Din, Rahim UdShah, KamalAlqudah, Manar A.Abdeljawad, ThabetJarad, Fahd2022-06-172022-06-172020Din, Rahim Ud...et al. (2020). "Mathematical study of sir epidemic model under convex incidence rate", AIMS Mathematics, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 7548-7561.2473-6988http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/5654In this manuscript, we examine the SIR model under convex incidence rate. We first formulate the famous SIR model under the aforesaid incidence rate. Further, we develop some sufficient analysis to examine the dynamical behavior of the model under consideration. We compute the basic reproductive number R0. Also we study the global attractivity results via using Dulac function theory. Further, we also provide some information about the stability of the endemic and disease free equilibria for the considered model. In addition, we use nonstandard finite difference scheme to perform numerical simulation of the considered model via using Matlab. We provide different numerical plots for two different values of contact rate and taking various initial values for compartments involved in the considered model. © 2020 the Author(s), licensee AIMS Press.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessConvex Incidence RateGlobal AnalysisReproductive NumberSIR ModelUsed Dulac FunctionMathematical study of sir epidemic model under convex incidence rateMathematical Study of Sir Epidemic Model Under Convex Incidence RateArticle567548756110.3934/math.2020483