Akagündüz, ErdemUzun, Engin2020-05-102020-05-102019Uzun, E.; Akagunduz, E., "An Analysis On the Effect of Skip Connections in Fully Convolutional Networks for License Plate Localization [Tam Evrişimli Aǧlardaki Atlama Baǧlantilarinin Plaka Konumu Bulmaya Etkisi Üzerine Bir İnceleme]", 27th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, Sıu 2019, (2019).9781728119045http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/3678In this study, the effect of the skip connections, which are seen in fully convolutional networks, on object localization is analyzed. For this purpose, a local data set for plate detection is created. Experiments are carried out using this data set. Due to the small size of the image set, data augmentation method is used to overcome the danger of over-fitting. The learning rates of the first layers are frozen for analysis and finetuning is applied to only the last layer and deconvolution layers. The results obtained are compared with the results of other image sets. The results indicate the importance of the information provided by the skip connections on object localization.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessConvolutional Neural NetworksComputer VisionObject LocalizationDeep LearningSkip ConnectionAn Analysis On the Effect of Skip Connections in Fully Convolutional Networks for License Plate Localization [Tam Evrişimli Aǧlardaki Atlama Baǧlantilarinin Plaka Konumu Bulmaya Etkisi Üzerine Bir İnceleme]An Analysis On The Effect Of Skip Connections İn Fully Convolutional Networks For License Plate Localization [tam Evrişimli Aǧlardaki Atlama Baǧlantilarinin Plaka Konumu Bulmaya Etkisi Üzerine Bir İnceleme]Conference Object10.1109/SIU.2019.8806344