Belmor, SamihaJarad, FahdAbdeljawad, ThabetAlqudah, Manar A.2022-10-112022-10-112020Belmor, al. (2020). "On fractional differential inclusion problems involving fractional order derivative with respect to another function", Fractals, Vol. 28, No. 8.0218-348X this research work, we investigate the existence of solutions for a class of nonlinear boundary value problems for fractional-order differential inclusion with respect to another function. Endpoint theorem for ϕ-weak contractive maps is the main tool in determining our results. An example is presented in aim to illustrate the results.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEndpoint TheoryG-Caputo Fractional DerivativeG-Riemann-Liouville Fractional DerivativeInclusionOn fractional differential inclusion problems involving fractional order derivative with respect to another functionOn Fractional Differential Inclusion Problems Involving Fractional Order Derivative With Respect To Another FunctionArticle28810.1142/S0218348X20400022