Akansel, Vesile HatunYakut, AhmetGülkan, Polat2024-03-182024-03-182012Akansel, Vesile Hatun; Yakut, Ahmet; Gülkan, Polat. "Fragility of Shear Wall Buildings with Torsional Irregularity", 15 WCEE, 2012.http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/7599Fragility curves are useful for damage assessment of structures. There are many criteria that affect the reliability of fragility curves such as transitional damage states, plan irregularity and different measures of seismic intensity. Determination of fragility of a shear wall structure is important, especially for installations that have torsional irregularity. In this study fragility curves of a shear wall building with torsional irregularity have been obtained. This building was subjected to synthetic earthquake motions on the AZALEE shaking table under the coordination of CEA (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique) and Electricité de France (EDF) in Saclay, Paris under the scope of the SMART program. Maximum inter-story drift values have been used as the damage indicator to obtain the fragility curves and different seismic intensity measures such as PGA, PGV, PGD and CAV have been used. Thirty bi-directional horizontal ground motions have been applied for the time history analyses. These synthetic acceleration sets applied to the structure have different amplitudes in the range of 0.1 to 1 g. Micro modeling approach has been used to obtain reasonably accurate and consistent results with experiments. ANSYS finite element software has been used for the response history analyses. Fragility curves of shear wall building have been calculated according to pre-established damage indicators. The limits are light, controlled and extended damage indicators. These curves are compared with those of the HAZUS damage states for correlation.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessShear Wall BuildingFragilityTorsionMicro- ModelingFragility of Shear Wall Buildings with Torsional IrregularityFragility of Shear Wall Buildings With Torsional IrregularityConference Object