Gomez Aguilar, Jose FranciscoBaleanu, Dumitru2020-05-192020-05-192014Gomez Aguilar, Jose Francisco; Baleanu, Dumitru, "Solutions Of The Telegraph Equations Using A Fractional Calculus Approach", Proceedings Of The Romanian Academy Series A-Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Science, 15, No. 1, pp. 27-34, (2014).1454-9069http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/3930In this paper, the fractional differential equation for the transmission line without losses in terms of the fractional time derivatives of the Caputo type is considered. In order to keep the physical meaning of the governing parameters, new parameters a and a were introduced. These parameters characterize the existence of the fractional components in the system. A relation between these parameters is also reported. Fractional differential equations are examined with both temporal and spatial fractional derivatives. We show a few illustrative examples when the wave periodicity is broken in either temporal or spatial variables. Finally, we present the output of numerical simulations that were performed with both temporal and spatial fractional derivatives.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessTransmission LineFractional Differential EquationsMittag-Leffler FunctionSolutions Of The Telegraph Equations Using A Fractional Calculus ApproachSolutions of the Telegraph Equations Using a Fractional Calculus ApproachArticle1512734