Luc, Nguyen HoangLong, Le DinhHang, Le Thi DiemBaleanu, DumitruCan, Nguyen Hu2022-05-232022-05-232021Luc, Nguyen al. (2021). "Identifying the initial condition for space-fractional sobolev equation", Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 2402-2422.2156-907X this work, a final value problem for a fractional pseudo-parabolic equation is considered. Firstly, we present the regularity of solution. Secondly, we show that this problem is ill-posed in Hadamard’s sense. After that we use the quasi–boundary value regularization method to solve this problem. To show that the proposed theoretical results are appropriate, we present an illustrative numerical example. © 2021, Wilmington Scientific Publisher. All rights reserved.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessConvergence EstimatesFinal Value ProblemFractional Pseudo-Parabolic EquationIll-Posed ProblemRegularizationIdentifying the initial condition for space-fractional sobolev equationIdentifying the Initial Condition for Space-Fractional Sobolev EquationArticle1152402242210.11948/20200404