Institutionalization of family companies and its effect on organizational culture: A comparative study
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Bu tez çalışmasında aile şirketlerinin kurumsallaşması kavramı kurumsal kuram açısından ele alınmış ve kurumsallaşmanın örgüt kültürü üzerinde etkileri incelenmiştir. Türkiye'de ve dünyada aile şirketlerinin genel toplama oranının oldukça yüksek olması aile şirketleri üzerinde yapılan araştırmaları oldukça artırmıştır. Aile şirketlerini etkileyen ortak çevresel faktörler üzerinde durulmuş ve kurumsal kuram bakış açısıyla değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada kurumsallaşma kavramı, örgütlerin resmi yapıları ile gayri resmi kurallarını, prosedürlerini, yönetsel geleneklerini ve ortak inançlarını mantıksallaştırılmış mitlere gore sürekli uyarlama ve meşrulaştırma çalışmaları sonucu aşamalı gelişimi olarak ele alınmıştır (Alpay ve diğerleri, 2008). Diğer taraftan örgüt kültürü kavramı ise örgüt üyelerinin içsel ve dışsal uyum problemlerini çözecek derecede geçerli ve hatta yeni örgüt üyelerine bu problemlerin çözümünde yol gösterici nitelikte olan ortak değerler örüntüsü olarak kabul edilmiştir (Schein, 1992, s.12). Kurumsallaşmayı ve örgüt kültürünü ölçümleyerek iki aile şirketinin kurumsallaşma dereceleri ve örgüt kültürleri arasındaki benzerlikler ve farklılıkları ortaya koymak amacıyla nicel yöntemler kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, araştırma yapılan A ve B firmalarının kurumsallaşma dereceleri oldukça yakın çıkmasına rağmen kültürel alt boyutlarında bariz farklar gözlemlenmiş ve sadece ?tutarlılık? boyutunda anlamlı bir farklılığa rastlanamamıştır. Regresyon analizleri sonucu A ve B firmalarının farklı kurumsallaşma boyutlarının örgüt kültürlerinin tutarlılık boyutu üzerinde pozitif etkisi olduğu ortaya koyulmuştur. Son olarak, geleceğe yönelik araştırmalar için öneriler sunulmuştur.
This study discusses the institutionalization of family businesses with the institutional theory view and examines its effect on organizational culture through a comparative case study. The organizational influences common to the family business from the perspective of institutional theory are examined. Institutionalization is considered as the gradual evolution of organizations through continuous adaptation and legitimizing its formal structures, informal norms, procedures, administrative rituals, and shared beliefs according to ``rationalized myths?? (Alpay et al, 2008). On the other hand culture is considered as a pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems ?(Schein, 1992, p.12). Quantitative methods are used to measure institutionalization and culture of purposefully selected family companies to discover the similarity or differences of their institutionalization degree and culture to interpret the effects of institutionalization on their culture. In conclusion, family companies titled as Company A and Company B have approximately the same degree of institutionalization but have different cultures. Consistency is the only cultural trait common to these companies affected by organizational institutionalization degree. Furthermore possible future research topics are represented to examine the effects of culture of family businesses on the institutionalization process.
This study discusses the institutionalization of family businesses with the institutional theory view and examines its effect on organizational culture through a comparative case study. The organizational influences common to the family business from the perspective of institutional theory are examined. Institutionalization is considered as the gradual evolution of organizations through continuous adaptation and legitimizing its formal structures, informal norms, procedures, administrative rituals, and shared beliefs according to ``rationalized myths?? (Alpay et al, 2008). On the other hand culture is considered as a pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems ?(Schein, 1992, p.12). Quantitative methods are used to measure institutionalization and culture of purposefully selected family companies to discover the similarity or differences of their institutionalization degree and culture to interpret the effects of institutionalization on their culture. In conclusion, family companies titled as Company A and Company B have approximately the same degree of institutionalization but have different cultures. Consistency is the only cultural trait common to these companies affected by organizational institutionalization degree. Furthermore possible future research topics are represented to examine the effects of culture of family businesses on the institutionalization process.
Aile Şirketleri, Kurumsallaşma, Örgüt Kültürü, Family Business, Institutionalization, Organizational Culture
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
Fields of Science
Helvacı, Ö. (2009). Institutionalization of family companies and its effect on organizational culture: A comparative study. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara. Çankaya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
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