Shah, RasoolKhan, HassanFarooq, UmarBaleanu, DumitruKumam, Poom2020-01-152020-01-152019Shah, al. (2019). "A New Analytical Technique to Solve System of Fractional-Order Partial Differential Equations", IEEE Access, Vol. 7.2169-3536 this research article, a new analytical technique is implemented to solve system of fractional-order partial differential equations. The fractional derivatives are carried out with the help of Caputo fractional derivative operator. The direct implementation of Mohand and its inverse transformation provide sufficient easy less and reliability of the proposed method. Decomposition method along with Mohand transformation is proceeded to attain the analytical solution of the targeted problems. The applicability of the suggested method is analyzed through illustrative examples. The solutions graph has the best contact with the graphs of exact solutions in paper. Moreover, the convergence of the present technique is sufficiently fast, so that it can be considered the best technique to solve system of nonlinear fractional-order partial differential equations.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessTransformsPartial Differential EquationsIntegral Equations1; F NoiseFractional CalculusSolid ModelingMohand TransformAdomian DecompositionAnalytical SolutionFractional-Order System of Partial Differential EquationsCaputo DerivativesA New Analytical Technique to Solve System of Fractional-Order Partial Differential EquationsA New Analytical Technique To Solve System of Fractional-Order Partial Differential EquationsArticle710.1109/ACCESS.2019.2946946