Mersin İli Mut İlçesinin Koruma Planlamasında Üretim Mirası Bulgurhanelerin Değerlendirilmesi
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Manav, Ayşe
Urak, Gediz
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Çevrelerin korunmasıyla sağlanan kazanımlar içinde endüstri mirasının korunması önemli bir yer
tutmaktadır. Endüstri mirası kapsamında, geleneksel üretim biçimleri, yöresel kültürel değerlerdir ve
teknolojik gelişmelere bağlı olarak yok olmaktadır. Terkedilmiş geleneksel üretim biçimlerinin
yeniden canlandırılması veya bölgesel ölçekte geliştirilecek bir koruma planlamasının parçası olması,
bu değerlerin korunarak sürdürülmesini ve bulunduğu yerleşimde toplumun koruma bilincinin
gelişmesini sağlarken, bölge ve ülke ekonomisine de katkı sunacaktır. Bu sorumlulukla, Türkiye’de
terkedilmiş bir üretim biçimi olan geleneksel bulgurculuk, Mut bulgurhaneleri ve oluşturduğu kültürel
peyzaj üretim mirası olarak makalede ele alınmıştır.
Bulgurhane, buğdayın yıkanması, haşlanması, kurutulması ve öğütülmesi sonucunda sofralık bulgur
çeşitlerinin üretildiği yapılardır. Buğdayın işlenmesi sürecindeki, güneşte kurutma aşaması Mut
bulgurculuğunun çıkış noktasıdır. Yirminci yüzyılın ortalarında, Mut’ta başlayan geleneksel
bulgurculuk, önce ilçenin çeşitli yerlerinde sonra Bulgucular Sokak’ta yaklaşık bir asır boyunca etkin
olarak sürdürülmüş, yirmi birinci yüzyılın başlarında makineli üretime geçilmesiyle neredeyse yok
olmuştur. Günümüzde kullanılmasa da, Bulgucular Sokak’taki geleneksel bulgurhane binaları ve
içindeki makineler, yan iş kolu büyükbaş hayvan besiciliğine ait ahır ve depolar, işçi-işveren ve
mahallede yaşayan diğer kişilerin konutları, sosyal doku ve kentsel peyzaj öğeleri üretim mirası olarak
korunmalıdır. Zamanla yok olan bu değerler, ilçe bütünü için önerilecek bir koruma planının ana
temasını oluşturarak ilçedeki korunması gerekli tüm alanlarla beraber üst ölçekli çevre düzeni planlarıyla da uyumlu bütünleşik bir planlama yaklaşımı ile korunabilir. Ulusal ve uluslararası
boyutta tanıtımı ve sergilenmesi sonucunda elde edilecek turizm geliri sayesinde ilçe, bölge ve ülke
ekonomisine katkı sunabilir. Bu bağlamda; üretim mirası Mut bulgurhanelerinin tanıtımı yapılmış ve
Mut ilçesinin tamamı için gerçekleştirilecek bir koruma planlamasındaki önemi vurgulanmıştır.
The preservation of the industrial heritage has an important place among the achievements provided with the preservation of historical environments. Within the context of industrial heritage, traditional manufacturing types are regional cultural values and they disappear depending on technological developments. The revival of the abandoned traditional manufacturing types or making them part of a conservation planning which will be developed on a regional scale will both ensure the preservation and sustainability of these values and the development of preservation consciousness where they are settled and contribute to the economy of the region and the country. On the other hand, a society, which has developed its preservation consciousness, will grasp her responsibility and fulfil the duty of transmitting cultural values to future generations. With this responsibility, traditional wheat / “bulgur” production, which is an abandoned production type in Turkey, Mut wheat mills / “Bulgurhane”s, and the cultural landscape they have formed, was addressed as a production heritage in this study. Wheat mills / “Bulgurhane”s are structures where edible wheat / “bulgur” varieties are produced as a result of the washing, boiling, drying and grinding of wheat. The sun-drying phase, which is applied throughout the processing of wheat, is Mut wheat / “bulgur” production’s starting point. Traditional wheat / “bulgur” production which started in Mut in the middle of twentieth century, was pursued for almost a century actively first in the various places of the district and then on Bulgurcular Street and almost disappeared with the transition to mechanical production at the beginning of twenty-first century. Even though they are not used today, the traditional wheat / “bulgur” production buildings on Bulgurcular Street and the machines inside them, the barns and stores reserved for sub business line cattle raising, the dwellings of employee-employer and other people living in the neighbourhood, social fabric and townscape elements should be preserved as production heritage. These values which have disappeared over time, it may be preserved by an integrated planning approach conforming with the top scale environmental layout plans, with all the areas of the district that have to be preserved by forming the main theme of a conservation plan which will be offered for the whole district. Due to the tourism income, which will be earned as a result of its national and international publicity, the district may contribute to the economy of the district and the country. In this regard, Mut wheat mills / “bulgurhanes” were introduced as production heritages and its importance in a conservation planning to be realised for the whole Mut District was emphasized
The preservation of the industrial heritage has an important place among the achievements provided with the preservation of historical environments. Within the context of industrial heritage, traditional manufacturing types are regional cultural values and they disappear depending on technological developments. The revival of the abandoned traditional manufacturing types or making them part of a conservation planning which will be developed on a regional scale will both ensure the preservation and sustainability of these values and the development of preservation consciousness where they are settled and contribute to the economy of the region and the country. On the other hand, a society, which has developed its preservation consciousness, will grasp her responsibility and fulfil the duty of transmitting cultural values to future generations. With this responsibility, traditional wheat / “bulgur” production, which is an abandoned production type in Turkey, Mut wheat mills / “Bulgurhane”s, and the cultural landscape they have formed, was addressed as a production heritage in this study. Wheat mills / “Bulgurhane”s are structures where edible wheat / “bulgur” varieties are produced as a result of the washing, boiling, drying and grinding of wheat. The sun-drying phase, which is applied throughout the processing of wheat, is Mut wheat / “bulgur” production’s starting point. Traditional wheat / “bulgur” production which started in Mut in the middle of twentieth century, was pursued for almost a century actively first in the various places of the district and then on Bulgurcular Street and almost disappeared with the transition to mechanical production at the beginning of twenty-first century. Even though they are not used today, the traditional wheat / “bulgur” production buildings on Bulgurcular Street and the machines inside them, the barns and stores reserved for sub business line cattle raising, the dwellings of employee-employer and other people living in the neighbourhood, social fabric and townscape elements should be preserved as production heritage. These values which have disappeared over time, it may be preserved by an integrated planning approach conforming with the top scale environmental layout plans, with all the areas of the district that have to be preserved by forming the main theme of a conservation plan which will be offered for the whole district. Due to the tourism income, which will be earned as a result of its national and international publicity, the district may contribute to the economy of the district and the country. In this regard, Mut wheat mills / “bulgurhanes” were introduced as production heritages and its importance in a conservation planning to be realised for the whole Mut District was emphasized
Kültür, Mut, Koruma Planlaması, Üretim Mirası, Bulgurhane, Alan Yönetimi, Culture, Mut, Conservation Planning, Production Heritage, Bulgurhane, Wheat Mill, Field Management
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
Fields of Science
Manav, Ayşe; Urak, Gediz (2019). "Mersin İli Mut İlçesinin Koruma Planlamasında Üretim Mirası Bulgurhanelerin Değerlendirilmesi", Çukurova University, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 63-96.
Scopus Q
Çukurova University, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
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