Baleanu, DumitruMuslih, Sami I.2020-04-182020-04-182005Baleanu, dumitru; Muslih, Sami I., "About Lagrangian formulation of classical fields within Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives", Proceedings Of The Asme International Design Engineering Technical Conferences And Computers And Information In Engineering Conference, Vol 6, Pts A-C, pp.1457-1464, (2005).791847438, an extension of the simplest fractional problem and the fractional variational problem of Lagrange was obtained by Agrawal. The first part of this study presents the fractional Lagrangian formulation of mechanical systems and introduce the Levy path integral. The second part is an extension to Agrawal's approach to classical fields with fractional derivatives. The classical fields with fractional derivatives are investigated by using the Lagrangian formulation. The case of the fractional Schrodinger equation is presented.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessSequential MechanicsVariational-ProblemsLinear VelocitiesQuantum-MechanicsEquationsSystemsAbout Lagrangian formulation of classical fields within Riemann-Liouville fractional derivativesAbout Lagrangian Formulation of Classical Fields Within Riemann-Liouville Fractional Derivatives14571464