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İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü Yayın Koleksiyonu

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/395


Recent Submissions

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  • Article
    Citation Count: İbiş, Ahmet Buğra...et al. (2024). "Mechanical Characteristics of Environmentally Friendly Permeable Pavement: Enhanced Porous Asphalt", Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 212-223.
    Mechanical Characteristics of Environmentally Friendly Permeable Pavement: Enhanced Porous Asphalt
    (2024) İbiş, Ahmet Buğra; Şengöz, Burak; Almusawi, Ali; Özdemir, Derya Kaya; Topal, Ali
    This study explores the mechanical properties of porous-asphalt pavement, focusing on the influence of various polymers (elastomeric and reactive elastomeric terpolymers) and different aggregate compositions. Two aggregates were utilized: one is exclusively limestone-based and the other is a blend of limestone and basalt aggregates. The research findings unveiled that mixtures containing the conventional bitumen failed to meet the Cantabro loss-test criterion required for porous asphalt, necessitating a maximum threshold of 20%. In contrast, asphalt mixtures modified with polymers exhibited notably superior performance, particularly in terms of permeability, Cantabro loss and the ratio of indirect tensile strength. These results underscore the significant impact of polymer modification on enhancing the crucial mechanical properties of porous asphalt. Therefore, the study suggests the adoption of polymer-modified asphalt as a viable strategy to improve pavement longevity and overall performance, promoting its use for sustainable and durable infrastructure.
  • Article
    Citation Count: Yurdakul, Eren; Öztürk, Şevki; Sarıfakıoğlu, Ender (2024). "Liquefaction hazard assessment in a GIS environment: A case study of Buğday Pazarı neighborhood in Çankırı province", Geomechanics and Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 455-464.
    Liquefaction hazard assessment in a GIS environment: A case study of Buğday Pazarı neighborhood in Çankırı province
    (2024) Yurdakul, Eren; Öztürk, Şevki; Sarıfakıoğlu, Ender; 163874
    Seismic movements have varying effects on structures based on characteristics of local site. During an earthquake, weak soils are susceptible to damage due to amplified wave amplitudes. Soil-structure interaction issue has garnered increased attention in Türkiye, after devastating earthquakes in Kocaeli Gölcük (1999), Izmir (2020), Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık and Elbistan (2023). Consequently, liquefaction potential has been investigated in detail for different regions of Türkiye, mainly with available field test results. Çankırı, a city located close to North Anatolian Fault, is mainly built on alluvium, which is prone to liquefaction. However, no study on liquefaction hazard has been conducted thus far. In this study, groundwater level map, SPT map, and liquefaction risk map have been generated using Geographical Information System (GIS) for the Buğday Pazarı District of Çankırı province. Site investigations studies previously performed for 47 parcels (76 boreholes) were used within the scope of this study. The liquefaction assessment was conducted using Seed and Idriss's (1971) simplified method and the visualization of areas susceptible to liquefaction risk has been accomplished. The results of this study have been compared with the City Council’s precautionary map which is currently in use. As a result of this study, it is recommended that minimum depth of boreholes in the region should be at least 30m and adequate number of laboratory tests particularly in liquefiable areas should be performed. Another important recommendation for the region is that detailed investigation should be performed by local authorities since findings of this study differ from currently used precautionary map.
  • Article
    Citation Count: Akbulut, Ömer Faruk; Kökpınar, Mehmet Ali; Göğüş, Mustafa (2023). "Experimental Study on the Interaction Between Bridge Pier and Abutment Concerning Clear-Water Local Scour", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering.
    Experimental Study on the Interaction Between Bridge Pier and Abutment Concerning Clear-Water Local Scour
    (2023) Akbulut, Ömer Faruk; Kökpınar, Mehmet Ali; Göğüş, Mustafa; 6062
    Estimation of scour depth around bridge piers and abutments is essential for safety and economic design in alluvial rivers. Although local scour around bridge piers and abutments has been studied separately by a large number of investigators, there is limited research on the literature related to the interaction between these two structures. Hence, in this study, the aim is to investigate the interaction between bridge abutments and pier scours in detail. For this reason, bridge abutments of different lengths of La = 0.05, 0.10, and 0.15 m and a pier with diameter of D = 0.1 m were placed at various distances from each other in a long sediment channel and tested under clear-water flow conditions with constant flow intensity. All the important dimensionless parameters involved in the interaction phenomenon were derived from theoretical analysis, and the relationships between them were investigated. Analysis of the data showed that the presence of a pier in the flow medium in addition to an abutment has a certain amount of influence on the formation of scour holes around the structures. The influence of the abutment on the pier was more noticeable in the current study, particularly for longer abutments, leading to average increases of up to 20% in scour depth around the pier. The study’s findings revealed that the presence of both a pier and an abutment in the flow medium exerted a discernible, unfavorable influence on the development of scour holes, particularly around piers.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: Göğüş, Mustafa; Gökmener, Serkan. Effects of Floating Rafts as Anti-Vortex Devices at Horizontal Intakes, Proceedings of the IAHR World Congress, 40th IAHR World Congress, 2023, Vienna, 21 August 2023through 25 August 2023, pp. 2060-2066.
    Effects of Floating Rafts as Anti-Vortex Devices at Horizontal Intakes
    (2023) Göğüş, Mustafa; Gökmener, Serkan; 6062
    Air- entraining vortices created by swirling flows on intakes cause serious problems such as; increasing loss of hydraulic load and discharge at water intake structures, loss of efficiency, operational problems, cavitation and vibration problems in hydraulic machines. Hence the position of the intake should be justified for the most critical scenario as the reservoir is at dead or at minimum storage level to avoid the occurrence of air-entraining vortices. Although intakes are designed by considering the formation of air-entraining vortices, they cannot be prevented due to approach flow conditions and submergence. Therefore, some structural changes should be considered in order to avoid the occurrence of air-entraining vortices. One of these methods is using anti-vortex devices to prevent the formation of air-entraining vortices. In this experimental study, floating rafts at different sizes were tested as anti-vortex devices to prevent the formation of air-entraining vortices at single and multiplehorizontal intake structures under symmetrical and asymmetrical approach flow conditions. Three identical pipes of diameter Di=0.265 m were tested at a wide range of discharge with varying sidewall clearances. Experiments were conducted for three different combinations of the intake structures: single, double and triple water intakes were operated, respectively. Different side wall distances in the approach channels of the intake structures were specified previously to create symmetrical and asymmetrical flow conditions. The side walls were located according to these distances before each experiment. For single and double water intake structures, Wraft=10 cm and triple water intake structures, Wraft=20 cm raft width were found to be successful for vortex prevention. Moreover, Wrafts/Di values that gave successful results are 0.38 for single and double intake structures and 0.75 for triple intake structures.
  • Article
    Citation Count: S., Selçuk; P., Tang (2023). "A metaheuristic-guided machine learning approach for concrete strength prediction with high mix design variability using ultrasonic pulse velocity data", Developments in the Built Environment, Vol. 15.
    A metaheuristic-guided machine learning approach for concrete strength prediction with high mix design variability using ultrasonic pulse velocity data
    (2023) S., Selçuk; P., Tang
    Assessment of concrete strength in existing structures is a common engineering problem. Several attempts in the literature showed the potential of ML methods for predicting concrete strength using concrete properties and NDT values as inputs. However, almost all such ML efforts based on NDT data trained models to predict concrete strength for a specific concrete mix design. We trained a global ML-based model that can predict concrete strength for a wide range of concrete types. This study uses data with high variability for training a metaheuristic-guided ANN model that can cover most concrete mixes used in practice. We put together a dataset that has large variations of mix design components. Training an ANN model using this dataset introduced significant test errors as expected. We optimized hyperparameters, architecture of the ANN model and performed feature selection using genetic algorithm. The proposed model reduces test errors from 9.3 MPa to 4.8 MPa. © 2023 The Authors
  • Article
    Citation Count: Dinçkal, Çiğdem (2018). "Vibration of Initially Stressed Nonlocal Euler-Bernoulli Nano-Beams", ACADEMIC PLATFORM-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, Vol.6, No.1, pp.127-141.
    Vibration of Initially Stressed Nonlocal Euler-Bernoulli Nano-Beams
    (2018) Dinçkal, Çiğdem; 26773
    This paper is pertinent to the analytical solutions for vibration analysis of initially stressed Nonlocal Euler-Bernoulli nano-beams. In order to take into account of small length scale effect, this vibration problem formulation is depending upon both nonlocal Euler-Bernoulli and also Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity theory. The boundary conditions and governing equation are obtained by use of Hamiltonian’s principle. These equations are solved analytically with different initial stresses (both compressive and tensile) and boundary conditions. The effect of small length scale and the initial stress on the fundamental frequency are investigated. The solutions obtained are compared with the ones depending upon both classical Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam theory to comprehend the responses of nano-beams under the effect of initial stress and small scale in terms of frequencies for both theories. The results supply a better declaration for vibration analysis of nano-beams which are short and stubby with initial stress.
  • Article
    Citation Count: Güneş, Oğuz; Büyüköztürk, Oral. (2012). "Simulation-based microwave imaging of plain and reinforced concrete for nondestructive evaluation", International Journal of the Physical Sciences, Vol.7, No.3, pp.383-393.
    Simulation-based microwave imaging of plain and reinforced concrete for nondestructive evaluation
    (2012) Güneş, Oğuz; Büyüköztürk, Oral; 160252
    The focus of this paper is the implementation of a backpropagation algorithm as a potential solution for the inverse source problem for microwave imaging of plain and reinforced concrete targets. The data used in imaging was obtained from numerical simulation of far-field microwave scattering by concrete targets using typical frequency bandwidth of commercially available radar systems. A finite difference-time domain (FD-TD) technique was used for the simulations. Electromagnetic (EM) properties of concrete for various moisture conditions were obtained from a previous study. A total of four simulations were performed using a Gaussian pulse wave excitation for dry and moisture saturated concrete cylinders with and without a rebar at the center. The reflected and transmitted fields were recorded along two measurement lines. Images reconstructed using the backpropagation algorithm showed the potential of the method for concrete non destructive testing (NDT) while drawing attention to its limitations mainly due to the linearizing assumptions made in the algorithm's formulation.
  • Article
    Citation Count: Küçükali, Serhat (2014). "The implementation of the european union (EU) water framework directive impact on small hydropower plants: situation in Turkey", Enerji Hukuku Dergisi, Vol.3, No.1, pp.187-196.
  • Review
    Citation Count: Arıcı, Yalın; Soysal, berat Feyza. (2022). "Predicting seismic damage on concrete gravity dams: a review", Structure And Infrastructure Engineering.
    Predicting seismic damage on concrete gravity dams: a review
    (2022) Arıcı, Yalın; Soysal, Berat Feyza; 157572
    The seismic assessment of concrete gravity dams is a problem of prediction of cracking and the corresponding consequences. With the widespread use of general-purpose finite element programs, the work in the field has shifted towards quantifying the behaviour in a framework for assessment. The nonlinear analysis and coupling with foundation–reservoir interaction, conversely, is still a challenging task. The modelling approach has significant effects on the analysis results and the assessment framework. The field remains an active area for research with many outstanding issues regarding damage quantification and assessment compared to any other major infrastructure component. A comprehensive overview of the seismic assessment of gravity dams is presented in this work with the goal to outline the issues in the field. Different models and modelling choices are compared in the context of damaged state assessment of gravity dams. The links between practical difficulties and theoretical issues are critically discussed. The aleatoric and epistemic uncertainties in the field, and their sources, are presented. Areas of future work are identified for improvement in seismic assessment as well as reducing and quantifying the uncertainties in the prediction of damaged states for concrete gravity dams.
  • Book
    Citation Count: Gülkan, Polat. The IAEE at fifty : a brief history of the international association for earthquake engineering. Tokyo, Japon : International Association for Earthquake Engineering, p. 73, 2012.
    The IAEE at fifty : a brief history of the international association for earthquake engineering.
    (International Association for Earthquake Engineering, 2012) Gülkan, Polat; 5743
  • Article
    Citation Count: Dinçkal, Çiğdem. (2010). "Orthonormal decomposition of symmetric second rank tensors", International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.65, No.2, pp.225-241.
    Orthonormal decomposition of symmetric second rank tensors
    (2010) Dinçkal, Çiğdem; 26773
    In this paper, a new orthonormal decomposition method for symmetric second rank tensors namely as, orthonormal tensor basis is presented. Complex variable representation method is developed by using the existing theories in literature. For comparison purposes, a brief review of the spectral method is given. It is shown that stress tensor, as an example to symmetric second rank tensors, is decomposed into six orthonormal parts by orthonormal tensor basis and complex variable representation methods. The matrix forms of these decomposed parts are given. This is the first time in literature that physical meanings of each six decomposed parts which are obtained from the orthonormal decomposition of stress tensor by orthonormal tensor basis and complex variable representation methods, different from the traditionally form, are emphasized. Illustrative applications on orthonormal tensor basis and complex variable representation decomposition methods are given. Finally, it is proved that the spectral method is a non-linear decomposition method which yields three non-linear orthonormal decomposed parts. This case is a significant innovation in decomposition procedures for symmetric second rank tensors in literature.
  • Article
    Citation Count: Dinçkal, Çiğdem. (2011). "Norm, norm ratio calculations and anisotropy degree", International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.69, No.2, pp.125-136.
    Norm, norm ratio calculations and anisotropy degree
    (2011) Dinçkal, Çiğdem; 26773
    In this paper, for elastic constant tensor, the norm concept, norm ratio and anisotropy degree are described. The norm of a tensor is used as a criterion for comparing the overall effect of the properties of anisotropic materials and norm ratios are used as a criterion to represent the anisotropy degree of the properties of these materials. Norm and norm ratios as well as the measure of "nearness" to the nearest isotropic tensor are computed for several examples from various anisotropic materials possessing elastic symmetries such as cubic, transversely isotropic, tetragonal, trigonal and orthorhombic. These computations are used to compare and assess the anisotropy in various anisotropic materials by means of strength or magnitude and also determine the "nearness" of the nearest isotropic tensor for the materials with lower symmetry types.
  • Article
    Citation Count: Kazaz, İlker; Gülkan, P. (2012). "Süneklik Düzeyi Yüksek Betonarme Perdelerdeki Hasar Sınırları", Teknik Dergi, Vol.23, No.114, pp.6113-6140.
    Süneklik Düzeyi Yüksek Betonarme Perdelerdeki Hasar Sınırları
    (2012) Kazaz, İlker; Gülkan, Polat; 5743
    Halen geçerli olan Deprem Yönetmeliğinde önerilen birim şekil değiştirme hasar sınır değerleri, teknik literatürde mevcut önde gelen çalışmalardan alınmakla birlikte, bu değerlerin yer değiştirmeye dayalı tasarım ve değerlendirme yöntemlerinde kullanılan analitik araç ve yöntemlerle performans düzeyini tanımlamak için uygun olup olmadığı tam olarak sınanmamıştır. Düzlem kesitlerin deformasyondan sonra da düzlem kaldığına dayanan moment-eğrilik hesaplamaları, özellikle betonarme perdeler için sorun teşkil etmektedir. Dolayısıyla önerilen hasar sınır değerlerinin betonarme perdeler için geçerliliğinin araştırılması için kapsamlı bir çalışmaya ihtiyaç duyulduğu görülmektedir. Bu çalışma iyi kalibre edilmiş bir sonlu eleman modelleme yaklaşımı kullanarak dikdörtgen kesitli betonarme perdelerin ötelenme, kesit dönmesi ve eğriliği, perde uçlarındaki beton ve donatı birim şekil değiştirmeleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektedir. Deprem Yönetmeliğinde ve bazı diğer hesap kılavuzlarında verilen şekil değiştirme ile ilgili hükümlerin geçerliği irdelenmektedir. Perde elemanları için mevcut değerlerden daha doğru olduğuna inanılan modelleme parametreleri ve kabul kıstasları teklif edilmektedir
  • Article
    Citation Count: Dinçkal, Çiğdem. (2017). "New predictor-corrector type iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations", Sakarya University Journal of Science, pp.464-468.
    New predictor-corrector type iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
    (2017) Dinçkal, Çiiğdem; 26773
    This paper proposes two new predictor-corrector type iterative methods for finding roots of nonlinear equations. These methods are generated by based on the combination of the two well known Bisection method and Newton-Raphson method. Various numerical examples serve to verify the main purpose of these methods and compare the numerical results. Numerical results are also presented to test the convergence rate of these new proposed methods in terms of number of iterations achieved to reach the exact root of any nonlinear equation. These numerical results obtained also indicate that new proposed methods perform better than both well known methods Bisection and Newton-Raphson and also the other methods in literature.
  • Article
    Citation Count: Taştan, Kerem; Yıldırım, N. (2018). "Su alma ağzı giriş şeklinin hava girişli çevrinti üzerindeki ölçek etkisi", Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi Part C: Tasarım ve Teknoloji, Vol.6, No.3, pp.492-506.
    Su alma ağzı giriş şeklinin hava girişli çevrinti üzerindeki ölçek etkisi
    (2018) Taştan, Kerem; Yıldırım, Nevzat; 12654
    Su alma ağzı giriş şekli, ağız üzerinde su yüzeyinde oluşabilecek hava girişli çevrintinin karakteristiklerini belirlediğinden ağza ait kritik batıklık üzerinde bazı etkilere sahiptir. Bu etkiler hız dağılımı etkisi ve çevrintiyi besleyen ağız debisi etkisi olarak adlandırılabilir. Bu çalışmada 6 farklı ağız giriş şekline (daire, kare, dikdörtgen, eşkenar dörtgen, eşkenar üçgen, yıldız) ve 40 cm2 ve 100 cm2 olmak üzere iki değişik kesit alanına sahip toplam 12 adet su alma yapısına ait kritik batıklık ve kritik batıklığı etkileyen boyutsuz parametreler (su alma yapısına ait Froude, Reynolds ve Weber sayıları) durgun su ortamında deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Deney sonuçları neticesinde ağız giriş geometrisinin kritik batıklık üzerinde bir boyut etkisine sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Bu nedenledir ki, her bir farklı ağız giriş geometrisi ve akım şartı, kritik batıklık açısından kendine özgü özellikler taşır. Aynı ağız debisinde farklı su alma ağzı giriş şekillerinin kritik batıklık üzerindeki etkisi ise debi değerine göre değişim göstermektedir.
  • Article
    Citation Count: Dinçkal, Ç. (2011). "Studies on the Optimum Mechanical Response of Anısotropıc Materials Related to Elastıc Constants", Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Science, Vol.2, No.3.
    Studies on the Optimum Mechanical Response of Anısotropıc Materials Related to Elastıc Constants
    (2011) Dinçkal, Çiğdem; 26773
    In this paper, mechanical and elastic behaviour of anisotropic materials are investigated in order to understand the optimum mechanical behaviour of them in selected directions. For an anisotropic material with known elastic constants, it is possible to choose the best set of elastic constants (effective elastic constants) which determine the optimum mechanical and elastic properties of it. For this reason, bounds on the anisotropic elastic constants have been constructed symbollicaly for all anisotropic elastic symmetries. As illustrative examples, materials from different symmetries are selected and their elastic constants are used to compute bounds on the anisotropic elastic constants. Finally, by examining numerical results of bounds given in tables, it is seen that the materials selected from the same symmetry type which have larger interval between the bounds, are more anisotropic, whereas some materials which have smaller interval between the bounds, are closer to isotropy. The construction of bounds on anisotropic elastic constants is a significant and critical case in design of any engineering and structural materials.
  • Article
    Citation Count: Gunes, Burcu; Gunes, O. (2012). "Structural health monitoring and damage assessment Part II: Application of the damage locating vector (DLV) method to the ASCE benchmark structure experimental data", International Journal of Physical Sciences, Vol.7, No.9, pp. 1509-1515.
    Structural health monitoring and damage assessment Part II: Application of the damage locating vector (DLV) method to the ASCE benchmark structure experimental data
    (2012) Gunes, Burcu; Gunes, Oguz; 160252
    This paper builds on the review of structural health monitoring (SHM) and damage assessment approaches provided in a companion paper by presenting an application of the damage locating vector (DLV) approach to the experimental (Phase II) data obtained from the experimental benchmark structure of the IASC-ASCE task group on SHM, which is a laboratory (scaled) size steel frame. Different damage conditions were simulated in the frame for braced and unbraced configurations, and the DLV technique was used to detect and localize damage. The damage identification results were presented and the successes and limitations of the DLV method in detecting and locating the simulated damages were discussed.
  • Article
    Citation Count: Gökmener, S.; Göğüş, M. (2022). "Local scour evolution around semi-circular end bridge abutment in quasi-unsteady condition", Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Water Management, Vol.175, No.4, pp.163-177.
    Local scour evolution around semi-circular end bridge abutment in quasi-unsteady condition
    (2022) Gökmener, Serkan; Göğüş, Mustafa; 6062
    In this experimental study, the temporal development of local scour is studied around semi-circular end bridge abutments under quasi-unsteady clear-water flow conditions in a rectangular sediment channel. A step-wise hydrograph of 6 h duration is used in the experiments. Six different abutment lengths having constant width, with uniform sand as bed material, were tested for three different successive flows - each applied continuously for 2 h. Bathymetry of the bed level was measured around the abutment every 15 min with the help of a measurement device to observe temporal development of the local scour around the semi-circular end abutment. Effects of the abutment length, flow intensity and time on the scour depths around semi-circular end bridge abutments, along with those at the front, upstream and downstream faces of the abutment, are also investigated and discussed. It is shown that the maximum scour depth always occurs at the front noses of the abutments compared with those at the upstream and downstream noses. A dimensionless empirical formula is derived to predict the scour depth at the front nose of the abutment as a function of related parameters. The results reveal that flow intensity is the most critical parameter in scour development.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: Genes, M.C..et al. "Vulnerability assessment of two instrumented masonry buildings in Antakya (Hatay, Turkey). 10th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering ACE2012, Middle East Technical University, Cultural and Convention Center, Ankara Turkey, 17-19 October, 2012.
    Vulnerability assessment of two instrumented masonry buildings in Antakya
    (2012) Genes, M.C.; Erberik, A.M.; Abrahamczyk, L.; Gülkan, Polat; Bikce, M.; Kacin, S.; Yakut, A.; Schwarz, J.; 5743
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: Gülkan, Polat...et al. "The Fatih Project: A pilot seismic assessment of the architectural heritage in the Historic Peninsula of Istanbul", WCCE-ECCE-TCCE Joint Conference on Seismic Protection of Cultural Heritage, October 31-November 1, 2011, Antalya.
    The Fatih Project: A Pilot Seismic Assessment of the Architectural Heritage in the Historic Peninsula of Istanbul
    (2011) Gülkan, Polat; Sozen, M.A.; Yakut, A.; Celep, Z.; Güler, K.; Kubin, J.; Kubin, D.; Eroğlu, E.; İrfanoğlu, A.; Ahunbay, Z.; 5743