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Conference Object Citation Count: Abdulkareem, Marwa Issam; Ashour, Osama Ibraheem; Salman, Yücel Batu (2023). "Secure IoT Entrance Using Mobile Application", IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 7th International Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference, EMC Turkiye 2023.Secure IoT Entrance Using Mobile Application(2023) Abdulkareem, Marwa Issam; Ashour, Osama Ibraheem; Salman, Yücel BatuThe impact of cyber security attacks increased globally, implementing proper security standards to protect data in the cyber environment has been prioritized, while assets are also at risk of being exploited through physical security breaches. Considering the potential risk of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) cards being lost or stolen, third parties can effortlessly gain the privileges of an authorized person. In this paper, we propose a design for a secure access control system that operates on an Android phone with multi-factor authentication to enable secure access control systems. For this purpose, the authorized users are registered in a database that can be accessed by the access control system when the user authenticates his\her credentials with a login/password as well as biometric data from his\her smartphone. This system works when the user is 10 meters away from the access control system, after that the user will be asked to submit his\her biometric credentials. The database then compares the user's keys and grants access if authentication is successful. This design is intended to reduce the number of cases in which unauthorized access to a restricted area. The observed results clearly meet the required security of physical access control systems.Article Citation Count: Saran, Ayse Nurdan (2024). "On time-memory trade-offs for password hashing schemes", Frontiers in Computer Science, Vol. 6.On time-memory trade-offs for password hashing schemes(2024) Saran, Ayse Nurdan; 20868A password hashing algorithm is a cryptographic method that transforms passwords into a secure and irreversible format. It is used not only for authentication purposes but also for key derivation mechanisms. The primary purpose of password hashing is to enhance the security of user credentials by preventing the exposure of plaintext passwords in the event of a data breach. As a key derivation function, password hashing aims to derive secret keys from a master key, password, or passphrase using a pseudorandom function. This review focuses on the design and analysis of time-memory trade-off (TMTO) attacks on recent password hashing algorithms. This review presents a comprehensive survey of TMTO attacks and recent studies on password hashing for authentication by examining the literature. The study provides valuable insights and strategies for safely navigating transitions, emphasizing the importance of a systematic approach and thorough testing to mitigate risk. The purpose of this paper is to provide guidance to developers and administrators on how to update cryptographic practices in response to evolving security standards and threats.Article Citation Count: Arslan, Serdar (2024). "Application of BiLSTM-CRF model with different embeddings for product name extraction in unstructured Turkish text", Neural Computing and Applications, Vol. 36, No. 15, pp. 8371-8382.Application of BiLSTM-CRF model with different embeddings for product name extraction in unstructured Turkish text(2024) Arslan, Serdar; 325411Named entity recognition (NER) plays a pivotal role in Natural Language Processing by identifying and classifying entities within textual data. While NER methodologies have seen significant advancements, driven by pretrained word embeddings and deep neural networks, the majority of these studies have focused on text with well-defined grammar and structure. A significant research gap exists concerning NER in informal or unstructured text, where traditional grammar rules and sentence structure are absent. This research addresses this crucial gap by focusing on the detection of product names within unstructured Turkish text. To accomplish this, we propose a deep learning-based NER model which combines a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) architecture with a Conditional Random Field (CRF) layer, further enhanced by FastText embeddings. To comprehensively evaluate and compare our model’s performance, we explore different embedding approaches, including Word2Vec and Glove, in conjunction with the Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory and Conditional Random Field (BiLSTM-CRF) model. Furthermore, we conduct comparisons against BERT to assess the efficacy of our approach. Our experimentation utilizes a Turkish e-commerce dataset gathered from the internet, where traditional grammatical and structural rules may not apply. The BiLSTM-CRF model with FastText embeddings achieved an F1 score value of 57.40%, a precision value of 55.78%, and a recall value of 59.12%. These results indicate promising performance in outperforming other baseline techniques. This research contributes to the field of NER by addressing the unique challenges posed by unstructured Turkish text and opens avenues for improved entity recognition in informal language settings, with potential applications across various domains.Article Citation Count: Dündar, asl. (2024). "A shallow 3D convolutional neural network for violence detection in videos", Egyptian Informatics Journal, Vol. 26.A shallow 3D convolutional neural network for violence detection in videos(2024) Dündar, Naz; Keçeli, Ali Seydi; Kaya, Aydın; Sever, Hayri; 366608; 11916With the recent worldwide statistical rise in the amount of public violence, automated violence detection in surveillance cameras has become a matter of high importance. This work introduces an end-to-end, trainable 3D Convolutional Neural Network (3D CNN) for detecting violence in video footage. The proposed network is inherently capable of processing both spatial and temporal information, thereby obviating the need for additional models that would introduce higher computational requirements and complexity. This work has two main contributions: 1) developing a lightweight 3D CNN suitable for inference on edge devices as mobile systems, and 2) a comprehensive explanation of all components comprising a CNN model, thereby enhances model interpretability. Experiments were conducted to assess the performance of the proposed model using a consolidated dataset combining four benchmark datasets. The results of the experiments support the asserted contributions, which are discussed in detail.Article Citation Count: Yılmaz, Murat (2019). "Üç yazılım firmasında yazılım süreç değişimlerinin gözlenen etkileri: Endüstriyel keşif vaka çalışması", Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 240-246.Üç yazılım firmasında yazılım süreç değişimlerinin gözlenen etkileri: Endüstriyel keşif vaka çalışması(2019) Yılmaz, MuratYazılım geliştirme süreçleri, gelişen yeni teknolojiler ve onun sağladığı imkânlar doğrultusunda sürekli iyileştirme gerektirir. Yazılım müşterilerinin pazarlanabilir fonksiyonlar içeren ürün talepleri üzerine kurgulanmış yeni nesil yazılım geliştirme modelleri ara ürün üretim hızını ve dolayısıyla ara sürüm sayısını arttırmayı hedeflemektedir. Bu ihtiyaçlar ışığında, yazılım şirketlerinin geliştirme süreçlerini müşteriden gelen istekleri karşılamak adına gözden geçirmeleri gerekmektedir. Ancak, daha da önemlisi, şirketler yazılım üretim hattındaki verimi düşürmemek için süreçlerini yenilikçi pratikler doğrultusunda değiştirmek zorunda kalmaktadırlar. Bu makalede, yazılım geliştiren üç şirketin yazılım geliştirme yöntemleri durum çalışması yöntemi ile detaylı olarak incelenerek, süreç değişimi aktiviteleri sistematik bir şekilde detaylandırılmıştır. Elde edilen bilgiler ışığında, üç firmanın da yazılım geliştirme yöntemlerindeki değişimler sorgulanarak edindikleri tecrübeler ve bu edinimlerin süreçler üzerindeki etkileri tartışılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, yazılım ürün geliştirme başarısının sürecin iyi işletilmesini önemli bir oranda etkilediği, yazılım geliştiren takımların da edindikleri kazanımlar ışığında kendi süreçlerini tasarlamaya çalıştıkları gözlenmiştir.Article Citation Count: Tokdemir, Gül (2021). "Using text mining for research trends in empirical software engineering ", Politeknik Dergisi, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 1227-1235.Using text mining for research trends in empirical software engineering(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2021) Tokdemir, Gül; 17411This paper intends to examine the research trends in Empirical Software Engineering domain within the last two decades using text mining. It studies published articles in the relevant literature with an emphasis on abstracts of 10658 articles published in the literature on Experimental Software Engineering domain. Using a probabilistic topic modelling technique (Latent Dirichlet Allocation), it brings forward the main topics of research within this domain. By further analysis, the paper evaluates the changes of focus in published works in the last two decades and depicts the recent trends in research content wise. Through a timely comparison, it portrays the alteration of interest within empirical software engineering research and proposes a future research agenda to develop an advanced field, beneficial both for academics and practitioners.Article Citation Count: Çağıltay, Nergiz Erçil; (2012). "Remote laboratory development as an action research: A case study", Scientific Research and Essays, Vol.7, No.27, pp.2337-2342.Remote laboratory development as an action research: A case study(2012) Çağıltay, Nergiz Erçil; Tokdemir, Gül; Aydın, Elif; Kara, Ali; 17411This work presents a case study about how action research (AR) has been conducted in developing a real-life educational system. An explanation is given of the modified implementation of the classical AR methodology, based on the requirements of a remote laboratory system developed for the vocational training of students in higher education. This study reports a successful implementation of AR stages which established for the development process of a remote laboratory system along with the design of several research questions explored in each step of the system development process. It is believed that the outcomes of the study will help AR implementers to organize their research objectives, more appropriately, by addressing the organizational problems. The results of this study are also expected to guide the AR implementers to better integrate their research in solving domain specific practical problemsArticle Citation Count: Uğuz, Sezer; Tokdemir, Gül. (2021). "REZES Nesnelerin İnterneti Tabanlı Geri Dönüşüm Uygulama Sistemleri", EMO Bilimsel Dergi, No.11, pp.39-47.REZES Nesnelerin İnterneti Tabanlı Geri Dönüşüm Uygulama Sistemleri(2021) Uğuz, Sezer; Tokdemir, Gül; 17411Nüfus artışı ve plansız sanayileşmenin sonucunda oluşan çevre kirliliği, insanoğlunun neden olduğu en büyük sorunlardan birisidir ve her geçen gün canlı ve cansız varlıklara olan olumsuz etkisi artarak devam etmektedir. Çevre kirliliğinin oldukça büyük bir kısmını oluşturan plastik, cam ve teneke kutu gibi geri dönüştürülmesi mümkün olan katı atıkların doğaya bırakılması sonucunda toprak ve su kirliliği meydana gelmektedir. Bu çalışmada sunulan sistem ile çevre kirliliği problemine yenilikçi bir çözüm getirilerek, geri dönüşümün akıllı bir şekilde yapılması hem ekonomik katma değer sağlayıp hem de çevre kirliliğinin önlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. REZES (Yenilenebilir Enerji Sıfır Enerji İsrafı) sistemi, Nesnelerin İnterneti, Görüntü İşleme, Büyük Veri Analizi ve Oyunlaştırma gibi en yeni teknoloji ve metotların kullanılmasıyla akıllı bir geri dönüşüm sistemi sunmaktadır. Böylelikle plastik, cam ve teneke kutu gibi katı atıkların geri dönüştürülmesi konusuna yenilikçi bir çözüm getirilmektedir.Article Citation Count: Medeni, İhsan Tolga; Medeni, Tunç Durmuş (2013). "Topic Model Implementation To Find Related Documents In Corporate Archives In Real Life: “A Case Scenario On Knowledge Retrieval”", International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies, Vol.5, No.1, pp.98-107.Topic Model Implementation To Find Related Documents In Corporate Archives In Real Life: “A Case Scenario On Knowledge Retrieval”(2013) Medeni, İhsan Tolga; Medeni, Tunç Durmuş; 181215Today’s organizations were mostly built over their documents. These documents are very crucial sources of knowledge. Even they know the existence of these documents, most of the time, it is nearly impossible to extract captive knowledge inside. In these conditions, organizations choose re-prepare same document again rather than finding proper documents in the archives. On the other hand, finding these documents would save precious time and decrease redundancy of the work. Topic model idea basically focuses on extraction of knowledge from these types of documents. In this study, our aim is to give a summary of Topic Model research and try to explain latest model concept over an imaginary case scenarioArticle Citation Count: Tokdemir, Gül. (2022). "Software professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey: Factors affecting their mental well-being and work engagement in the home-based work setting", Journal of Systems and Software, Vol.188.Software professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey: Factors affecting their mental well-being and work engagement in the home-based work setting(2022) Tokdemir, Gül; 17411With the COVID-19 pandemic, strict measures have been taken to slow down the spread of the virus, and consequently, software professionals have been forced to work from home. However, home-based working entails many challenges, as the home environment is shared by the whole family simultaneously under pandemic conditions. The aim of this study is to explore software professionals’ mental well-being and work engagement and the relationships of these variables with job strain and resource-related factors in the forced home-based work setting during the COVID-19 pandemic. An online cross-sectional survey based on primarily well-known, validated scales was conducted with software professionals in Turkey. The analysis of the results was performed through hierarchical multivariate regression. The results suggest that despite the negative effect of job strain, the resource-related protective factors, namely, sleep quality, decision latitude, work-life balance, exercise predict mental well-being. Additionally, work engagement is predicted by job strain, sleep quality, and decision latitude. The results of the study will provide valuable insights to management of the software companies and professionals about the precautions that can be taken to have a better home-based working experience such as allowing greater autonomy and enhancing the quality of sleep and hence mitigating the negative effects of pandemic emergency situations on software professionals’ mental well-being and work engagement.Article Citation Count: Darvish, Hamid. (2011). "Open Access Awareness in Scholarly Communication: The Case of Çankaya University", Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.8, No.1, pp.105-123.Open Access Awareness in Scholarly Communication: The Case of Çankaya University(2011) Darvish, HamidThe Scholarly Communications processes consist of collecting and analyzing of data—including published information—through its transformation into publications or other output, and its usage or preservation by other users. In this respect, researchers, publishers, libraries and data managers play important roles in applying and implementing of scholarly communications.1 Conventionally, the flow of scientific papers’ publication starts by a research activity followed by manuscript submission, peer review, publishing cost by publisher and so on. Whereas, in open access publication, after peer review the cost of publication is paid by the author (See, Figure 1).Article Citation Count: Uğuz, (2022). "The effect of population and tourism factors on Covid-19 cases in Italy: Visual data analysis and forecasting approach", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol.34, No.6.The effect of population and tourism factors on Covid-19 cases in Italy: Visual data analysis and forecasting approach(2022) Uğuz, Sezer; Yağanoğlu, Mete; Özyer, Barış; Özyer, Gülşah Tümüklü; Tokdemir, Gül; 17411At the beginning of 2020, the new coronavirus disease (Covid-19), a deadly viral illness, is declared as a public health emergency situation by WHO. Consequently, it is accepted as pandemic that affected millions of people worldwide. Italy is one of the most affected countries by Covid-19 disease among the world. In this article, our main goal is to investigate the effect of intensity of Covid-19 cases based on the population size and tourism factors in certain regions of Italy by visual data analysis. The regions of Lombardia, Veneto, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Piemonte are the top five regions covering 58.50% of the total Covid-19 cases diagnosed in Italy. It has been shown by visual data analysis that population and tourism factors play an important role in the spread of Covid-19 cases in these five regions. In addition, a prediction model was created using Bi-LSTM and ARIMA algorithms to forecast the number of Covid-19 cases occurring in these five regions in order to take early action. We can conclude that these northern regions have been affected mostly by Covid-19 and the distribution of the resident population and tourist flow factors affected the number of Covid-19 cases in Italy.Article Citation Count: Yumusak, Semih; (2021). "Low-diameter topic-based pub/sub overlay Network Construction with minimum–maximum node Degree", PeerJ Computer Science, Vol.7, pp.1-26.Low-diameter topic-based pub/sub overlay Network Construction with minimum–maximum node Degree(2021) Yumusak, Semih; Layazali, Sina; Öztoprak, Kasım; Hassanpour, RezaIn the construction of effective and scalable overlay networks, publish/subscribe (pub/sub) network designers prefer to keep the diameter and maximum node degree of the network low. However, existing algorithms are not capable of simultaneously decreasing the maximum node degree and the network diameter. To address this issue in an overlay network with various topics, we present herein a heuristic algorithm, called the constant-diameter minimum–maximum degree (CD-MAX), which decreases the maximum node degree and maintains the diameter of the overlay network at two as the highest. The proposed algorithm based on the greedy merge algorithm selects the node with the minimum number of neighbors. The output of the CD-MAX algorithm is enhanced by applying a refinement stage through the CD-MAX-Ref algorithm, which further improves the maximum node degrees. The numerical results of the algorithm simulation indicate that the CD-MAX and CD-MAX-Ref algorithms improve the maximum node-degree by up to 64% and run up to four times faster than similar algorithms.Conference Object Citation Count: Börcek, Alp Özgü al. "Türk beyin cerrahlarının teknolojiye ulaşım imkanları", Türk Nöroşirürji Derneği 30. Bilimsel Kongresi, 2016.Türk beyin cerrahlarının teknolojiye ulaşım imkanları(2016) Börcek, Alp Özgün; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Tokdemir, Gül; Maraş, Hadi Hakan; 17411; 34410Article Citation Count: Sever, H.; Gürçay, H.; Ak, S. (2007). "Konumsal erişim yöntemleri", Harita Dergisi, Vol.73, No.138, pp.84-99.Konumsal erişim yöntemleri(2007) Sever, Hayri; Gürçay, Haşmet; Ak, Serdar; 11916Otomatik konumsal veri toplama araçlarının kullanımının hızlıca artmasına paralel olarak konumsal içeriklerinin hacim olarak genişlemesi, geleneksel yöntemlerin ötesinde konumsal veritabanlarının etkin kullanılabilmesini gündeme getirmiştir. Konumsal verilere etkin erişim için, hızlı ve doğru sonuçlar üreten dizinleme yapılarının gerekliliği kaçınılmazdır. Konumsal erişim yöntemleri bilgisayar bilimlerinin çekirdek konularından birisini teşkil ettiğinden dolayı, yeni yöntemler veya yöntem eniyileştirmeleri devamlı önerilmekte ve birçok alanda kendisine uygulama bulmaktadır. Yeni yöntem önermede, değişmeyen ister konumsal erişim yöntemlerinin zaman ve uzay karmaşıklığının belli seviyelerde tutulmasıdır. Bu derleme makalede tüm bu gereksinimler ve bu gereksinimler sonucunda ortaya çıkmış bulunan bazı dizinleme yapıları ve yöntemleri incelenmektedir.Conference Object Citation Count: Alrawi, Layth Nabeel; Ashour, Osama Ibraheem; Zeain, Abdulrahman. "Survey on Interface Usability Evaluation for Oil and Gas Critical Control Systems", 2nd International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference (IISEC), pp. 1-5, 2021.Survey on Interface Usability Evaluation for Oil and Gas Critical Control Systems(IEEE, 2021) Alrawi, Layth Nabeel; Ashour, Osama Ibraheem; Zeain, AbdulrahmanUsability is the key to develop and improve any system as it represents the direct contact point between users and machines. The use of the critical control system in the oil and gas industry is increasing. Due to the complexity of these systems, its interface usability should be assessed and developed periodically. In this research, the attributes that affect interface usability are identified. The usability of the Torque Turns System (TTS) is evaluated since the periods of downtime is projected to increase in the field. There are some works similar to our work however none of them had collected data directly from real operators from the field. An evaluation of the torque turn system interface usability is performed using questionnaire related to common interface usability attributes including accessibility, learnability, effectiveness, memorability, efficiency, safety, cognitive load, understandability, and satisfaction. The findings indicate a potential weakness in terms of understandability and accessibilityConference Object Citation Count: Sadeq, May al. "Spectrum Behavior Prediction and Optimized Throughput /Time performance Using FFNN in Cognitive Radio", 6th International Engineering Conference,Spectrum Behavior Prediction and Optimized Throughput /Time performance Using FFNN in Cognitive Radio(IEEE, 2020) Sadeq, May Abdulsamad; Bayat, Oğuz; Ilyas, Muhammad; Ashour, Osama IbraheemProgressively, number of radio spectrum users is increasing as life tends towards new technologies in all sectors, so even those users of licensed band are demanding larger radio spectrum. Users may get assigned into other bands to balance the radio spectrum congestion. In this paper, radio spectrum is sensed for void detection and secondary user assignment. Cognitive users are participating the white band either by transmitting alongside with primary users or waiting until the hole is getting vacant. During the period of transmission, the behaviors of primary users are studied for determining the spectrum occupancy status. The activity of primary users is simulated as random variables due to uncertain behaviors from time perspectives. Issues like channel noise and fading effects stand as interrupters of spectrum sensing which make spectrum holes to appear busy due to such incidents. Cognitive Radio network is modeled by using MATLAB software so that both primary and secondary users can sense the spectrum and share the spectrum effectively by employing the approach of waiting time estimator which provides behaviors and activity matrix. Candidates are made to share the spectrum and hereafter transmission delay and throughput are examined when underlay and interweave spectrum sharing were in use. Three techniques are used to share the spectrum which are underlay, interweave and Feed Forward Neural Network. The results shown that feed forward neural network is outperformed in both time delay minimization and throughput enhancement.Conference Object Citation Count: Uysal, al. "Sentiment Analysis for the Social Media: A Case Study for Turkish General Elections", ACM SE '17: Proceedings of the SouthEast Conference, April 2017, pp. 215-218.Sentiment Analysis for the Social Media: A Case Study for Turkish General Elections(2017) Uysal, Elif; Yumuşak, Semih; Öztoprak, Kasım; Doğdu, ErdoğanThe ideas expressed in social media are not always compliant with natural language rules, and the mood and emotion indicators are mostly highlighted by emoticons and emotion specific keywords. There are language independent emotion keywords (e.g. love, hate, good, bad), besides every language has its own particular emotion specific keywords. These keywords can be used for polarity analysis for a particular sentence. In this study, we first created a Turkish dictionary containing emotion specific keywords. Then, we used this dictionary to detect the polarity of tweets that are collected by querying political keywords right before the Turkish general election in 2015. The tweets were collected based on their relatedness with three main categories: the political leaders, ideologies, and political parties. The polarity of these tweets are analyzed in comparison with the election results.Conference Object Citation Count: Tokdemir, Gül; Uğuz, Sezer. "Research Trends in Agile Software Development", Emerging Trends in Computing and Engineering Applications (ETCEA), International Conference on, Karak, Jordan, 23-24 November 2022.Research Trends in Agile Software Development(IEEE, 2022) Tokdemir, Gül; Uğuz, Sezer; 17411Agile software development (ASD) is a popular research area that attracts the attention of the software development industry as well. Many studies have been conducted to explore the issues related to the ASD domain. Research is still very vigorous in this domain as there is continuous interest from companies to adopt ASD in their software development processes. Moreover, with the remote work setting that the pandemic forces, software companies search for new methods and approaches to manage their projects effectively and successfully. Hence, this study explores the research conducted in the last two decades in the ASD domain through text mining to reveal the trending topics that get attention from scholars. According to the results of this study, eight topics are identified for the research in ASD domain. Among those, topics of Team Communication, Agile Development, and Software Development Process are the most popular, the most funded, and the most cited topics respectively.Conference Object Citation Count: Doğdu, Erdoğ al. "Perceptions, Expectations and Implementations of Big Data in Public Sector", 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK), pp. 615-620, 2018.Perceptions, Expectations and Implementations of Big Data in Public Sector(2018) Doğdu, Erdoğan; Özbayoğlu, Murat; Yazıcı, Ali; Karakaya, ZiyaBig Data is one of the most commonly encountered buzzwords among IT professionals nowadays. Technological advancements in data acquisition, storage, telecommunications, embedded systems and sensor technologies resulted in huge inflows of streaming data coming from variety of sources, ranging from financial streaming data to social media tweets, or wearable health gadgets to drone flight logs. The processing and analysis of such data is a difficult task, but as appointed by many IT experts, it is crucial to have a Big Data Implementation plan in today’s challenging industry standards. In this study, we performed a survey among IT professionals working in the public sector and tried to address some of their implementation issues and their perception of Big Data today and their expectations about how the industry will evolve. The results indicate that most of the public sector professionals are aware of the current Big Data requirements, embrace the Big Data challenge and are optimistic about the future.