Mercimek, ÖmerGhoroubi, RahimÖzdemir, AnılAnıl, Özgür2024-03-292024-03-292022Mercimek, Ö al. "Strengthening of Columns with Different Innovative Composite Materials for RC Buildings without Sufficient Earthquake Resistance", Journal of Polytechnic, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 1463-1473.2147-9429 Turkey includes the world's second most active faults and is geographically situated at a very high seismic activity. Research on strengthening RC (reinforced- concrete) structures without adequate earthquake resistance has become an extremely important issue. Taking into account the objectives of this research, an experimental study is designed to strengthen the columns without adequate earthquake resistance by using carbon-reinforced-fiber-fabric (CFRP) strips and textile-reinforced-mortar (TRM) layers with two separate types of advanced composite materials. The variables evaluated within the study horizon are the composite material type used for strengthening, the width of the strip, and whether or not the anchor is used at the point of strip overlap. In this experiment, nine RC column were produced and were tested by affecting axial load, which are the reference test specimens without strengthening and eight RC column test specimens strengthened with two separate types of composite material. The load-displacement behavior, initial stiffness value, energy dissipation capacities, ultimate load capacity and displacement ductility ratios have been measured according to the test results. It was also examined which of the two different composite materials used to strengthen the columns of the RC is more efficient in improving the columns performance.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessRC ColumnAxial LoadingComposite MaterialsCFRPTRMStrengthening of Columns with Different Innovative Composite Materials for RC Buildings without Sufficient Earthquake ResistanceStrengthening of Columns With Different Innovative Composite Materials for Rc Buildings Without Sufficient Earthquake ResistanceArticle2541463147310.2339/politeknik.836054