Riaz, Muhammad BilalRehman, Aziz UrAwrejcewicz, JanJarad, Fahd2024-03-122024-03-122022Riaz, Muhammad Bilal;...et.al. (2022). "Double Diffusive Magneto-Free-Convection Flow of Oldroyd-B Fluid over a Vertical Plate with Heat and Mass Flux", Symmetry, Vol.14, No.2.20738994http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/7542The purpose of this research is to analyze the general equations of double diffusive magnetofree convection in an Oldroyd-B fluid flow based on the fundamental symmetry that are presented in non-dimensional form and are applied to a moving heated vertical plate as the boundary layer flow up, with the existence of an external magnetic field that is either moving or fixed consistent with the plate. The thermal transport phenomenon in the presence of constant concentration, coupled with a first order chemical reaction under the exponential heating of the symmetry of fluid flow, is analyzed. The Laplace transform method is applied symmetrically to tackle the non-dimensional partial differential equations for velocity, mass and energy. The contribution of mass, thermal and mechanical components on the dynamics of fluid are presented and discussed independently. An interesting property regarding the behavior of the fluid velocity is found when the movement is observed in the magnetic intensity along with the plate. In that situation, the fluid velocity is not zero when it is far and away from the plate. Moreover, the heat transfer aspects, flow dynamics and their credence on the parameters are drawn out by graphical illustrations. Furthermore, some special cases for the movement of the plate are also studied.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessDouble DiffusionFree ConvectionGraphs To İllustrate The Dynamics Of The ProblemMagneto HydrodynamicsOldroyd-B FluidSpecial FunctionsThermal Transport PhenomenonDouble Diffusive Magneto-Free-Convection Flow of Oldroyd-B Fluid over a Vertical Plate with Heat and Mass FluxDouble Diffusive Magneto-Free Flow of Oldroyd-B Fluid Over a Vertical Plate With Heat and Mass FluxArticle14210.3390/sym14020209