Dinç, ErdalBaleanu, DumitruÜstündağ, ÖzgürAboul-Enein, Hassan T.2016-04-012016-04-012006-01Dinç, E...et al. (2006). Discrete and continuous wavelet transforms for the multicomponent determination of sunset Yellow and tartrazine in their soft drink powders. Revista De Chimie, 57(1), 29-35.0034-7752http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/813The multicomponent quantitative resolution of the binary mixtures containing, sunset Yellow (SN) and tartrazine (TR) without any pre-chemical treatment, in the presence of the overlapping signals was accomplished by the simultaneous use of the discrete and the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) followed by a zero crossing technique. We propose G transformation approach of signals in wavelet domain, based on both one-dimensional CWT and zero-crossing technique for obtaining a higher resolution of the binary mixtures. The application of this approach contains three steps: firstly, UV-recorded spectra were transferred into the wavelet domain and were subject to the one-dimensional discrete wavelet transform for obtaining an appropriated de-noising signal; secondly, CWT was applied on the de-noising signal and a new transformed signal was obtained so that it contains many zero-crossing points and higher peaks.; thirdly, a zero-crossing technique was applied to the transformed signal obtained in step two, The calibration graphs were drawn by choosing a one-dimensional continuous family, namely, Symlets2 (SYM2) and Gauss3 (GAUS3) followed by a zero-crossing technique. The quantitative analysis of the commercial product containing the above colorants was carried out by using this approach and successful results were obtained.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessDiscrete and Continuous Wavelet TransformSimultaneous Signal AnalysisSunset YellowTartrazineSoft Drink PowderDiscrete and continuous wavelet transforms for the multicomponent determination of sunset Yellow and tartrazine in their soft drink powdersarticle5712935