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Article Citation Count: Çelik, Gence Genç; Çelik, O. (2019). "A Case Study of Structural Failure of Mounting Systems for Solar Panels from South-Eastern Turkey: An Investigation of Design Parameters under Extreme Weather Events", International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI), Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 16-23.A Case Study of Structural Failure of Mounting Systems for Solar Panels from South-Eastern Turkey: An Investigation of Design Parameters under Extreme Weather Events(2019) Çelik, Gence Genç; Çelik, O.; 101566One of the biggest demand of growing population, and cornerstone of the socio-economical growth of Nations, Energy is expected today to be Sustainable, Easy to Reach, Economical, and Continuous. As one of the most common and imperative contributors of this Clean Energy Future, Solar Energy in various forms takes a significant role whole around the World. And It shows a great potential particularly for Turkey which imports the majority of its Energy Resources - including Conventional Ones - from Out Sources, to decrease Energy Dependency on Out-of-country Bases and increase awareness to develop competition in New Technology and Production Fields. Based on a Structural Failure Case of Supporting Frames designed for Solar Photovoltaics (PV) in a Solar Power Plant from Turkey, this paper addresses the significance of Local and Site-Specific Investigation of Climate Data to properly decide on Structural Design Parameters -particularly Loads of Snow and Wind- by staying still comformable with National Codes and Standards.Article Citation Count: Gülkan, Polat (2013). "A dispassionate view of seismic-hazard assessment", Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 84, No. 3, pp. 413-416.A dispassionate view of seismic-hazard assessment(2013) Gülkan, Polat; 5743Article Citation Count: Karasin, Halim; Gulkan, Polat; Aktas, Gultekin, "A finite grid solution for circular plates on elastic foundations" KSCE Journal Of Civil Engineering, Vol.19, No.4, pp.1157-1163, (2015).A finite grid solution for circular plates on elastic foundations(Korean Society of Civil Engineers-KSCE, 2015) Karasın, Halim; Gülkan, Polat; Aktaş, Gültekin; 5743The transmission of vertical or horizontal structural forces to the supporting soil is a challenge to analyze for structures on elastic foundation which represent a complex medium. The two-parameter elastic foundation model that provides a mechanical interaction between the individual spring elements shows a more realistic behavior of the soil reaction than does the single parameter Winkler model. Since the structural behavior of a beam resembles that of a strip in a plate, in this study, the exact stiffness and mass matrices of the beam element on two-parameter elastic foundation is extended to plates. The framework method that replaces a continuous surface by an idealized discrete system can represent a two-dimensional plate. In the light of this situation, circular plates are modeled as an assemblage of individual beam elements interconnected at their neighboring joints in radial and tangential direction. So, a useful tool called finite grid solution as a numerical method developed in this study lead to solve circular plates resting on two parameter elastic foundation problems. Examples for bending of ring, circular and annual plates on elastic foundation are solved to compare with known analytical solutions and other numerical solutions. The comparisons show that the literature and the computed results are compatible.Article Citation Count: Ak, Mümtaz; Kentel, Elçin; Küçükali, Serhat, "A fuzzy logic tool to evaluate low-head hydropower technologies at the outlet of wastewater treatment plants", Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol.68, pp.727-737, (2017).A fuzzy logic tool to evaluate low-head hydropower technologies at the outlet of wastewater treatment plants(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2017) Ak, Mümtaz; Kentel, Elçin; Küçükali, Serhat; 20413This study aims to find the most sustainable mature Low-Head (LH) hydropower technology option to generate hydroelectricity at the outlet of wastewater treatment plants by assessing the relevant economic, technical, and environmental criteria. A total of six criteria are assessed: investment cost, payback period, energy generation performance, construction duration, fish-friendliness, and aeration capacity. The fuzzy logic tool estimates satisfaction of each criterion separately and then aggregates them into an Overall Performance Index. The proposed method is applied to an existing wastewater treatment plant (Tatlar WWTP) in Ankara, Turkey. For the assessment, the real-time operational data of the plant and the technical drawings are employed. According to the multi-criteria analysis tool developed in this study to evaluate the LW technologies' the most appropriate hydropower technology for the outlet of Tatlar WWTP is found to be the Archimedean screw, because of its superior environmental and economic performance.Article Citation Count: S., Selçuk; P., Tang (2023). "A metaheuristic-guided machine learning approach for concrete strength prediction with high mix design variability using ultrasonic pulse velocity data", Developments in the Built Environment, Vol. 15.A metaheuristic-guided machine learning approach for concrete strength prediction with high mix design variability using ultrasonic pulse velocity data(2023) S., Selçuk; P., TangAssessment of concrete strength in existing structures is a common engineering problem. Several attempts in the literature showed the potential of ML methods for predicting concrete strength using concrete properties and NDT values as inputs. However, almost all such ML efforts based on NDT data trained models to predict concrete strength for a specific concrete mix design. We trained a global ML-based model that can predict concrete strength for a wide range of concrete types. This study uses data with high variability for training a metaheuristic-guided ANN model that can cover most concrete mixes used in practice. We put together a dataset that has large variations of mix design components. Training an ANN model using this dataset introduced significant test errors as expected. We optimized hyperparameters, architecture of the ANN model and performed feature selection using genetic algorithm. The proposed model reduces test errors from 9.3 MPa to 4.8 MPa. © 2023 The AuthorsArticle Citation Count: Soysal, Berat Feyza; Arici, Yalin; Tuncay, K. (2022). "A Modified Applied Element Model for the Simulation of Plain Concrete Behaviour", Magazine of Concrete Research.A Modified Applied Element Model for the Simulation of Plain Concrete Behaviour(2022) Soysal, Berat Feyza; Arici, Yalin; Tuncay, Kagan; 157572A Modified Applied Element Model to simulate the behaviour of plain concrete continuum structures including discrete cracking is proposed in this study. In the classical Applied Element Model, Poisson effects are fully ignored. To remediate this issue, diagonal elements are introduced to include the Poisson effect and the constitutive parameters are rigorously determined using the Cauchy-Born rule and the hyper-elastic theory. The formulation is validated for linear elastic problems, and the consistency and convergence behaviour of the numerical approach is shown. Tensile softening formulation using the concept of fracture energy is utilized for the nonlinear range. In this range, the approach is validated using the classical benchmark tests with pure tensile, split-tensile, combined shear-tensile and bending dominated push-over loading. The load-displacement behaviour and crack response were captured successfully, showing the proposed methodology can be used to quantify discrete cracks on large systems like dam monoliths from initiation to significant damage levels.Article Citation Count: Ghoroubi, Rahim; Mercimek, Ömer; Anıl, Özgür (2020). "A New Novel Model Proposal For Bond-Slip Behavior Between Angular CFRP Fan Type Anchoraged CFRP Strip and Concrete Surface", Uluslararası Mühendislik Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dergisi, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 380-386.A New Novel Model Proposal For Bond-Slip Behavior Between Angular CFRP Fan Type Anchoraged CFRP Strip and Concrete Surface(2020) Ghoroubi, Rahim; Mercimek, Ömer; Anıl, Özgür; 306045In the reinforced concrete, masonry or steel structures should be strengthened or repaired. Carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) have been widely used for the last 20 years for repairing and strengthening of inadequate earthquake performance of the structures. One of the most important developed design criteria in the retrofit and strengthening details are using CFRP to delay the debonding of the CFRP reinforcement elements. For this reason, the uses of anchors in the reinforcement details developed by using CFRP and also researches on this subject have increased substantially. In the literature, research on bond-slip models developed for fan type CFRP anchors and anchored CFRP strips used in reinforcement details are limited in comparison to non-anchored strips. However, in studies on this subject, anchors are placed at 90o to the axial tensile force applied to the CFRP strips. Axial force-bearing strength and bond-slip models of CFRP strips with the different anchored angle under axial tensile strengths have not been found in the literature. For this reason, an experimental study was carried out and 28 specimens of angled anchored CFRP strip test specimen, which was bonded to the concrete surface, was tested under the influence of axial tensile force with an experimental setup designed by the authors. The variables studied in the experimental study are the CFRP strip width and the fan type CFRP anchor angle placed on the CFRP strip. As a result of the experimental study, an equation was proposed for calculating the bearing strength values of angled anchored CFRP strips and a new proposal for the bond-slip model was developed.Book Part Citation Count: Cağnan, Zehra; Akkar, Sinan; Gülkan, Polat (2011). "A Predictive Ground-Motion Model for Turkey and Its Comparison with Recent Local and Global GMPEs", in Earthquake Data in Engineering Seismology, pp. 39-52.A Predictive Ground-Motion Model for Turkey and Its Comparison with Recent Local and Global GMPEs(2011) Cağnan, Zehra; Akkar, Sinan; Gülkan, Polat; 5743We present a local ground motion prediction equation (GMPE ) for estimating the peak ground-motion values that was derived using the recently compiled Turkish strong motion database . The new GMPE is comparable with the recent global GMPEs in terms of model sophistication and quality of underlying database. Using this equation, we explore the inter-event , inter-station ground motion variability of the recent Turkish strong motion database as well as suitability of some local and global GMPEs for regional seismic hazard assessment analyses. The inter-event error underlines the distinguishing characteristics of few earthquakes, suggesting that the use of local GMPEs can be important especially when specific scenario studies are to be carried out. The inter-station variability allowed us to detect stations with outlier site response and to investigate the goodness of the employed site effect s model. Results also indicate suitability of some global and local GMPEs for use in regional seismic hazard assessments together with the model presented in this study. These should be combined through a logic tree scheme to reduce both aleatory and epistemic uncertainty in local hazard assessments.Article Citation Count: Ghoroubi, Rahim; Mercimek, Ömer; A.C., Anıl Özgür (2020). "Açılı CFRP Ankrajlı Şeritler ile Beton Yüzey Arasındaki Gerilme Deformasyon Davranışı için Yeni Bir Model Önerisi", Uluslararası Mühendislik Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dergisi, Vol.12, No.2, pp.380-387.Açılı CFRP Ankrajlı Şeritler ile Beton Yüzey Arasındaki Gerilme Deformasyon Davranışı için Yeni Bir Model Önerisi(2020) Ghoroubi, Rahim; Mercimek, Ömer; A.C., Anıl ÖzgürBetonarme, çelik veya yığma yapılar birçok farklı nedenden dolayı güçlendirilmeleri veya onarılmaları gerekmektedir. Karbon takviyeli elyaf kumaşlar (CFRP) deprem performansı yetersiz yapıların onarım ve güçlendirme çalışmalarında son 20 yıldır yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. CFRP ile geliştirilen onarım ve güçlendirme detaylarında önemli olan tasarım kriterlerinden biri CFRP elemanların yüzeyden soyulmalarını geciktirmektir. Bu amaçla CFRP ile geliştirilen güçlendirme detaylarında ankrajların kullanılması artış göstermiştir. Güçlendirme detaylarında kullanılan fan tipi CFRP ankrajlı CFRP şeritler ile ilgili gerilme-kayma deplasmanı modellerinin ankrajsız CFRP şeritlere göre çok daha sınırlı sayıda olduğu görülmektedir. Bu konudaki sınırlı sayıdaki çalışmada ankrajlar CFRP şeritlere uygulanan eksenel çekme kuvvetine göre 90o açılı olacak şekilde yerleştirilmiştir. Yapılan literatür taramasında eksenel yüke göre değişik açılarda yerleştirilen ankrajlı CFRP şeritlerin eksenel kuvvet taşıma gücü ve gerilme kayma deplasmanı modelleri ile ilgili bir çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu nedenle deneysel bir çalışma düzenlenmiş ve 28 adet beton yüzeyine yapıştırılan açılı ankrajlı CFRP şerit deney elemanı eksenel çekme kuvveti etkisinde yazarlar tarafından tasarlanan bir deney düzeneği kullanılarak test edilmiştir. Deneysel çalışmada incelenen değişkenler CFRP şerit genişliği ve CFRP şeritler üzerindeki CFRP fan tipi ankrajların açılarıdır. Deneysel çalışma sonucunda açılı ankrajlı CFRP şeritlerin maksimum taşıma gücü değerlerinin hesaplanması için bir denklem ve yeni bir gerilme kayma deplasmanı modeli önerilmiştir.Article Citation Count: Dinçkal, Ç. (2011). "Adaptation of generalized Hill inequalities to anisotropic elastic symmetries", International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol.3, No.4.Adaptation of generalized Hill inequalities to anisotropic elastic symmetries(2011) Dinçkal, Çiğdem; 26773Mechanical and elastic behaviors of anisotropic materials are investigated in an innovative way. This is based on generalized Hill inequalities. From different type of anisotropic elastic symmetries, numerical examples are given. Constructing bounds on effective eigenvalues provides a deeper understanding about mechanical behavior of anisotropic materials. Generalized Hill inequalities are adapted to all anisotropic elastic symmetries. The materials selected from the same symmetry type which have larger interval between the bounds, are more anisotropic whereas smaller interval between the bounds, are closer to isotropy. Besides it is proved that there are relations between bulk and shear modulus and eigenvalues of cubic and isotropic symmetry and by these relations, two linear invariants are found out.Article Citation Count: Dinckal, Cigdem; Toreyin, Bechet Ugur; Kucukali, Serhat (2017). Adaptive decision fusion based framework for short-term wind speed and turbulence intensity forecasting: case study for North West of Turkey, Turkish Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Sciences, 25(4), 2770-2783.Adaptive decision fusion based framework for short-term wind speed and turbulence intensity forecasting: case study for North West of Turkey(Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2017) Dinçkal, Çiğdem; Töreyin, Behçet Uğur; Küçükali, Serhat; 20413; 26773In this paper, an online learning framework called adaptive decision fusion (ADF) is employed for short-term wind speed and turbulence intensity forecasting by use of wind speed data for each season for the city of Izmit, located in the northwest of Turkey. Fixed-weight (FW) linear combination is derived and used for comparison with ADF. Wind speeds and turbulence intensities are predicted from the existing wind speed data and computed turbulence intensities, respectively, using the ADF and FW methods. Simulations are carried out for each season and the results are tested on mean absolute percentage error criterion. It is shown that the proposed model captured the system dynamic behavior and made accurate predictions based on the seasonal wind speed characteristics of the site. The procedure described here can be used to estimate the local velocity and turbulence intensity in a wind power plant during a storm.Article Citation Count: Acehan, Ayşegül Özden; (2021). "Ahşap Bağlantı Noktalarında Mekanik Ankraj Sayısı ve Yerleşim Şeklinin Kayma Gerilmesi-Kayma Deplasmanı Davranışı Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi", Uluslararası Mühendislik Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dergisi, Vol.13, No.1, pp.1-12.Ahşap Bağlantı Noktalarında Mekanik Ankraj Sayısı ve Yerleşim Şeklinin Kayma Gerilmesi-Kayma Deplasmanı Davranışı Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi(2021) Acehan, Ayşegül Özden; Mercimek, Ömer; Ghoroubi, Rahim; Anıl, ÖzgürAhşap yapılar ve yapı elemanlarında yapıştırıcı ve mekanik bağlantı elemanları ile bir araya getirilmiş birleşim bölgerinin genel yük-deplasman davranışı, kayma gerilmesi- kayma deplasmanı davranışları, yapısal sistemin kapasitesi ve göçme mekanizmaları üzerinde son derece etkilidir. Ahşap-ahşap bağlantı bölgelerinin davranışları, malzemenin mekanik özelliklerine, yapısına ve türüne göre çok büyük oranda değişim gösteren farklı kayma gerilmesi-kayma deplasmanı davranışları sergileyen, incelenmesi gerekli olan önemli bir konudur. Ahşap yapı elemanlarının yapıştırıcı ve yapıştırıcı ile birlikte mekanik ankrajlar ile birleştirilmesi durumunda genel yük-deplasman davranışlarının, bağlantı bölgesindeki gerilme dağılımları ile kayma gerilmesi - kayma deplasmanı davranışlarının incelendiği kapsamlı bir deneysel çalışmaya literatürde rastlanmamıştır. Bu nedenle deneysel bir çalışma planlanmıştır. Bu çalışma kapsamında birbirlerine yapıştırıcı ve yapıştırıcı ile birlikte mekanik ankrajlar ile bağlanmış olan, kenetlenme uzunlukları 180, 240 ve 350 mm olarak değişim gösteren ahşap bağlantı bölgelerinin, eksenel çekme yükü etkisi altındaki genel yük deplasman davranışları deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Ayrıca çalışma kapsamında birleşim bölgesinde kullanılan mekanik ankraj sayısı ve yerleşiminin değişim göstermesinin, genel yük-deplasman davranışı ve kayma gerilmesi-kayma deplasmanı davranışları üzerindeki etkileri de araştırılmıştır.Article Citation Count: Uzuntarla, F.; Kücükali, S.; Uzuntarla, Y. (2020). "An analysis on the relationship between safety awareness and safety behaviors of healthcare professionals, Ankara/Turkey", Journal of Occupational Health, Vol. 62, No. 1.An analysis on the relationship between safety awareness and safety behaviors of healthcare professionals, Ankara/Turkey(2020) Uzuntarla, F.; Kücükali, S.; Uzuntarla, Y.; 20413Objectives: This descriptive study aims to examine the relationship between the safety awareness of healthcare professional and their safety behaviors. Methods: The study was carried out on 418 healthcare professionals working in a training and research hospital in Ankara/Turkey. The survey method was used as data collection tool. The questionnaire consisted of 3 sections and 18 questions. First section consisted of questions on sociodemographic characteristics and, second section consisted of the awareness scale and third section consisted of safety behaviors scale. Results: The safety awareness and safety behaviors are scored on a scale from 1 (completely disagree) to 5 (completely agree). The safety awareness and safety behaviors has an average score of 3.85 ± 0.81 and 3.56 ± 0.82, respectively. The safety awareness and safety behavior levels of healthcare professionals were found to be high. Conclusion: A significant positive correlation was found between safety awareness and safety behaviors and it was concluded that the increase in safety awareness led to an increase in safety behavior. © 2020 The Authors. Journal of Occupational Health published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of The Japan Society for Occupational HealthArticle Citation Count: Gultop, Tekin; Yılmaz, Mahmut Cem; Alyavuz, Bahadır, "An analytical investigation of rigid plastic beams underimpact loading" Journal Of The Faculty Of Engineering And Architecture Of Gazi University, Vol.30, No.1, pp.87-94, (2015).An analytical investigation of rigid plastic beams underimpact loading(Gazi Univ, Fac Engineering Architecture, 2015) Gültop, Tekin; Yılmaz, Mahmut Cem; Alyavuz, Bahadır; 5168Beams might be subjected to impact loading which is a particular type of dynamic loading during their service lives. In this study the behaviour of beams under low speed impact loading has been investigated analytically. Simply supported and fixed ended beams have been analyzed with the assumption of rigid plastic behaviour. The collapse mechanism has been assumed to emerge by the instant formation of plastic hinges, hence, a limit analysis has been performed under dynamic loading considering the conservation principles of energy and momentum. The behaviour of rigid plastic beams under impact loading has been compared to the behaviour of elastic beams under similar loading conditions.Article Citation Count: Kucukali, Serhat, "An experimental investigation of flow resistance and turbulent flow in brush fish pass", Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management, Vol. 172, No. 5, pp. 241-256, (2019).An experimental investigation of flow resistance and turbulent flow in brush fish pass(Ice Publishing, 2019) Küçükali, Serhat; 20413The present study aimed to search for chicken abdominal fat deposition-related polymorphisms within RB1 and to provide functional evidence for significantly associated genetic variants. Association analyses showed that 11 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in intron 17 of RB1, were significantly associated with both abdominal fat weight (P < 0.05) and abdominal fat percentage (P < 0.05). Functional analysis revealed that the A allele of g.32828A>G repressed the transcriptional efficiency of RB1 in vitro, through binding nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-B-K) and SRY-related HMG box protein 2 (SOX2). Furthermore, RB1 mRNA expression levels in the abdominal fat tissue of individuals with the A/A genotype of g.32828A>G were lower than those of individuals with the G/G genotype. Collectively, we propose that the intronic SNP g.32828A>G of RB1 is an obesity-associated variant that directly affects binding with NF-B-K and SOX2, leading to changes in RB1 expression which in turn may influence chicken abdominal fat deposition.Conference Object Citation Count: Dinçkal, Çiğdem (20129. "An innovative description of elastic constant tensor based upon orthonormal representations", 2012 World Congress on Engineering, WCE 2012, 4 July 2012 through 6 July 2012, Vol. 2197, pp. 187-193.An innovative description of elastic constant tensor based upon orthonormal representations(2012) Dinçkal, ÇiğdemA new procedure for representation of elastic constant tensor in terms of its orthonormal decomposed parts is presented. Form invariants and orthonormalized basis elements are used to generate this decomposition method. Numerical examples from various engineering materials serve to illustrate and verify the decomposition procedure. The norm concept of elastic constant tensor and norm ratios are used to study the anisotropy of these materials. It is shown that this method allows to investigate the elastic and mechanical properties of an anisotropic material possessing any material symmetry and determine anisotropy degree of that material. For a material given from an unknown symmetry, it is possible to determine its material symmetry type by this method. © 2012 Newswood Limited. All rights reserved.Conference Object Citation Count: S. Küçükali. "An investigation of the hydrodynamic and fish behavior characteristics of the brush-type fish passage: Iyidere (Turkey) field study ," Fish Passage 2017: International Conference on Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage , Oregon, United States Of America, pp.1, 2017.Article Citation Count: Dinçkal, Ç. (2011). "Analysis of Elastic Anisotropy of Wood Material for Engineering Applications", Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Science, Vol.2, No.2.Analysis of Elastic Anisotropy of Wood Material for Engineering Applications(2011) Dinçkal, Çiğdem; 26773This paper presents a convenient method to describe the degree of the elastic anisotropy in a given type of wood and then discusses its practical values. Besides mechanical and elastic behaviour of wood are investigated in order to understand the optimum mechanical behaviour of it in selected directions. Bounds on the wood elastic constants have been constructed in terms of elasticity and compliance tensors for any type of woods by developing Hill (1952) approach. So for any type of wood with known elastic constants, it is possible to choose the best set of elastic constants (effective elastic constants) which determine the optimum mechanical and elastic properties of it. Bounds on the wood elastic constants as well as the degree of elastic anisotropy are significant and critical cases in design of any engineering and structural materials made up of wood.Article Citation Count: Almusawi, Ali; Shoman, Sarmad; Lupanov, Andrei P.; (2023). "Assessment of the effectiveness and the initial cost efficiency of hot recycled asphalt using polymer modified bitumen", Case Studies in Construction Materials; Vol.18Assessment of the effectiveness and the initial cost efficiency of hot recycled asphalt using polymer modified bitumen(2023) Almusawi, Ali; Shoman, Sarmad; Lupanov, Andrei P.The drastic increase in environmental concerns and increasing costs of road construction materials necessitate evaluating some alternative solutions. One of the most suitable alternatives is recycling old asphalt pavement to produce reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). The RAP materials have been commonly combined with asphalt mixtures during pavement construction. Incorporating RAP material should demonstrate an equivalent or better performance than conventional asphalt mixtures. Conversely, the inclusion of RAP mainly needs to improve performance compared to conventional asphalt mixtures. The key issue of using RAP is to restore the loss properties of aged materials and normally asphalt Agent Rejuvenator (ARA) was used. Also, adding polymers with RAP into the asphalt mixture becomes necessary to obtain the required performance. This study investigated the RAP effects of elastomeric polymer on the performance of the asphalt mixture following Russian standards (GOST). The impact of using PMB with RAP material on the asphalt mixture's performance was primarily considered by employing tests that can reveal the adhesion property. Additionally, the performance of the pavement was evaluated in terms of strength and low-temperature cracking. For this purpose, numerous test methods were implemented to appraise the asphalt performance, such as compressive strength, moisture susceptibility, shear resistance, tensile strength, porosity of the mineral particles, and residual porosity. The results indicated that the overall performance of the asphalt mixtures prepared with RAP and combined with polymer depicted a better performance. Moreover, the initial construction cost for each asphalt composition was estimated and compared. The utilization of PMB increased the cost of the asphalt mixture. However, such an increase in the cost would lead to an increase in the overall performance, especially for RAP mixtures.Article Citation Count: Baris, Kemal; Kucukali, Serhat, "Availibility of renewable energy sources in Turkey: Current situation, potential, government policies and the EU perspective", Energy Policy, Vol. 42, pp. 377-391, (2012)Availibility of Renewable Energy Sources in Turkey: Current Situation, Potential, Government Policies and the Eu Perspective(Elsevier SCI LTD, 2012) Barış, Kemal; Küçükali, Serhat; 20413