Altay Arpalı, SerapBaykal, YahyaArpalı, Çağlar2020-04-212020-04-212016Arpali, Serap Altay; Baykal, Yahya; Arpali, Caglar, "BER for Higher Order Laser Modes in Optical Wireless Underwater Communications", 2016 22nd International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communicatıons (ICECOM), (2016). bit error rate (<BER>) of an underwater optical communication system is analyzed for higher order laser beams. For this purpose, the effects of oceanic turbulence parameters and link parameters on single mode higher order laser beams are investigated.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessOceanic TurbulenceUnderwater Optical Communication SystemBit Error RateBER for Higher Order Laser Modes in Optical Wireless Underwater CommunicationsBer for Higher Order Laser Modes in Optical Wireless Underwater CommunicationsConference Object