Geetha, SelvarajNarayanamoorthy, SamayanKang, DaekookBaleanu, Dumitru2024-02-282024-02-282022Geetha, Selvaraj; (2022). "An adoptive renewable energy resource selection using Hesitant Pythagorean Fuzzy DEMATEL and VIKOR methods", Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol.43, No.4, pp.4285-4302.10641246, energy from renewable energy resources (RERs) partially satisfies society's energy demands. Investment in the renewable energy system is an arduous task because of huge investments. Generally, RERs selection involves conflicting criteria. Hence there is necessary to evaluate the RERs alternatives in economic, technological, and environmental aspects. Here, DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) method has been utilized to assess the interrelationship among the criteria under hesitant Pythagorean fuzzy (HPF) information. The Pythagorean fuzzy set (PFS) has recently obtained enormous attention and is applied widely in decision-making. We have proposed an integrating model with DEMATEL and VIKOR (Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija Kompromisno Resenje) methods to identify and evaluate the criteria and alternatives in RERs selection. Within the proposed model, the HPF-DEMATEL method is utilized for weighting the criteria, and the HPF-VIKOR method is utilized for ranking. Finally, an illustrative example demonstrates the proposed method.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessDecisionDEMATELHesitant Pythagorean FuzzyRenewable EnergyVIKORAn adoptive renewable energy resource selection using Hesitant Pythagorean Fuzzy DEMATEL and VIKOR methodsAn Adoptive Renewable Energy Resource Selection Using Hesitant Pythagorean Fuzzy Dematel and Vikor MethodsArticle4344285430210.3233/JIFS-201584