Gazi, Orhan2017-02-282017-02-282012Gazi, O. (2012). Analysis of parallel decodable turbo codes. IEICE Transactions On Communications, E95B(5), 1584-1591. codes suffer from high decoding latency which hinders their utilization in many communication systems. Parallel decodable turbo codes (PDTCs) are suitable for parallel decoding and hence have low latency. In this article, we analyze the worst case minimum distance of parallel decodable turbo codes with both S-random interleaver and memory collision free Row-Column S-random interleaver. The effect of minimum distance on code performance is determined through computer simulationseninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessTurbo CodesMemory CollisionParallel ProcessingAnalysis of parallel decodable turbo codesAnalysis of Parallel Decodable Turbo CodesArticleE95B51584159110.1587/transcom.E95.B.1584