Mütercim Tercümanlık Bölümü (İngilizce) Yayın Koleksiyonu
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Item Citation Count: Akat, Bülent (2020). "An interpretive approach to translation: Can Yücel’s translation of The Great Gatsby", RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, No. 19, pp. 859-875.An interpretive approach to translation: Can Yücel’s translation of The Great Gatsby(2020) Akat, Bülent; 18404; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüThis study is concerned with an analysis of Can Yücel’s translation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby into Turkish -Muhteşem Gatsby- in the light of the Interpretive Theory at large and Jean Delisle’s translation procedures (Expansion and Economy) in particular. In his rendering of the novel, the translator adopted a strategy based on conceptualizing the ‘sense’ behind the source-text message through the process of deverbalization, and then reformulating that message by using a language that sounds quite familiar to the target reader. Instead of establishing equivalences merely at linguistic level, the translator used his linguistic and extra-linguistic knowledge to extract the explicit and implicit sense behind the source-text message, and then re-expressing that sense through the discourse of the receptor culture. This is a strategy intended to achieve textual and contextual equivalences rather than finding out correspondences at lexical and phrasal level. Based on these considerations, in this article, exemplary extracts selected from the target text were analyzed with a view to showing that the strategies employed in the rendering of the novel involve features that reflect the basic tenets of the Interpretive Theory. Within this framework, an attempt was made to illustrate that these strategies lend themselves well to the application of Delisle’s translation procedures, yielding results that confirm their relevance to the analysis of Can Yücel’s translation of the novel.Item Citation Count: EKİZ, T., (2007). Avrupa Türk Edebiyatı ve bir temsilcisi: Emine Sevgi Özdamar. Çankaya Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Journal of Arts and Sciences Sayı: 7, pp.33-47Avrupa Türk Edebiyatı ve bir temsilcisi: Emine Sevgi Özdamar(Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2007-05) Ekiz, Tevfik; 6769; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüAlmanya’da yaşayan ve Almanca yazan Türk kökenli yazarlarımızın edebi ürünlerinin nasıl sınıflandırılacakları ve hangi edebiyata dahil edilecekleri konusu Türk ve Alman edebiyat bilimcilerini meşgul etmiştir. Bugüne kadar genellikle “göçmen edebiyatı” kullanılmasına karşın, herkesin üzerinde uzlaştığı bir tanımlama hala yapılamamıştır. Söz konusu edebiyatın bu çalışmada “Avrupa Türk Edebiyatı” olarak tanımlanmasının doğru olacağı görüşü, bu edebiyatın temsilcilerinden Emine Sevgi Özdamar’ın eserlerinden hareketle önerilmektedir; çünkü, onun tüm eserlerinde belirleyici öge Türk Kültürü’dür.Item Citation Count: Özün, S.O.; Kırca, M.,"B/Orders Unbound: Marginality, Ethnicity and Identity in Literatures", Peter Lang AG, pp.1-259, (2017).B/orders unbound: Marginality, ethnicity and identity in literatures(Peter Lang AG, 2017-04-28) Okuroğlu Özün, Şule; Kırca, Mustafa; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüContemporary literature concerns itself with transgressing borders and destabilizing hierarchical orders. Border crossing to question the given limits and orthodox beliefs brings many disciplines and diverse experiences together, and the result is a myriad of ways of expressing the alternatives when the established boundaries are liberated. The volume presents fifteen essays and brings together many academics and scholars who share a common interest in transgressing borders in literatures. The book is determined to encourage border violations, and each paper tackles the issue of border crossing in different realms and territories.Item Citation Count: Koç, Ertuğrul. Birth of the English novel, Ankara: Çankaya University Publications, 2005.Birth of the English novel(Çankaya University Publications, 2005) Koç, Ertuğrul; 6497; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüItem Citation Count: UZUNDEMİR, Ö.,(2013). Challenges to Ekphrastic Poetry: Carol Ann Duffy’s “Standing Female Nude”. Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences,10/2 (November 2013), pp.163–169Challenges to ekphrastic poetry: Carol Ann Duffy’s “Standing Female Nude”*(Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2013-11) Uzundemir, Özlem; 49324; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüEkphrasis rests on the paragone between the sister arts, namely verbal and visual arts, the word and the image. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing in his Laocoön claims that the image is silent and fixed while the literary work is based on voice and action. W. J. T. Mitchell in his Picture Theory enlarges this binary opposition between the word and image in terms of gender roles: the female image versus the male word. The female image is objectified and gazed, while the male author/artist is the subject and the gazer. The poet laureate Carol Ann Duffy’s poem “Standing Female Nude” challenges such binary oppositions by giving voice not to the male artist but to his female model, and by attributing the role of gazing to her. Hence, the aim of this article is to display how Duffy deconstructs the ekphrastic tradition in her poem in order to subvert the domineering relationship between the artist and his modelItem Citation Count: EKİZ, T., (2013). Dehen Altıner’in Sevgili Üniversite romanında kurmaca gerçeklik üzerine. Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10/2 (Kasım 2013), ss.153–162Dehen Altıner’in Sevgili Üniversite romanında kurmaca gerçeklik üzerine(Çankaya University, 2015-12-01) Ekiz, Tevfik; 6769; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüKurmaca ve Gerçeklik kavramları Dehen Altıner’in Sevgili Üniversite romanından hareketle irdelenmiştir. Roman, 1933 yılı Nazi iktidarı sonrası Almanya’dan ve Almanca konuşulan ülkelerden Türkiye’ye gelen ve Türk üniversitelerinin gelişimine katkı sağlayan çoğu Yahudi asıllı göçmen üniversite hocalarının Türk üniversitelerindeki yaşantılarını ve o dönemi konu edinmektedir. Çalışma, romanın kurmaca gerçeklik kavramı temelinde ele alınması gerektiğini amaçlamaktadır. Bir başka deyişle, Yahudi bilim insanlarının ülkemizde yaşadıkları gerçekliklerle, romandaki gerçeklikler arasında koşutluklar kurmaya çalışmanın kurmaca bir uğraş olduğu gösterilmeye çalışılmıştır.Item Citation Count: Bacon, Francis. "EskilerinBilgeliği", Halide Aral. Ankara: Bilge Su Yayıncılık, 2018.Eskilerin Bilgeliği(Bilge Su Yayıncılık, 2018) Aral, Halide; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüEskilerin Bilgeliği'ni Bacon 1609'da yayımlar. Bu kitapta Bacon'ın yaşadığı çağı siyasi ve ahaki bakımdan değerlendirmesi sözkonusudur. Bunu da öylesine ustaca yapmaktadır ki bunlardan hangisinin daha önemli olduğuna karar vermek güçleşiyor. Bacon, siyaset ile ahlakın biraradalığı zorunludur demektedir. Oi bu değerlendirmeleri yaparken de geçmişin mitlerini kullanır. Geçmişin mitlerini örten peçeyi aralar; bunlardaki allegorileri ortaya koymaya çalışır. Bacon Eskilerin Bilgeliği'nde mitolojiyi kullanarak siyaset felsefesiyle ilgili düşündüklerini de kaleme almıştır.Item Citation Count: AKIN, N., (2009). From ‘0’, the Logic of Imagination, to ‘Ground Zero’, the Imagination of Logic: The Enigmas of Wallace Stevens’ ‘Blackbird’ and Current US Action. Çankaya Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Journal of Arts and Sciences, Sayı: 12, pp.1-18From ‘0’, the logic of imagination, to ‘ground zero’, the imagination of logic: the enigmas of Wallace Stevens’ ‘blackbird’ and current US action(Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2009-12) Akın, Nüzhet; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüWallace Stevens has signified ‘the logic of imagination’ in his “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” with the image of the blackbird that is the focal point of many debates. Stevens, the Post-Modern theorist, who rejects the logic derived from universal norms and based on pure and absolute reason, substitutes the power of imagination for it. For him, imagination recreates the objective world by synthesizing it. When perceived, the object, having been nullified, is reinterpreted and attributed meaning through the mechanism of imagination. By this way, man brings order and meaning to the disordered and chaotic universe with the ideas he develops. Therefore, imagination is a plane of reality whereby the object is present through concrete perception and absent through abstract perception. This Post-Modern perception resonates with the angle of perception that is claimed by the US following the incident of ‘the ground zero’ when the towers of the World Trade Center were demolished. In line with this, the twin towers being both present in minds as abstraction and absent as concrete have become a reference point in American National imagination. Taking a leap onward from this point, US has seemed to declare war on international terror. However, in this study, it is put forward that America does not take action with the logic of imagination that is a Post-Modern approach, but with the power of imagination of the US Empire that is a Post-Post-Modern approach. According to this, US international policy makers that accept the references of the Nation State America as absolute and permanent reality have created the concept of virtual reality to fill in the void that has appeared after the towers with democracy, equality, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, American ego, the Church built on the rock and the philosophical logic of the western mind, the composition of virtual myth. This approach is the power of ‘the imagination of logicItem Citation Count: Kırca, M.; Erkılıç, S. (2023). "Gender Performance and Transitivity in Angela Carter’s The Passion of New Eve", Partial Answers, Vol.21, No.1, pp.113-132.Gender Performance and Transitivity in Angela Carter’s The Passion of New Eve(2023-01) Kırca, Mustafa; Erkılıç, Sıla; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Terümanlık BölümüThis study argues that Angela Carter’s The Passion of New Eve, published when the feminist revisionist myth-making movement was influential, is a paradigm-shifting narrative prefiguring the theory of gender as performance, which later gained popularity in the canon of contemporary women’s writing. Like the writer’s other subversive texts, it is a heterodox novel that anticipates the main lines of Judith Butler’s gender theory and provides fictional avatars for subsequent women writers. The key theme in Carter’s fiction is the loss of the sense of the norm regarding known sexual categories and traditional gender boundaries. Accordingly, the paper examines gender identity construction in terms of performativity and gender transitivity in The Passion of New Eve by interrogating the process of Evelyn’s forced sex transformation and Tristessa’s iconic characterization as a Hollywood “beauty queen,” to show how the author questions essentialist conceptions and authenticity of gendered subjectivity through her “self-contradictory” and gender-blurring characters.Item Citation Count: Kırca, Mustafa (2021). "Jeanette Winterson's literalizing metaphors in the passion and sexing the Cherry", NALANS: Journal of Narrative and Language Studies, Vol. 9, No. 16, pp. 85-95.Jeanette Winterson's literalizing metaphors in the passion and sexing the Cherry(2021-06) Kırca, Mustafa; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüThe aim of this study is to analyze Jeanette Winterson's The Passion and Sexing the Cherry in terms of the feminine symbolic the writer creates in her female characters' narratives through a process of literalizing dead metaphors. Using metaphors in their literal sense, a rhetorical pattern which Regina Barreca calls "metaphor-into-narrative," is often deemed a subversive tool in women writers' works to create "laughter". It shows that women writers often use a metaphor in a conflicting context in their comedic works, and thereby stripping language of its symbolic quality. The present study argues that the marginal subject position of Winterson's female characters as "misfits" creates a noticeable difference in their discourses and suggests a move from the symbolic order of language to a feminine symbolic. With the examples from The Passion and Sexing the Cherry, the article studies Winterson's "literalization" to reveal how the writer uses metaphors out of their original contexts not only to create humor but also to destabilize the singular order of language used in historiographic representation by leaving the distinction between what is figurative and what is literal unclear. Winterson's female characters in The Passion and in Sexing the Cherry are also fitting examples for Bakhtin's "Fool" with their resistance to join in the discourse of patriarchy and to understand the habitual ways of conceiving the world. © 2021 Karadeniz Technical University. All rights reserved.Item Citation Count: KARAHAN, F., (2007). Language attitudes of Turkish students towards the English language and its use in Turkish context. Çankaya Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Journal of Arts and Sciences Sayı: 7, pp:73-87Language attitudes of Turkish students towards the English language and its use in Turkish context(Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2007-05) Karahan, Firdevs; 11174; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüLearners, teachers, administrators, and parents complain about why most of Turkish people cannot attain the desired level of proficiency in English. Within the frame of this study, it is assumed that the provocative relation between language attitudes and language learning is a missing point of discussions on the problems of teaching English in Turkey. This study examines the relationship between language attitudes towards the English language and its use in Turkey. The sample included 190 eighth grade students of a private primary school in Adana, Turkey, where English is intensively taught. The questionnaire consisted of two parts: The first part required personal information such as gender, the age when they started to learn English, the place where they started to learn English. The second part asked them about their attitudes towards the English language and their attitudes towards the use of English in Turkish context. Mann Whitney U test and Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient tests were applied. It is found out that although these students are exposed to English in a school environment more frequently than other students at public schools, they have only mildly positive attitudes; especially female students have higher rates. They recognize the importance of the English language but interestingly do not reveal high level orientation towards learning the language. On the other hand, they have mildly positive attitudes towards the English based culture but they are not tolerant to Turkish people speaking English among themselvesItem Citation Count: Kırca, M., "Mapping Cultural Identities and Intersections", Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.1-204, (2018).Mapping Cultural Identities and Intersections(Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018) Kırca, Mustafa; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüItem Citation Count: Botezat, Onorina; Kırca, Mustafa. "Mapping Cultural Identities and Intersections: Imagological Readings", London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 204, 2019.Mapping Cultural Identities and Intersections: Imagological Readings(Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019-12-01) Botezat, Onorina; Kırca, Mustafa; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüItem Citation Count: Kırca, Mustafa (2018), Multicultural Narratives: Traces and Perspectives, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, United Kingdom, p. 201.Multicultural Narratives: Traces and Perspectives(Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018-06-01) Kırca, Mustafa; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık Bölümü (İngilizce)The term ‘multiculturalism’ has been widely quoted to explain and study transnational networks and cultural changes on a global scale. This book focuses on the application of multicultural theories and perspectives in the field of literature and particularly in contemporary narratives. Bringing together ten studies which blur the limits of conventional discourse, and employing an interdisciplinary approach to address research problems using methods and insights borrowed from multiple disciplines, it features theoretical and analytical writings on multiculturalism and its traces in literatures that subvert the essentialist binary frameworks of ethnicity, race, nation and identity in a variety of texts. These include Martin Amis’s The Pregnant Widow, Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day, Salman Rushdie’s Midnights Children and Shame, Hanif Kureishi’s Something to Tell You, J. G. Ballard’s High-Rise, Lady Annie Brassey’s Sunshine and Storm in the East; or, Cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople, and Sir Henry Blount’s A Voyage into the Levant. Approaching theoretical issues concerning multiculturalism from multiple perspectives and looking for its traces in different time periods and genres, this book will be of interest for scholars and researchers working in the fields of literature and cultural studies, as well as students studying in the same fields and the general reader.Item Citation Count: Kırca, Mustafa. (2023). "Postmodern philosophy of history and reading its traces in postcolonial (re)writing", Neohelicon, Vol.50, No.1, pp.397-411.Postmodern philosophy of history and reading its traces in postcolonial (re)writing(2023-06) Kırca, Mustafa; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüPresenting the outlines of the postmodern philosophy of historiography as it shapes the theoretical background for the analysis of the historical novel, this study aims to render that the recent understanding of history and its reconceptualization in decolonizing fictional (re)writings still provides the "re-visionary" stance seen in contemporary postcolonial narratives. After the introduction of postmodern innovations in theoretical and imaginative writing, there has emerged a rather newfangled view of the historical novel and an increasing inclination for narratives that attempt to reimagine historical moments and chronicles they integrate into their fictional worlds to pursue a re-visionary questioning. The critical frameworks of postcolonial historical fiction and speaking subalterns have moved on in postmillennial historical novels and political novels. Considering that postcolonial literary theories and fictional (re)writings attempt to deconstruct homogenous discourses and the Eurocentric (history) writing of the colonizer, it is claimed that, for the sake of textual decolonization, recent works of postcolonial historical writing intersect in several ways with the newfangled view of the historical novel.Item Citation Count: Kırca, Mustafa; Munar,Hazal, "Re- creating the doppelganger in peter ackroyds the casebook of victor frankenstein ", Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, No. 34, pp. 131-142, (2015).Re- creating the doppelganger in peter ackroyds the casebook of victor frankenstein(2015) Kırca, Mustafa; Munar, Hazal; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık Bölümüİngiliz çağdaş romancılarından Peter Ackroyd, Victor Frankensteinin Vaka Defteri (2008) adlı eserinde, Mary Shelleynin 1818de yazdığı ve artık kanon olarak kabul edilen İngilizce adıyla Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus romanını yeniden kaleme alarak gotik eserlerde karşımıza çıkan kötücül ikiz karakterler (doppelganger) yaratma geleneğine yeni bir yorum getirmiştir. Bu kötücül ikiz, Ackroydun eserinde roman kahramanı olan Victor Frankensteinın bastırılmış dürtülerinin bir dışa vurumu olarak kendisini gösterir. Psikolojik sorunları olan kahramanının yaşadıklarının anlatıldığı bir vaka defteri olarak sunulan bu eserinde romancı, post- modern döneme ait gotik cinayet romanı örneği sunmaktadır. Bu yönüyle, Ackroydun romanı gerçek ile kurmaca arasındaki ilişkiyi sorunsallaştırması bakımından günümüz okurunun be klentilerini karşılayan ve bilinen bir öykünün yeniden yorumlanması da olsa özgün kabul edebileceğimiz bir eserdir.Item Citation Count: Rundholz, Adelheid; Kırca, Mustafa (2021). "Reading Rushdie in Translation: Midnight’s Children, Postcolonial Writing/Translation, and Literatures of the World", Translation and Literature, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 332-355.Reading Rushdie in Translation: Midnight’s Children, Postcolonial Writing/Translation, and Literatures of the World(2021-11) Rundholz, Adelheid; Kırca, Mustafa; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüThis article examines translations of Salman Rushdie's second novel, Midnight's Children, into French, German, Italian, and Turkish. Specific examples reveal that while all translators maintain a foreignizing stance toward the source text, their respective target languages and cultures make foreignizing a relative effect, dependent on the target language and target culture's distance from or proximity to the source text/culture. The article also argues that Rushdie's novel fits the notion of literatures of the world, because the translations replicate and also refract the source text in different contexts, thus effectively multiplying a single source novel to become plural in its multiple (language) worlds.Item Citation Count: KOÇ, E., (2006). Rebirth of the Gothic in the Metropolitan Legends. Çankaya Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Journal of Arts and Sciences Say›: 6 / Aralık 2006Rebirth of the gothic in the metropolitan legends(Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2006-12) Koç, Ertuğrul; 6497; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüBu makale onsekizinci yüzyıl gotik roman geleneğinin yirminci yüzyıl grafik roman tarzında yeniden ortaya çıkışını irdelemekte ve gotik edebiyatın büyük sosyal dönüşüm süreçlerinin bir ürünü olduğunu iddia etmektedir. Makale bu tarzın ilk ya da son örnekleri olsun, bu eserlerin kapitalizmin ortaya çıkışı ve insanın bilinç kazanma sürecine paralel giden metaforik göndermeler olduğu değerlendirmesinde bulunmaktadır: Gotik roman tarzının ilk örneklerinde kapitalizm nasıl eleştirilmişse, yirminci yüzyıl grafik romanlarında da kapitalist sistem ve sistemin yarattığı materyalist bireye dolaylı atışar vardır. Sonuçta, bu tarzın örnekleri kapitalist kültüre ait bireyin manevi, ahlaki ve entellektüel boşluğunu dile getirmektedir.Item Citation Count: KOÇ. E., (2006). Rebirth of the gothic in the metropolitan legends. Çankaya Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Journal of Arts and Sciences Sayı: 6, pp.111-125Rebirth of the gothic in the metropolitan legends(Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2006-12) Koç, Ertuğrul; 6497; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüBu makale onsekizinci yüzyıl gotik roman geleneğinin yirminci yüzyıl grafik roman tarzında yeniden ortaya çıkışını irdelemekte ve gotik edebiyatın büyük sosyal dönüşüm süreçlerinin bir ürünü olduğunu iddia etmektedir. Makale bu tarzın ilk ya da son örnekleri olsun, bu eserlerin kapitalizmin ortaya çıkışı ve insanın bilinç kazanma sürecine paralel giden metaforik göndermeler olduğu değerlendirmesinde bulunmaktadır: Gotik roman tarzının ilk örneklerinde kapitalizm nasıl eleştirilmişse, yirminci yüzyıl grafik romanlarında da kapitalist sistem ve sistemin yarattığı materyalist bireye dolaylı atışlar vardır. Sonuçta, bu tarzın örnekleri kapitalist kültüre ait bireyin manevi, ahlaki ve entellektüel boşluğunu dile getirmektedir.Item Citation Count: Kırca, Mustafa, "Salman Rushdie's 'union-byHybridization' and the issue of multiculturality", Multicultural Narratives: Traces and Perspectives, pp.85-104, (2018).Salman Rushdie's 'union-byHybridization' and the issue of multiculturality(Cambridge Scholars, 2018) Kırca, Mustafa; ; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık Bölümü