Darvish, Hamid R.2020-04-162020-04-162011Darvish, Hamid R. "A study of the Information Services on Turkish High Schools", World Conference On Educatıonal Technology Researches-2011, Vol. 28, (2011)1877-0428http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/3214The World Wide Web went public in 1989. Since then, every organization has come to utilize web-based technologies for their various purposes. Educational institutions have implemented web technology in their contemporary curriculums. The aim of this study is to investigate five private schools in Ankara, Turkey and to unravel the impact of information technology (internet usage, information services) in their programs. The five high schools were: Ari College, TED Ankara College, Tevfik Fikret High School, METU (Middle East Technical University) College and Bilkent High School. We conducted a qualitative research on the selected high schools by observing and collecting data. Research was done from March-May 2009. We found out that internet services in high schools are not utilized to their full capacity. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessInformation ServicesWeb TechnologiesEducational InstitutionsA Study of the Information Services On Turkish High SchoolsA Study of the Information Services on Turkish High Schools2810.1016/j.sbspro.2011.11.119