the array nanoparticles. We found a severe quantum fluctuation at points where the lattice plasmon occurs, suggesting that the lattice plasmon photons are correlated.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessQuantum TheoryPlasmonicLattice PlasmonSecond-Order Correlation FunctionPurcell FactorQuantum-DotArray of nanoparticles coupling with quantum-dot: Lattice plasmon quantum featuresArray of Nanoparticles Coupling With Quantum-Dot: Lattice Plasmon Quantum FeaturesArticle100546210.1016/j.physe.2018.03.006