Rahmat, Mohamad Rah SegiBaleanu, DumitruYang, Xiao-Jun2022-03-232022-03-232015Rahmat, Mohamad Rah Segi; Baleanu, Dumitru; Yang, Xiao-Jun (2015). "Cantor-type spherical-coordinate Method for Differential Equations within Local Fractional Derivatives", Fractional Dynamics, pp. 231-242.http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/5185In this article, we utilize the Cantor-type spherical coordinate method to investigate a family of local fractional differential operators on Cantor sets. Some examples are discussed to show the capability of this method for the damped wave, Helmholtz and heat conduction equations defined on Cantor sets. We show that it is a powerful tool to convert differential equations on Cantor sets from Cantorian-coordinate systems to Cantor-type spherical-coordinate systems.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessFractional DynamicsNonlinear DynamicsFractional CalculusNonlinear AnalysisCantor-type spherical-coordinate Method for Differential Equations within Local Fractional DerivativesCantor-Type Spherical-Coordinate Method for Differential Equations Within Local Fractional DerivativesArticle231242