Çiçek, Burak CanAcar, Bülentİder, Sıtkı Kemal2022-04-072022-04-072021Çiçek, Burak Can; Acar, Bülent; İder, Sıtkı Kemal (2021). "Dynamic analysis and design optimisation of a heavy military vehicle", International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 309-328.1744-232Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/5294This paper investigates the dynamic response of a heavy military vehicle which is subjected to a dynamic firing load while it is settled on its outriggers. Dynamic behaviour of a settled heavy military vehicle under a dynamic firing load is one of the major design factors of a launching vehicle. Two different finite element (FE) models are created in ANSYS software to obtain the dynamic behaviour of the launching vehicle. The first model is a detailed finite element model (DFEM) and the second model is a simple and less degree of freedom (DOF) parametric FE model which is created with the ANSYS Parametric Design Language (APDL) in order to perform the design optimisation by swiftly varying the parameters such as clamp attachment positions on the chassis, outrigger deployment and outrigger case cross section.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessHeavy Military VehicleLaunching VehicleDynamic AnalysisModal AnalysisFinite ElementDesign OptimisationTruckOutriggerChassisDynamic analysis and design optimisation of a heavy military vehicleDynamic Analysis and Design Optimisation of a Heavy Military VehicleArticle28330932810.1504/IJHVS.2021.117502