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Article Citation Count: Celebi, Gulser; Paltun, Serpil; Gultekin, Arzuhan Burcu, "A Literature Survey on Integration of Wind Energy and Formal Structure of Buildings at Urban Scale", Proceedings Of 3rd International Sustainable Buildings Symposium (ISBS 2017), VOL 2, 7, pp. 36-52, (2018).A Literature Survey on Integration of Wind Energy and Formal Structure of Buildings at Urban Scale(Springer International Publishing AG, 2018) Paltun, Serpil; Gültekin, Arzuhan Burcu; Çelebi, Gülser; 2919Providing the needed and indispensable steady, quality and safe energy is one of the most important issues today. Wind energy is one of the most important renewable energy source. Wind energy has found uses much more in water pumping and obtaining electricity in rural areas until last years. Today, wind energy has taken its place in the energy sector as an alternative source of energy production. High-density building arrays within a city, the combination of indoor and outdoor spaces with different purposes effect wind flow and acceptable wind comfort. In urban areas, wind energy and wind comfort are important requirements. Not only in new urbanisation areas but also for existing urban areas and city centers acceptable wind comfort plays an important role among and around buildings. When viewed from this angle, the aim of this study is enlightening the building aerodynamics, wind effect and wind energy in urban environment, and also giving information about how to analyze the wind comfort and design criteria in dense urban areas.Article Citation Count: Çelebi, Gülser; Tuna, Merve; Veer, Frederic (2016). "Assessment of the energy savings and CO2 emissions reduction of glass structures through alternative demolition scenarios", Glass Structures and Engineerin, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 435-449.Assessment of the energy savings and CO2 emissions reduction of glass structures through alternative demolition scenarios(2016) Çelebi, Gülser; Tuna, Merve; Veer, Frederic; 2919Glass is a material that has been significantly increasing its role in architecture in recent decades. Although glass is a material that can survive long, as can be seen from the archaeological pieces in many museums, in practice the glass structures that built nowadays have a finite life time. A notorious case is the original New York Apple Cube, which was removed and replaced within several years of original completion.Whatever the eventual lifetime of the structure, there will be a point where the structure needs to be demolished. This introduces critical questions about the relation between ecological impact and the demolition methods and procedure. This paper looks at the eco-impact of different end of life scenarios of glass structures, using the Haarlem glass cube as a well-documented example to determine the differences between various ends of life scenarios.Book Part Citation Count: Çelebi, Gülser. "Çevre Dostu Yaklaşım: Sürdürülebilir Mimarlık", in Yaşamın Her Karesinde Toprak, İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2017, pp. 47-74.Çevre Dostu Yaklaşım: Sürdürülebilir Mimarlık(İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2017) Çelebi, Gülser; 2919Sürdürülebilirlik, çevre ile ilişki içinde olan disiplinler için “yaşam”ı ifade eder. Tüm varlıklar ekosistem adı verilen holistik bütünlük içindedirler. Ekosistem canlı organizmalar, insan toplulukları ve inorganik varlıklardan meydana gelir. Ekosistemdeki bu varlıklara sürdürülebilir yapılı çevreler tasarlamak ve üretmek ise her disiplinin sorumluluğu altındadır. Mimarlık bir dizi ilişkili eylemler ve süreçlerle çevreyi etkiler. Bir bina inşa edildikten sonra çevre ile uzun süreli etkileşim içine girer. Bu bağlamda, sürdürülebilir tasarımın amacı çevreyi güvence altına alarak, insanların sağlık ve güvenliğini sağlayan mimari çözümler bulmaktır. Bu araştırma da mimarlık disiplini ile doğrudan ilişkili olan, çevre ile dost tasarımda etkin olan faktörleri ve stratejileri analiz etmek üzere ele alınmıştır. Çalışma bir literatür araştırmasıdır ve ilgili alanlarda farklı disiplinlere göndermeler yapılarak içerik düzenlenmiştir. Bu bağlamda, kavramsal bir metod çerçevesinde sürdürülebilir mimarlıkta İlkeler, Stratejiler, Başarma Yolları ve Yöntemler başlıklarıyla irdelenmektedir.Book Part Citation Count: Çelebi, Gülser. "Energy Efficient Building Design Ana-Maria Dabija in Design Strategies for Green/Energy-Efficient Building Design: An Apartment Building in the Gaziantep Project", Switzerland: Springer, pp. 219-231, 2020.Energy Efficient Building Design Ana-Maria Dabija(Springer, 2020) Çelebi, Gülser; Yazıcıoğlu, Mine; Tunçer, Mehmet; 2919The aim of this study is to introduce the energy-efficient architectural design strategies of a project which has been supported by the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. This project has not yet been implemented, and the construction process and material choices have not been finalized. Nevertheless, it was considered important to share the design strategies and decisions. The location of the project is in Gaziantep City. The city is located in the southern part of Turkey. Some parts of the province, situated at the transition point of the Mediterranean and continental climate, are influenced by the Mediterranean climate. However, in general, summers are extremely hot and dry, and the winters are cold and rainy. Rare precipitation is most common in winter and spring. In the project, both in planning and architectural designing, the climatic and environment conditions were considered as a basic guider. Five principles were used in the design approach: “green/energy-efficient”, “buildings with identity”, “smart”, “safety”, and “human oriented”. For every principle, different strategies have been analysed and studied. In this study, only the design decisions for a green/energy-efficient building will be presented. While considering the principles and design decisions, strategies will be explained with references from scientific studies. In the green/energy-efficient design approach, the decisions transferred to the physical environment focused on the use of “passive systems”, “active systems”, and “resource conservation and local material use”. In passive solar system, principles such as “natural ventilation and wind control”, “sun control and natural daylighting”, “green roof”, and “envelope design and insulation” are considered and analysed. Solar heating is preferred during heating periods, and wind energy is preferred during cooling periods. Active solar systems were used during the seasons when the requirements were not met. Among the renewable energy sources, it is deemed appropriate to produce electricity from the sun (PV), which is the easiest way to reach and use alternative energy sources. Sun collectors in water heating were used. Also, these systems are integrated into the buildings. The basic approaches that affect the environmental performance of the building are to use local materials and to read the topography and microclimate conditions correctly. One of the most important factors affecting the shaping of the traditional buildings is the surrounding resources. In the construction of buildings, to use materials with the most sustainable resources available in the environment was proposed. Within the context of the principles and strategies mentioned above, projects have been prepared for buildings with different functions. Four- to five-storey apartments, detached houses, religious buildings, educational buildings, cultural centre, health centre, and traditional shopping malls were designed, which are related to planning and landscape principles. In this study, an apartment building will be presented with visual materials from project.Article Citation Count: Kayılı, Merve Tuna; Çelebi, Gülser (2021). "ENVIRONMENTAL PROPERTIES OF ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS: RECYCLED LDPE COMPOSITES FILLED BY BLAST FURNACE DUST", Journal of Green Building, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 135-153.ENVIRONMENTAL PROPERTIES OF ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS: RECYCLED LDPE COMPOSITES FILLED BY BLAST FURNACE DUST(2021) Kayılı, Merve Tuna; Çelebi, Gülser; 2919This study focused on creating a sustainable composite material using blast furnace dust of the iron-steel industry and plastic wastes of the plastic industry in order to reduce the embodied energy of the material and generate more sustainable material. In this study, varying amounts of blast furnace dust (BFD), which is the primary ironsteel industry waste and which is used as filler for recycled low-density polyethylene (LDPE), was mixed to create the composite material. The embodied energy, emissions to water and air (volatile organic compounds) of BFD filled LDPE composites were determined. It was found that the composite materials had less embodied energy compared with polymer-based flooring materials such as epoxy, polyurethane (PU) and polyvinylchloride (PVC). In addition, it was determined that the composite material did not release emissions to water and have fewer total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs). These results showed that the produced composite material could be used in buildings as a sustainable floor coating material, thus saving raw materials and supporting indoor air quality and recycling.Article Citation Count: Çelebi, Gülser (2020). "2020, “Investigation of Plastic Wastes and Possibilities for Use in Construction / Plastik Atıkların ve Yapıda Kullanım Olanaklarının İncelenmesi", Environmental Science Research Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 148-157.Investigation of Plastic Wastes and Possibilities for Use in Construction(2020) Çelebi, Gülser; 2919Plastikler dayanıklı, yalıtkan ve hafif malzemelerdir. Şekil verilebilme özelliği yüksek, esnek veya rijit olarak üretilebildikleri için kullanım alanı da geniştir. Plastiklerin günümüzden her sektöründe kullanılması, atık miktarının da her geçen gün kaçınılmaz olarak artması anlamına gelmektedir. Plastik atıklarının azaltımına yönelik en önemli çözüm, kaynakta azaltma yöntemi olup, sonrasında ise yeniden kullanım ve geri dönüşümdür. Mümkün olduğunca düşük tüketim sonrasında kullanım ömrünü tamamlayan plastik atıkların yeniden kullanılması ya da yapıda veya çeşitli sektörlerde farklı işlevlerde geri dönüşümü, atık azaltımını güçlendiren yöntemler arasında görülmektedir. Plastik tüketiminin azaltılması, kullanılmış plastik ürünlerin sektöre döndürülmesi atık oranının azaltılmasının yanı sıra ülke ekonomisi bağlamında da büyük önem arz etmektedir. Çalışma kapsamında Türkiye’de plastik kullanımının niceliği ve atık plastiklerin azaltılmasına yönelik yöntemlere yer verilirken, plastik atıkların azaltılmasına yönelik atık plastik kullanılarak üretilen kompozit malzeme çalışmaları ve yapıda kullanım olanakları detaylı bir literatür çalışması ile ele alınmıştır.Article Citation Count: Çelebi, Gülser; Tuna, Merve (2020). "Morphological, Mechanical, Thermal and Tribological Properties of Environmentally Friendly Construction Materials: Recycled LDPE Composites Filled by Blast Furnace Dust", Journal of Green Building, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 159-175.Morphological, Mechanical, Thermal and Tribological Properties of Environmentally Friendly Construction Materials: Recycled LDPE Composites Filled by Blast Furnace Dust(2020) Çelebi, Gülser; Tuna, Merve; 2919This study focused on developing a sustainable composite material using metallic wastes of the iron-steel industry and plastic wastes of the plastic industry in order to reduce resultant waste from the production processes of various industrial products and to sustain waste management of these industries. In this study, different amounts of blast furnace dust (BFD), which is the major iron-steel industry waste and is used as filler for recycled low-density polyethylene (LDPE), was mixed with LDPE to produce the composite material. The morphology, mechanical, vicat softening temperature thermal conductivity, hardness and wear resistance properties of BFD filled LDPE composites were assessed. The increasing of BFD in recycled LDPE improved the heat resistance, increased thermal conductivity and wear resistance of composite materials. In addition, it was found that the composite materials had sufficient mechanical properties, when mechanical tests were evaluated. These results showed that the produced composite material could be used in buildings as a floor coating material and thereby saving raw materials and resources, as well as potentially reducing environmental problems.Article Citation Count: Alptekin, Orkun; Çelebi, Gülser (2018). "Research Method for the Selection of Building Materials and a Model Proposal", Environment and Ecology Research, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 537-544.Research Method for the Selection of Building Materials and a Model Proposal(2018) Alptekin, Orkun; Çelebi, Gülser; 2919In environmentally-friendly architectural approaches, the importance of the building materials in the construction of buildings is undeniable. As with all products, the environmental effect of building materials is defined according to many environmental impact classes, and the values of such classes expressed in line with various criteria. In an environmentally-friendly architectural approach, criteria, such as embodied energy and local resource reserves play a significant role in the selection of materials. Therefore, a mixed material selection method that allows the comparison of different criteria and that lists them as part of a multiple-criteria decision-making method is indispensable when deciding upon the most appropriate materials. This study proposes a material selection model that is based on the Life Cycle Assessment method, and which can be used by all architects and disciplines, particularly in the construction sector. This study tests the model to support its validity.Article Citation Count: Alameen, Omar Ali; Çelebi, Gülser; Tunçer, Mehmet (2020). "Satisfaction Assessment of Housing Users in Tripoli – Libya", GRID - Mimarlık Planlama ve Tasarım Dergisi, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 127-168.Satisfaction Assessment of Housing Users in Tripoli – Libya(2020) Alameen, Omar Ali; Çelebi, Gülser; Tunçer, Mehmet; 2919Most communities, especially professionals such as architects, infrastructural engineers and city planners, pay particular attention to sustainable housing, which is important for housing development as the first place in which people spend most of their time. In addition, residential buildings cover more than 50% of the total area of any city in Libya. For the city of Tripoli as a case study, the growth of the city has increased due to the growth of the Libyan economy as well as due to high oil prices during the 1970s. As a result, there has been an increase in natural population growth as well as migration from neighbouring cities. To accommodate population growth, governments have implemented a number of development projects, particularly in the housing sector. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the satisfaction of housing users in accordance with the previous housing policies of successive Libyan governments. The data was collected by means of questionnaires concerning the social aspects of housing occupants and their suitability for the Libyan family both currently and in the future. Moreover, there remains the question of what characteristics should be taken into account when implementing future housing projects. The study included cases of housing projects implemented for the purpose of assessing the satisfaction of users with projects to implement the principles of “Sustainable Housing.” The survey included four residential projects carried out in the city of Tripoli for the research. The sites are: (i) Airport Road East Housing Project (ii) Al Hadba Khdra Housing Project (iii) Ghot Ash-Ahaal Housing Project (iv) Souq-Atolata (North) Housing Project. The paper also aims to benefit from the study results for the implementation of the “Sustainable Housing Policy in Libya: A Case Study of Tripoli” for the purpose of applying the principles of social sustainability to housing, especially in Tripoli and Libya in general. Additionally, this paper will be useful for planning and architectural professionals.Article Citation Count: Tuna Kayılı, Merve; Çelebi, Gülser; Gülşad, Abdülmecit (2018). "Sürdürülebilir Yapı Malzemesi Hedefiyle Demir Çelik ve Plastik Endüstrisi Atıklarının Geri Kazanımı", Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 33-44.Sürdürülebilir Yapı Malzemesi Hedefiyle Demir Çelik ve Plastik Endüstrisi Atıklarının Geri Kazanımı(2018) Tuna Kayılı, Merve; Çelebi, Gülser; Gülşad, Abdülmecit; 2919Demir-çelik ve plastik endüstrisi ithal girdisi yüksek endüstrilerdendir. Bu endüstrilerin üretim ve ürünün kullanım sonrası evresinde çok miktarda atık meydana gelmektedir. Demir-çelik endüstrisinin üretim evresi atıklarından en problemli atık, yüksek fırın baca tozu (YFBT) atığıdır. Kullanım oranını her geçen gün artıran plastikler kullanım ömrünü doldurduğunda yüksek bozunma süresinden dolayı doğada uzun yıllar atık olarak kalabilmektedir. Türkiye’de ve dünyada en fazla kullanım hacmine sahip plastik türü ise düşük yoğunluklu polietilen (LDPE)’dir. Bu atıkların geri kazanımı, çevre problemlerinin azaltılması ve ürünlerin ülke ekonomisine kazandırılması açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmada LDPE ve YFBT ekstrüzyon yöntemiyle bir araya getirilmiş ve kompozit granül üretilmiştir. Üretilen kompozit granüller enjeksiyon yöntemiyle şekillendirilmiş, mekanik özellikleri incelenmiş ve elde edilen kompozit malzemenin yapıda zemin kaplama malzemesi olarak kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir.Article Citation Count: Tuna Kayılı, Merve; Çelebi, Gülser; Güldaş, Abdulmecit. (2018). "Sürdürülebilir Yapı Malzemesi Hedefiyle Demir Çelik ve Plastik Endüstrisi Atıklarının Geri Kazanımı", Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol.32, No.2, pp.33-44.Sürdürülebilir Yapı Malzemesi Hedefiyle Demir Çelik ve Plastik Endüstrisi Atıklarının Geri Kazanımı(2018) Tuna Kayılı, Merve; Çelebi, Gülser; Güldaş, Abdulmecit; 2919Demir-çelik ve plastik endüstrisi ithal girdisi yüksek endüstrilerdendir. Bu endüstrilerin üretim ve ürünün kullanım sonrası evresinde çok miktarda atık meydana gelmektedir. Demir-çelik endüstrisinin üretim evresi atıklarından en problemli atık, yüksek fırın baca tozu (YFBT) atığıdır. Kullanım oranını her geçen gün artıran plastikler kullanım ömrünü doldurduğunda yüksek bozunma süresinden dolayı doğada uzun yıllar atık olarak kalabilmektedir. Türkiye’de ve dünyada en fazla kullanım hacmine sahip plastik türü ise düşük yoğunluklu polietilen (LDPE)’dir. Bu atıkların geri kazanımı, çevre problemlerinin azaltılması ve ürünlerin ülke ekonomisine kazandırılması açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmada LDPE ve YFBT ekstrüzyon yöntemiyle bir araya getirilmiş ve kompozit granül üretilmiştir. Üretilen kompozit granüller enjeksiyon yöntemiyle şekillendirilmiş, mekanik özellikleri incelenmiş ve elde edilen kompozit malzemenin yapıda zemin kaplama malzemesi olarak kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir.