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Comparative Analysis of Novel Long Life Routing Methods In Mobile Networks

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Preveze, Barbaros
Safak, Aysel

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In this study we propose two novel ABR extended Long Life Routing Methods called Alternative enhancement for Enhanced Associativity Based Routing (AEABR) and Associativity Tick Averaged ABR (ATAABR) methods which are also modifications of Associativity Based Routing (ABR). Comparison of these associativity based long Life routing algorithms in Mobile Networks are done for route speeds, life times and outage times Since ABR at most focuses on power strength, it will be preferable in most systems to establish long life routes from source to destination considering the power constraints. It is shown in this paper that, the novel algorithms that we propose provide better life time, link speeds and outage time results than EABR (Enhanced Associativity Based Routing) method and other relay selection algorithms taken into consideration in this work. It's illustrated that the performance of EABR method, is really better than other relay selection algorithms for number of Route reconstructions (RRC) or relay changes and Connected Status Percentage (CSP). On the other hand it has also been illustrated that AEABR and ATAABR improve the connection stability of EABR by keeping the connection outage time at lower levels where ATAABR require less modification on algorithm and needs less computation time. AEABR improves either connection outage times or number of RRC. During this analysis message overhead and bandwidth wastage of each algorithm is also investigated. The proposed algorithms can be used in designing a unicast mobile network having power constraints to provide longer path life and lower number of route reconstructions.



EABR, Wireless, Mobile, Ad-Hoc, Long Life Routing

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL

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Preveze, Barbaros; Safak, Aysel, "Comparative Analysis of Novel Long Life Routing Methods in Mobile Networks", 2010 Ieee 21st International Symposium On Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (Pimrc), pp. 1596-1601, (2010).


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2010 Ieee 21st International Symposium On Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (Pimrc)



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