Preveze, Barbaros2023-11-222023-11-222023Preveze, B. (2023). "A Novel Solution for Network Flexibility Problem in Mobile Multi-hop Tunneling Networks", Wireless Personal Communications, Vol.129, No.2, pp. 1049-1068.0929-6212 the network throughput performance is limited by the available technology limits, there are too many attempts in the literature to improve the throughput performance of the network by modifying the routing algorithms currently in use. Although application of the tunneling on IP networks provides reserved paths for the higher priority packet streams and succeeds in providing faster communication performances, it is also determined in the literature that, the greatest up to date problem of tunneling networks is the flexibility problem, which is defined as the problem of difficulty to have minimal delay and highest throughput when congestions or node failures occur and the throughput decreases due to high traffic loads on the network. sIn this work, a high performance solution, called LB-ACN (Location Based- Avoid Congested Node) is proposed to solve this flexibility problem and to compensate the increased delay which came up due to the high traffic load and also due to inflexible tunneling network structure, considering the locations of the nodes in addition to their traffic loads. And it is shown that, it is succeeded to carry the throughput of the highly traffic loaded network back to 48.6 Mbps from 36.9 Mbps by about 31.7% performance improvement for which we could improve it from 36.9 Mbps up to 45.9 Mbps by 24.3% using the proposed ACN (Avoid Congested Node) algorithm in our previous work. As a result, we have succeeded in having about 7.4% more improvement on throughput performance in comparison with the previously proposed ACN algorithm.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessFlexibilityThroughputMobileTunnelingA Novel Solution for Network Flexibility Problem in Mobile Multi-hop Tunneling NetworksA Novel Solution for Network Flexibility Problem in Mobile Multi-Hop Tunneling NetworksArticle12921049106810.1007/s11277-023-10173-1