Sulaiman, Tukur AbdulkadirYusuf, AbdullahiHincal, EvrenBaleanu, DumitruBayram, Mustafa2023-02-102023-02-102022Sulaiman, Tukur al. (2022). "Two-wave, breather wave solutions and stability analysis to the (2+1)-dimensional Ito equation", JOURNAL OF OCEAN ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 467-474.2468-0133 current study employs the novel Hirota bilinear scheme to investigate the nonlinear model. Thus, we acquire some two-wave and breather wave solutions to the governing equation. Breathers are pulsating localized structures that have been used to mimic extreme waves in a variety of nonlinear dispersive media with a narrow banded starting process. Several recent investigations, on the other hand, imply that breathers can survive in more complex habitats, such as random seas, despite the attributed phys-ical restrictions. The authenticity and genuineness of all the acquired solutions agreed with the original equation. In order to shed more light on these novel solutions, we plot the 3-dimensional and contour graphs to the reported solutions with some suitable values. The governing model is also stable because of the idea of linear stability. The study's findings may help explain the physics behind some of the chal-lenges facing ocean engineers.(c) 2021 Shanghai Jiaotong University. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( )eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGoverning ModelSchemeTwo -Waves and Breather Wave SolutionStability AnalysisHirota BilinearTwo-wave, breather wave solutions and stability analysis to the (2+1)-dimensional Ito equationTwo-Wave, Breather Wave Solutions and Stability Analysis To the (2+1)-Dimensional Ito EquationArticle7546747410.1016/j.joes.2021.09.012