Alzabut, JehadStamov, G. T.Sermutlu, Emre2016-06-172016-06-172010Alzabut, J.O., Stamov, G.Tr., Sermutlu, E. (2010). On almost periodic solutions for an impulsive delay logarithmic population model. Mathematical And Computer Modelling, 51(5-6), 625-631. 10.1016/j.mcm.2009.11.0010895-7177 employing the contraction mapping principle and applying the Gronwall-Bellman inequality, sufficient conditions are established to prove the existence and exponential stability of positive almost periodic solutions for an impulsive delay logarithmic population model. An example with its numerical simulations has been provided to demonstrate the feasibility of our resultseninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAlmost Periodic SolutionContraction Mapping PrincipleCauchy MatrixGronwall-BellmanOn almost periodic solutions for an impulsive delay logarithmic population modelOn Almost Periodic Solutions for an Impulsive Delay Logarithmic Population ModelArticle515-662563110.1016/j.mcm.2009.11.001