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Book Part Citation Count: Tosçu, Saliha. "A review of research on telecollaboration in english as a foreign and second language learning contexts", Telecollaboration Applications in Foreign Language Classrooms, pp.1-22, (2023).A review of research on telecollaboration in english as a foreign and second language learning contexts(2023) Tosçu, Saliha; 19287This review intends to classify features, research purposes, methodologies, impacts, and limitations concerning telecollaboration in English as a foreign and second language education. The preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA) method was utilized for the review. The main conclusions drawn from the analysis of the results showed that telecollaboration projects primarily involved bicultural groups of participants, the majority of the studies were conducted with the participation of language users at the tertiary level, the scope of research in most of the studies was based on the investigation of cultural awareness and the development of intercultural communicative competence, the methodology sections of the studies mostly involved qualitative research methods, the communication mode between/among the participants was asynchronous in most of the research, and telecollaboration projects present various benefits in EFL and ESL settings.Article Citation Count: Toscu, Saliha (2019). "An analysis of preservice English language teachers’ awareness of spelling rules and variations in pronunciation of possessive case", Turkish Studies - Educational Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 3439-3452.An analysis of preservice English language teachers’ awareness of spelling rules and variations in pronunciation of possessive case(2019) Toscu, Saliha; 19287This study primarily aimed to reveal what extent Turkish preservice English Language Teaching (ELT) teachers were aware of the spelling rules and pronunciation variations of the possessive case in English. The study involved the voluntary participation of ten undergraduate senior students in the department of ELT at a state university in Turkey. Based on a one group pretest posttest research design, the study investigated whether there were any changes in the participants’ awareness of the spelling rules and pronunciation variations of the possessive case after a remedial teaching designed to increase the participants’ awareness. The data were collected by the means of quantitative methods and analyzed employing non-parametric tests on the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 17.0 due to the small sample size in the study. The findings showed that the spelling and pronunciation of possessive case might be problematic for the pre-service ELT teachers, yet that the problems are likely to be overcome through the class instruction which is designed intentionally to increase the pre-service teachers’ awareness. The findings from the current study give a valuable insight into the necessity of attention on the instruction of spelling and pronunciation awareness for the preservice ELT teachers.Article Citation Count: Toscu, Saliha; Erten, İsmail Hakkı (2020). "Developing intercultural communicative competence by the means of telecollaboration", Education and Information Technologies, pp. 4517-4534.Developing intercultural communicative competence by the means of telecollaboration(2020) Toscu, Saliha; Erten, İsmail Hakkı; 19287This paper presents the results of an eight-week quasi-experimental study of English as a foreign language (EFL) learners at the tertiary level in Turkey. The purpose of the study was to reveal the extent to which EFL learners’ intercultural communicative competence (ICC) was enhanced as a result of communication with native and non-native speakers of English with the means of a/synchronous communication tools as compared with the instruction given in a real classroom setting. The data were gathered using a variety of distinct means that entailed questionnaires administered before and after the treatment, weekly reflection papers to explore the participants’ thoughts about experience, and semi-structured interviews held after the treatment. All the data were analysed with the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0 and Maximum Analysis of Qualitative Data (MAXQDA 10) software. The findings evidenced that telecollaboration had a positive impact on the participants’ intercultural communicative competence. The study explicates the benefit of telecollaboration for developing learners’ ICC over classroom instruction and underpins the necessity of integration of telecollaboration into language learning programs for educators, planners and institutions.Article Citation Count: Toscu, S. (2021). "Englısh As A Medıum Of Instructıon: From Academıc Staff’s Perspectıve", Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol.21, No.4, pp.1230-1244.Englısh As A Medıum Of Instructıon: From Academıc Staff’s Perspectıve(2021) Toscu, Saliha; 19287This study reveals Turkish academic staff’s opinions about English as a medium of instruction at the university level. A survey was given to 30 participants whose titles ranged from research assistants to associate professors working at different universities. In the study, the academic staff’s opinions about the benefits of EMI from global aspects, its effects on learning and teaching processes, its impact on the national identity, language, and development, and also the discrepancy between the language of instruction and work-life were examined. Additionally, the study reveals the differences in the academic staff’s opinions depending on gender, title, medium of instruction in education, and working in private or public institutions. The data were analyzed by quantitative methods. The findings showed a) a difference between male and female participants in their opinions regarding the effect of EMI on national concepts such as national language, identity; b) that the participants educated in EMI were more positive about the benefits of EMI for its global aspects and its effects on learning and teaching processes; c) that the participants’opinons differed from each other in national concepts as well as learning and teaching processes when the titles were analyzed; d) that the participants agreed on the possibility of a mismatch between the workplace and school due to the language of instruction e) and finally a difference between academic staff working in state institutions and private institutions revealing the academic staff in state institutions were more positive about the impact of EMI on learning and teaching processes.Article Citation Count: Tosçu, Saliha. (2021). "English As A Medium Of Instruction: From Academic Staff’s Perspective", Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol.21, No.4, pp.1230-1244.English As A Medium Of Instruction: From Academic Staff’s Perspective(2021) Tosçu, Saliha; 19287This study reveals Turkish academic staff’s opinions about English as a medium of instruction at the university level. A survey was given to 30 participants whose titles ranged from research assistants to associate professors working at different universities. In the study, the academic staff’s opinions about the benefits of EMI from global aspects, its effects on learning and teaching processes, its impact on the national identity, language, and development, and also the discrepancy between the language of instruction and work-life were examined. Additionally, the study reveals the differences in the academic staff’s opinions depending on gender, title, medium of instruction in education, and working in private or public institutions. The data were analyzed by quantitative methods. The findings showed a) a difference between male and female participants in their opinions regarding the effect of EMI on national concepts such as national language, identity; b) that the participants educated in EMI were more positive about the benefits of EMI for its global aspects and its effects on learning and teaching processes; c) that the participants’opinons differed from each other in national concepts as well as learning and teaching processes when the titles were analyzed; d) that the participants agreed on the possibility of a mismatch between the workplace and school due to the language of instruction e) and finally a difference between academic staff working in state institutions and private institutions revealing the academic staff in state institutions were more positive about the impact of EMI on learning and teaching processes.Article Citation Count: Tosçu, S. (2023). "Exploring classroom interaction in online education", Education And Information Technologies.Exploring classroom interaction in online education(2023) Tosçu, Saliha; 19287This present study explores the nature and extent of classroom interaction in online English as a foreign language (EFL) classes at the university level. Based on an exploratory research design, the study involved the analysis of recordings of seven visits to online EFL classes given by different instructors with approximately 30 language learners in each class. The data were analyzed by using the Communicative Oriented Language Teaching (COLT) observation sheets. Findings provided an understanding of the interaction patterns in the online classes, by showing that there was more teacher-student interaction in online classes compared to student-student interaction, and the classes involved more sustained teacher speech, whereas the students' speech mostly encompassed ultra-minimal utterance patterns. Also, the findings showed that group work activities fell behind individual activities in online classes. In addition, the online classes observed in the present study were found to be instruction-focused, and discipline issues reflected on the language used by the teachers were found to be at a minimum level. Besides, the study presented a detailed analysis of teacher and student verbal interaction by unveiling that rather than form-related incorporations, message-related incorporations were common in the observed classes and the teachers commented on the students' utterances and expanded what they said mostly. The study brings some implications for teachers, curriculum planners, and administrators by providing insights regarding classroom interaction in online EFL classes.Article Citation Count: Toscu,Saliha. (2019). "Instructors’ Awareness of the Syntactic and Morphological Differences between British and American English", International e-Journal of Educational Studies, Vol.3, No.6, pp.116-127.Instructors’ Awareness of the Syntactic and Morphological Differences between British and American English(2019) Toscu, Saliha; 19287This study explores Turkish English as a foreign language (EFL) instructors’ awareness of the syntactic and morphological variation in British English (BrE) and American English (AmE). The data were collected through a survey which was administered to 38 EFL instructors working at preparatory schools of different universities. The participants were asked to analyze 49 sentence-pairs in the survey to decide whether given sentences were correct or incorrect. The results indicated a) that the participants were better at recognizing the morphology and syntax of BrE than AmE, b) that of all the participants, the ones who were exposed to both varieties were better at recognizing the different uses of the syntactic and morphological forms in BrE and AmE than the ones exposing to the forms only in one variety, c) that the departments the participants graduated from did not have an impact on the recognition of the differences between BrE and AmE in syntax and morphology.Article Citation Count: Toscu, Saliha (2020). "What Factors do Learners Attribute to Their Speaking Achievement?", European Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, Vol. 4, No. 4.What Factors do Learners Attribute to Their Speaking Achievement?(2020) Toscu, Saliha; 19287This study aims to explore the factors affecting speaking achievement of language learners who were studying at an English preparatory school at the university level in Turkey. The study involved the participation of 131 language learners who had intermediate level of English proficiency. The participants were chosen using convenience sampling and took part in the study on a voluntary basis. The instrument used to collect data basically had two parts. The first part involved Language Achievement Attribution Scale (LAAS) developed by Hsieh (2004), which aimed to reveal the reasons which the participants attributed to their speaking scores. The second part included Attitude/ Motivation Test Battery questionnaire (on a 5-point Likert scale) developed by Gardner (1985), which revealed the participants’ attitudes towards language learning, integrative and instrumental motivation, interest in foreign language and speaking anxiety. The data were analyzed on the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and it was found that there was no statistically significant effect of motivation on language learners’ speaking achievement, but speaking anxiety influenced it. In addition, the study showed that there were differences among the participants in the reasons they attributed to their speaking success depending on how motivated and anxious they were.