Preveze, BarbarosSafak, Aysel2020-05-152020-05-152019Převeze, B.; Şafak, A.,"Associativity Tick Averaged Associativity Based Routing (Ataabr) for Real Time Mobile Networks",Eleco 2009 - 6th International Conference On Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol. II208-II212, (2014).9789944898188 study proposes a long lived routing method which is also based on Associativity such as ABR (Associativity Based Routing) for real time applications. The main purpose of our work is improving the ABR algorithm in order to reduce the outage of the nodes and decreasing the number of reconstructions required to keep the nodes in communication. The performance of ABR is compared with other long-lived relay selection algorithms for real-time applications.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAd-Hoc NetworksAbrReal Time ApplicationsMobile NetworksWireless CommunicationsRoutingAssociativity Tick Averaged Associativity Based Routing (Ataabr) for Real Time Mobile NetworksAssociativity Tick Averaged Associativity Based Routing (Ataabr) for Real Time Mobile NetworksConference ObjectII208II212