Alsaedi, AhmedBaleanu, DumitruEtemad, SinaRezapour, Shahram2020-03-242020-03-242016Alsaedi, (2016). "On coupled systems of time-fractional differential problems by using a new fractional derivative", Journal of Function Spaces, pp.1-14.2314-8896 existence of solutions for a coupled system of time-fractional differential equations including continuous functions and the Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative is examined. After that we investigated a coupled system of time-fractional differential inclusions including compact-and convex-valued L-1-Caratheodory multifunctions and the Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessRiemann-LiouvillleFractional DerivativeCoupled SystemNonlocal İntegral ConditionsExistence Of Solutions.On coupled systems of time-fractional differential problems by using a new fractional derivativeOn Coupled Systems of Time-Fractional Differential Problems by Using a New Fractional DerivativeArticle114