Mütercim Tercümanlık Bölümü (İngilizce) Yayın Koleksiyonu
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Item Citation Count: Koç, Ertuğrul (2016). "William Beckford's Depiction of the Orientand the Oriental as Infernal in Vathek", Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, No.39, pp.241-255.William Beckford's Depiction of the Orientand the Oriental as Infernal in Vathek(2016) Koç, Ertuğrul; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık Bölümü (İngilizce)Vathek, Abbasi halifelerinden Al-Wathik'in zalim yönetimini konu edinirken, bir yandan da İslam halifeliği ve İslam kültürünü itibarsızlaştırma çabasındadır. Beckford için doğunun egzotik bir cazibesi olsa da, bu dünya aynı zamanda tehditkâr ve tehlikelidir. Eserde, sihir ve büyüyle uğraşan zorba, şeytani hükümdarların tahakkümü altındaki 'iyi' Müslümanlar kuru kalabalık olmaktan öteye gidemezler ve doğunun bu teslimiyetçi kültürel kimliği de Beckford tarafından batıyı tanımlayan 'öteki' şeklinde resmedilir. Eserlerinde Protestan ahlâkını 'çürümüş' Katolik inancına karşı öven geleneksel İngiliz Gotik yazarların aksine batı dilleri ve kültürleriyle tanışık olan Beckford, çok kültürlü Avrupalı bireyden yanadır: Aydınlanma Çağı'nın idealize ettiği bu bireyin şeytani ikizini çıkarmak adına da İslam topraklarının halifesini öfkeli, kibirli, açgözlü, tembel, şehvetli, kıskanç ve obur biri olarak betimler. Beckford'un doğu ve doğulu için çizdiği bu sosyo-kültürel, psikolojik şema da, birinci ve ikinci kuşak romantik şairlerin Beckford'u örnek almaları sebebiyle doğuyu, İslam'ı ve Müslümanlar'ı Beckford gibi çarpıtılmış biçimde tasvir etmelerinin yolunu açmıştırItem Citation Count: Kırca, M. (2013). "The Problematic of Reading Generic Signals in Parodic Discourse", Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich, Vol.56, No.1, pp.9-22.The Problematic of Reading Generic Signals in Parodic Discourse(2013) Kırca, Mustafa; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık Bölümü (İngilizce)The aim of this study is to analyze the double-function of generic signals in double-voiced discourse of parody which involves by its nature the parodied and the parodying voices simultaneously. The paper claims that generic signals, which are supposed to be working mostly at an unconscious level to create a generic context for the reader in interpreting a text, become double-voiced by the parodist’s manipulation and work at a conscious level. It is common that the parody writer barrows and appropriates generic signals of the genre he parodies to indicate the parodied genre and also his departure from this genre. Parodic intentions become palpable immediately with the „parodic stylization” — to use Bakhtin’s term — of the generic signals, which brings about the Bakhtinian refraction of the authorial voice in parody. Since the parody writer intentionally appropriates the speech of the prodied genre, authorial refractions become clearer in parodic discourse. Through studying such refractions with a particular emphasis on genre parodies and specific examples from Cervantes’ Don Quijote, the present study argues that generic signals in parodic discourse assume the double-function of signaling the parodied genre and the parodying voice simultaneously. In order to show how generic signals assume a highly communicative function in parody, this study focuses on texts where the author parodies not a single writer and a single work, but a whole genre with its conventions. As a genre parody which aims for the governing discourse behind the genre it imitates, Cervantes’ Don Quijote produce significant examples that the double-function of generic signals can be seen explicitly through the authorial refractions in the text.Item Citation Count: Kırca, Mustafa. (2023). "Postmodern philosophy of history and reading its traces in postcolonial (re)writing", Neohelicon, Vol.50, No.1, pp.397-411.Postmodern philosophy of history and reading its traces in postcolonial (re)writing(2023-06) Kırca, Mustafa; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüPresenting the outlines of the postmodern philosophy of historiography as it shapes the theoretical background for the analysis of the historical novel, this study aims to render that the recent understanding of history and its reconceptualization in decolonizing fictional (re)writings still provides the "re-visionary" stance seen in contemporary postcolonial narratives. After the introduction of postmodern innovations in theoretical and imaginative writing, there has emerged a rather newfangled view of the historical novel and an increasing inclination for narratives that attempt to reimagine historical moments and chronicles they integrate into their fictional worlds to pursue a re-visionary questioning. The critical frameworks of postcolonial historical fiction and speaking subalterns have moved on in postmillennial historical novels and political novels. Considering that postcolonial literary theories and fictional (re)writings attempt to deconstruct homogenous discourses and the Eurocentric (history) writing of the colonizer, it is claimed that, for the sake of textual decolonization, recent works of postcolonial historical writing intersect in several ways with the newfangled view of the historical novel.Item Citation Count: Koç, Ertuğrul. The Victorians and the novelists: from Dickens to Hardy. Barış Platin, p. 242, 2010.The Victorians and the novelists: from Dickens to Hardy(Barış Platin, 2010) Koç, Ertuğrul; 6497; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüItem Citation Count: Aral, Halide. (2008). "İçbütünlük Sorunu ve Modern Politik Ahlak", Çankaya Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi,Journal of Arts and Sciences, No.10, pp.11-17.İçbütünlük Sorunu ve Modern Politik Ahlak(2008-12) Aral, Halide; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüBu makale, modern politik ahlakın içbütünlük erdemini dışlamasını ve yozlaşmasını Machiavelli’nin faydacı politik felsefesine; Sorokin’in deyimiyle, Duyumcul üstkültüre ve Schubart’ın deyimiyle, Prometheuscu kültüre bağlar. Makalenin amacı, ilkeliliği ve dürüstlüğü politikanın jargonundan tümüyle çıkaran güç politikasının aksine, içbütünlük erdeminin politik ahlakın merkezine yerleştirilmesinin gereğini savunmaktır.Item Citation Count: Koç, Ertuğrul. Birth of the English novel, Ankara: Çankaya University Publications, 2005.Birth of the English novel(Çankaya University Publications, 2005) Koç, Ertuğrul; 6497; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüItem Citation Count: Ekiz, Tevfik. (2018). "Emine Sevgi Özdamar’ın Eserlerinde “Sol”", Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları, No.28, pp.131-147.Emine Sevgi Özdamar’ın Eserlerinde “Sol”(2018) Ekiz, Tevfik; 6769; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık Bölümü (İngilizce)Emine Sevgi Özdamar, Almanya’da yaşayan ve ağırlıklı olarak Almanca eserler veren bir Türk yazardır. Eserleri Almanya’da, “Göçmen Edebiyatı” kapsamında ele alınmaktadır. Özellikle dil kullanımı yönüyle Alman okur kitlesinin beğenisini kazanan ve çok sayıda edebî ödüle değer görülen Emine Sevgi Özdamar’ın eserleri büyük oranda otobiyografik izler taşır. Bilindiği üzere tarih, roman kurgusunda başvurulan kaynakların başında gelmektedir. Emine Sevgi Özdamar da romanlarında Türk ve Alman tarihine ilişkin çok sayıda toplumsal ve tarihsel olaya yer verir. Bütün bu olayların aktarımında “sol”, bir kurgu ögesi olmanın dışında yer tutar. Bu çalışmada Emine Sevgi Özdamar’ın Hayat Bir Kervansaray İki Kapısı Var Birinden Girdim Birinden Çıktım, Haliçli Köprü ve Tuhaf Yıldızlar Dünyaya BakıyorlaItem Citation Count: Ekiz, T. (2021). "Eın Rezeptıonsversuch Von Thomas Manns Roman 'Der Zauberberg' In Der Corona-Pandemıe", Alman Dili Ve Kültürü Araştırmaları Dergisi, Vol.3, No.5, pp.67-77.Eın Rezeptıonsversuch Von Thomas Manns Roman 'Der Zauberberg' In Der Corona-Pandemıe(2021) Ekiz, Tevfik; 6769; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık Bölümü (İngilizce)The semi-autobiographical novel "Der Zauberberg" (The Magic Mountain) was published in 1924 by Thomas Mann as a "satire" and "humorous byproduct" of his work "Death in Venice". It provides an example, as so often in his novels, of the narrative techniques of the Bildungsroman (novel of personal development), and may be understood through a variety of interpretative approaches. In this work Thomas Mann deals intensively with the concepts of health and illness, and indeed life and death, which are issues highly relevant to mankind during the Corona pandemic. In the work the protagonist Hans Castorp, who has just finished his engineering qualifications, intends to make an educational journey and a three-week visit to his ill cousin in a Davos sanatorium for patients with lung disease, but ends up being diagnosed with tuberculosis and staying for seven years. In this article his observations in the sanatorium are placed in relation to the present Corona pandemic. An attempt will be made to show that an understanding of psychoanalysis and the pandemic, as well as of illness and death, should be the means to self-knowledge. Focusing on Sigmund Freud’s approach, which assumes that human behaviour cannot be explained without reference to unconscious processes, the study gives examples from the novel. It concludes with an appeal that mankind should hold on to life, in the midst of this unforeseen Corona pandemic, and never give up hope.Item Citation Count: Ekiz, T. (2007). "Alımlama Estetiği mi Metinlerarasılık mı?", Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol.47, No.2, pp.119-127.Alımlama Estetiği mi Metinlerarasılık mı?(2007) Ekiz, Tevfik; 6769; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercumanlık (İngilizce) BölümüEdebî metinlerin yorumlanma ve çözümlenmesinde yazar ya da metin merkezli çözümleme çalışmalarına karşı olarak, alımlama estetiği kuramı “okur”u alımlayıcıyı birincil konumda tutmaktadır. Metinlerin, öncel metinlerle Prätext bağıntı içerisinde olduğu anlayışından hareket eden ve bu bağıntıyı inceleyen metinlerarasılık kuramı da aynı şekilde “okur” merkezlidir. Okur, metin içerisinde çok çeşitli türlerde karşımıza çıkan ilişkileri, bağıntıları açığa çıkarmak durumundadır. Alımlama estetiği kuramcılarına göre; pasif alımlayıcı konumundan aktif, anlam üreten alımlayıcı konumuna geçiş, metinlerdeki boşlukların doldurulmasıyla, somutlanmasıyla mümkündür. Tüm metinlerin birbirleriyle örüntü içerisinde olduğu temel görüşünden hareket eden metinlerarasılık kuramına göre de, bu örüntüyü açığa çıkarmaya çalışmak, metinlerin anlamlandırılma ve yorumlanmasının temelini oluşturmaktadır.Item Citation Count: Jakobson, Roman (2021). "Çevirinin dilbilimsel yönleri üzerine", çeviren: Bal, Evren; Kırca, Mustafa, WLS, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 64-72.Çevirinin dilbilimsel yönleri üzerine(2021-06) Jakobson, Roman; Bal, Evren; Kırca, Mustafa; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüItem Citation Count: Kırca, M. (2022). "(Western)Word / (Eastern)Image in My Name is Red: An Imagological Reading of Orhan Pamuk’s Ekphrastic Reimagination", Ordu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, Vol.12, No.1, pp.33-42.(Western)Word / (Eastern)Image in My Name is Red: An Imagological Reading of Orhan Pamuk’s Ekphrastic Reimagination(2022-03-29) Kırca, Mustafa; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercumanlık Bölümü(İngilizce)This article aims to read Orhan Pamuk’s My Name is Red as an ekphrastic reimagination and the “imagetext” in which the visual representation is the object of the novelist’s verbal account of the sixteenth century miniature art and Renaissance perspectival painting shown in a diabolic opposition. Ekphrasis as the leading mode is also realized in the novel through incorporating certain figures and images from Ottoman and Persian miniatures as character narrators who in turn bring forth their individual comments on specific drawings in particular and on art’s relation to reality in general. In this new paradigm of the copresence of word and image in the novel, we are told the Frankish style of perspective is deemed closer to the outer reality than Islamic miniature, whereas miniature illustrations are intended to represent meaning rather than distinct objects themselves. The East-West dichotomy reshapes itself on a metaphorical level in Pamuk’s imagetext, suggesting imagological readings through this binarism between the two forms of the visual arts and their opposing ways of seeing and depicting the outer reality. The dynamic between the “self-image” defining the domestic, national identity and the “hetero-image” which typifies “the so-called Europeans” is reworked in My Name is Red on the very basis of the same conflict between the two dominant art forms.Item Citation Count: Ekiz, T. (2007). "Avrupa Türk Edebiyat› ve bir temsilcisi: Emine Sevgi Özdamar", Cankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences, Vol.1, No.7, pp.33-47.Avrupa Türk Edebiyat› ve bir temsilcisi: Emine Sevgi Özdamar(2007-08-01) Ekiz, Tevfik; 6769; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüAlmanya’da yaşayan ve Almanca yazan Türk kökenli yazarlarımızın edebi ürünlerinin nasıl sınıflandırılacakları ve hangi edebiyata dahil edilecekleri konusu Türk ve Alman edebiyatbilimcilerini meşgul etmiştir. Bugüne kadar genellikle “göçmen edebiyatı” kullanılmasına karşın, herkesin üzerinde uzlaştığı bir tanımlama hâlâ yapılamamıştır. Söz konusu edebiyatın bu çalışmada “Avrupa Türk Edebiyatı” olarak tanımlanmasının doğru olacağı görüşü, bu edebiyatın temsilcilerinden Emine Sevgi Özdamar’ın eserlerinden hareketle önerilmektedir; çünkü, onun tüm eserlerinde belirleyici öge Türk Kültürü’ dürItem Citation Count: Akat, B.; Kümbül, T. (2023). "Page or Stage? A Comparative Study on the Two Turkish Versions of Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest", Akdeniz İnsani Bilimler Dergisi, Vol.13, pp.1-13.Page or Stage? A Comparative Study on the Two Turkish Versions of Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest(2023-06-30) Akat, Bülent; Kümbül, Tuba; 18404; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Terümanlık BölümüTranslation of theatre texts differs from other kinds of translations in certain ways. In translation, dramatic works can be treated either as texts to be read or as texts that can readily be turned into scripts for theatrical performance. Within this context, this study aims to compare and contrast the Turkish versions of Oscar Wilde’s play The Importance of Being Earnest produced by two translators -Murat Erşen (Ciddi Olmanın Önemi) and Can Yücel (Maksat Samimiyet)- within the framework of the key concepts of drama: readability, speakability, and performability. In this article, extracts selected from the original play and its two translations have been analyzed in the light of Susan Bassnett's strategies of theatre translation. Especially, two of the five strategies proposed -translation for the printed page and translation for stage- form the basis of this study. A comparative analysis of the excerpts has demonstrated that Murat Erşen generally adopted a source-oriented approach while Can Yücel favored a target-oriented translation In fact, Erşen’s translation looks as if it was intended to be read, whereas Yücel’s translation lends itself better to stage performance.Item Citation Count: Koç, Ertuğrul; Atcan Altan, Neslihan (2014). "Fear and Wish-fulfilling Flights of Fancy: Walpole’s Nightmare of Class Conflict and the Restoration of Aristocracy in The Castle of Otranto", Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich, Vol. 57, No. 1.Fear and Wish-fulfilling Flights of Fancy: Walpole’s Nightmare of Class Conflict and the Restoration of Aristocracy in The Castle of Otranto(2014) Koç, Ertuğrul; Atcan Altan, Neslihan; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık Bölümü (İngilizce)This article discusses The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole as the first gothic work dramatizing, through the theme of “usurpation”, the emergence of the new but “greedy” bourgeoisie in England in the eighteenth century as a threat against the long-established, and from Walpole’s perspective, “divinely ordered” aristocratic system. Au fait with the worries and expectations of aristocracy, for he is the son of Robert Walpole (the first Prime Minister of England), and a member of nobility and the Parliament, Walpole, in his work, cannot help defending the established system against the emerging bourgeois paradigm. In the article, Walpole’s concern with the chaotic state of his country, which he reveals through building a devastating class conflict in Otranto, will be analyzed with the help of biographical, historical, and Marxist approaches. Finally, by referring to the Freudian theory of “wish-fulfillment through dreams”, Walpole’s solution for the conflict will be shown to be a self-gratifying one, satisfying the author’s aristocratic selfItem Citation Count: Kırca, M.; Erkılıç, S. (2023). "Gender Performance and Transitivity in Angela Carter’s The Passion of New Eve", Partial Answers, Vol.21, No.1, pp.113-132.Gender Performance and Transitivity in Angela Carter’s The Passion of New Eve(2023-01) Kırca, Mustafa; Erkılıç, Sıla; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Terümanlık BölümüThis study argues that Angela Carter’s The Passion of New Eve, published when the feminist revisionist myth-making movement was influential, is a paradigm-shifting narrative prefiguring the theory of gender as performance, which later gained popularity in the canon of contemporary women’s writing. Like the writer’s other subversive texts, it is a heterodox novel that anticipates the main lines of Judith Butler’s gender theory and provides fictional avatars for subsequent women writers. The key theme in Carter’s fiction is the loss of the sense of the norm regarding known sexual categories and traditional gender boundaries. Accordingly, the paper examines gender identity construction in terms of performativity and gender transitivity in The Passion of New Eve by interrogating the process of Evelyn’s forced sex transformation and Tristessa’s iconic characterization as a Hollywood “beauty queen,” to show how the author questions essentialist conceptions and authenticity of gendered subjectivity through her “self-contradictory” and gender-blurring characters.Item Citation Count: Rundholz, Adelheid; Kırca, Mustafa (2021). "Reading Rushdie in Translation: Midnight’s Children, Postcolonial Writing/Translation, and Literatures of the World", Translation and Literature, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 332-355.Reading Rushdie in Translation: Midnight’s Children, Postcolonial Writing/Translation, and Literatures of the World(2021-11) Rundholz, Adelheid; Kırca, Mustafa; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüThis article examines translations of Salman Rushdie's second novel, Midnight's Children, into French, German, Italian, and Turkish. Specific examples reveal that while all translators maintain a foreignizing stance toward the source text, their respective target languages and cultures make foreignizing a relative effect, dependent on the target language and target culture's distance from or proximity to the source text/culture. The article also argues that Rushdie's novel fits the notion of literatures of the world, because the translations replicate and also refract the source text in different contexts, thus effectively multiplying a single source novel to become plural in its multiple (language) worlds.Item Citation Count: Kırca, Mustafa (2021). "Jeanette Winterson's literalizing metaphors in the passion and sexing the Cherry", NALANS: Journal of Narrative and Language Studies, Vol. 9, No. 16, pp. 85-95.Jeanette Winterson's literalizing metaphors in the passion and sexing the Cherry(2021-06) Kırca, Mustafa; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüThe aim of this study is to analyze Jeanette Winterson's The Passion and Sexing the Cherry in terms of the feminine symbolic the writer creates in her female characters' narratives through a process of literalizing dead metaphors. Using metaphors in their literal sense, a rhetorical pattern which Regina Barreca calls "metaphor-into-narrative," is often deemed a subversive tool in women writers' works to create "laughter". It shows that women writers often use a metaphor in a conflicting context in their comedic works, and thereby stripping language of its symbolic quality. The present study argues that the marginal subject position of Winterson's female characters as "misfits" creates a noticeable difference in their discourses and suggests a move from the symbolic order of language to a feminine symbolic. With the examples from The Passion and Sexing the Cherry, the article studies Winterson's "literalization" to reveal how the writer uses metaphors out of their original contexts not only to create humor but also to destabilize the singular order of language used in historiographic representation by leaving the distinction between what is figurative and what is literal unclear. Winterson's female characters in The Passion and in Sexing the Cherry are also fitting examples for Bakhtin's "Fool" with their resistance to join in the discourse of patriarchy and to understand the habitual ways of conceiving the world. © 2021 Karadeniz Technical University. All rights reserved.Item Citation Count: Akat, Bülent (2020). "An interpretive approach to translation: Can Yücel’s translation of The Great Gatsby", RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, No. 19, pp. 859-875.An interpretive approach to translation: Can Yücel’s translation of The Great Gatsby(2020) Akat, Bülent; 18404; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüThis study is concerned with an analysis of Can Yücel’s translation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby into Turkish -Muhteşem Gatsby- in the light of the Interpretive Theory at large and Jean Delisle’s translation procedures (Expansion and Economy) in particular. In his rendering of the novel, the translator adopted a strategy based on conceptualizing the ‘sense’ behind the source-text message through the process of deverbalization, and then reformulating that message by using a language that sounds quite familiar to the target reader. Instead of establishing equivalences merely at linguistic level, the translator used his linguistic and extra-linguistic knowledge to extract the explicit and implicit sense behind the source-text message, and then re-expressing that sense through the discourse of the receptor culture. This is a strategy intended to achieve textual and contextual equivalences rather than finding out correspondences at lexical and phrasal level. Based on these considerations, in this article, exemplary extracts selected from the target text were analyzed with a view to showing that the strategies employed in the rendering of the novel involve features that reflect the basic tenets of the Interpretive Theory. Within this framework, an attempt was made to illustrate that these strategies lend themselves well to the application of Delisle’s translation procedures, yielding results that confirm their relevance to the analysis of Can Yücel’s translation of the novel.Item Citation Count: Botezat, Onorina; Kırca, Mustafa. "Mapping Cultural Identities and Intersections: Imagological Readings", London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 204, 2019.Mapping Cultural Identities and Intersections: Imagological Readings(Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019-12-01) Botezat, Onorina; Kırca, Mustafa; 33693; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim Tercümanlık BölümüItem Citation Count: Yağız, Oktay; Yiğiter, Kemalettin; Büyükkantarcıoğlu, Nalan (2020). "The Affective Domains in L2 Writing Research in Terms of Causality and Correlation: A Scoping Review", Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 147-162.The Affective Domains in L2 Writing Research in Terms of Causality and Correlation: A Scoping Review(2020) Yağız, Oktay; Yiğiter, Kemalettin; Büyükkantarcıoğlu, Nalan; 5837; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Matematik BölümüThis scoping review aimed at reviewing the research into the affective issues in L2 writing in terms of causality and correlation and to find out any gaps for further studies. Scoping reviews are recognized as useful studies for meta-analyses since they display value and inadequacy in a research theme. Results showed that relevant research focused on writing anxiety and tended to ignore other affective variables The studies often used quantitative research designs. Causal and correlational research supports that affective constraints negatively affect writing achievement. Correlational studies concluded that there is a negative correlation between the impact of these affective variables, writing performance and process. The need of piloting, different and larger participant groups was also highlighted.
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