Mezaal, Yaqeen S.Ali, Jawad K.2020-04-202020-04-202016Mezaal, Yaqeen S.; Ali, Jawad K., "Investigation of Dual-Mode Microstrip Bandpass Filter Based on SIR Technique", Plos One, Vol. 11, No. 10, (2016).1932-6203 this paper, a new bandpass filter design has been presented using simple topology of stepped impedance square loop resonator. The proposed bandpass filter has been simulated and fabricated using a substrate with an insulation constant of 10.8, thickness of 1.27mm and loss tangent of 0.0023 at center frequency of 5.8 GHz. The simulation results have been evaluated using Sonnet simulator that is extensively adopted in microwave analysis and implementation. The output frequency results demonstrated that the proposed filter has high-quality frequency responses in addition to isolated second harmonic frequency. Besides, this filter has very small surface area and perceptible narrow band response features that represent the conditions of recent wireless communication systems. Various filter specifications have been compared with different magnitudes of perturbation element dimension. Furthermore, phase scattering response and current intensity distribution of the proposed filter have been discussed. The simulated and experimental results are well-matched. Lastly, the features of the proposed filter have been compared with other designed microstrip filters in the literature.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessResonatorsFrequencyInvestigation of Dual-Mode Microstrip Bandpass Filter Based on SIR TechniqueInvestigation of Dual-Mode Microstrip Bandpass Filter Based on Sir TechniqueArticle111010.1371/journal.pone.0164916