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Article Citation Count: Aksel, Elif; İmamoğlu, Çağrı (2023). "Investigating the restorative potential of women’s home environments", Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 2793-2819.Investigating the restorative potential of women’s home environments(2023) Aksel, Elif; İmamoğlu, ÇağrıAlthough research on restorative environments suggest that natural settings have therapeutic effects in moderating stress and promoting positive experiences, there is a limited body of literature inquiring about the therapeutic potential of interior environments. The aim of the current study was to understand the restorative potential of home environments regarding theoretical background on restorative environments and architectural dimensions influencing well-being through the experiences of women. We interviewed 11 adult women using the photo-elicitation technique to investigate the perceived restorativeness of their home environments. Thematic analysis of qualitative data indicated that the design attributes of spaces play a significant role in promoting the restoration process. In addition to design attributes, we found family interaction, socialising, and engaging in activities could also be influential. Furthermore, the exploratory nature of the research highlighted the significance of individual meanings and personal factors in shaping the perceived restorativeness of home environments. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed to encourage future research in related fields that explore the relationship between residential settings and well-being.Book Part Citation Count: Alkan, Abdul Lah; Yörükoğlu, Papatya Nur Dökmeci; Kitapçı, Kıvanç. Indoor Soundscapes of the Future: Listening to Smart Houses, in Transforming Issues in Housing Design, pp. 245-254, 2023.Indoor Soundscapes of the Future: Listening to Smart Houses(2023) Alkan, Abdul Lah; Yörükoğlu, Papatya Nur Dökmeci; Kitapçı, Kıvanç; 214925The acoustic environment of smart houses impacts the overall quality of life and wellbeing of occupants. A well-designed acoustic environment can promote relaxation, while excessive noise or distractions can negatively impact wellbeing. It is crucial to consider sound’s role in smart house design. Smart houses have built-in virtual assistants that respond to voice commands, perform various tasks, and verbally respond to such commands. This machine-to-human-to-machine verbal interaction requires high speech intelligibility (i.e., low reverberation time and high signal-to-noise ratio) in smart houses, which is not required for traditional homes. The open floor plan and multi-purpose rooms in smart houses can create challenges for sound management. This can be addressed by creating separate zones for different activities or using room dividers that help to direct and absorb sound. The design of smart houses includes the placement of speakers and other audio devices to optimize sound quality and distribution. Speakers are installed in the ceiling or walls to create a more immersive and balanced listening experience. The placement of microphones and other sensors should also be optimized for smart houses. Microphones should be placed where sound is most likely heard or where it best captures voice commands. Integrating multiple audio sources and devices creates challenges in managing and organizing sound in a smart house. Designers should consider configuring smart devices and ensuring that different devices are compatible and functioning properly.Conference Object Citation Count: Acun, Volkan; Aksel, Elif. IMPACT OF COMPLEXITY ON PERCEIVED AFFECTIVE QUALITY AND PERCEIVED RESTORATIVENESS IN INDOOR SOUNDSCAPES, Proceedings of Forum Acusticum, 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association, EAA 2023, Torino, 11 September 2023through 15 September 2023.IMPACT OF COMPLEXITY ON PERCEIVED AFFECTIVE QUALITY AND PERCEIVED RESTORATIVENESS IN INDOOR SOUNDSCAPES(2023) Acun, Volkan; Aksel, ElifEventfulness and pleasantness are two prominent components of soundscape perception, and their interplay creates attributes that are used to measure the perceived affective quality of soundscapes. Even though restorativeness is not among the principal components of soundscape perception, it is involved with soundscapes' perceived affective quality attributes. While the contribution of these attributes is well established, there is still a lack of understanding regarding how soundscape complexity impacts perceived restorativeness and perceived affective quality. There are tools, such as the Acoustic Complexity Index, to measure the complexity of natural soundscapes but soundscapes of the built environment lack such an index. This study aims (1) to understand the relationship between complexity, perceived affective quality and perceived restorativeness and (2) to explore and compare the effectiveness of different means of measuring acoustical complexity. With this regard, we conducted an online questionnaire survey which consisted of twenty soundscape recordings. We asked the participants to evaluate the perceived affective quality and perceived restorativeness of each recording. We then calculated the acoustic complexity indices, Acoustic complexity, Acoustic Diversity, Acoustic Evenness, and Normalized Differences Soundscape Index. Finally, we conducted a series of statistical analyses to explore the relationships between each variable. © 2023 Acun et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Article Citation Count: Boysan, Aysu; Tunca, Gülru Mutlu (2023). "DESIGN AND COUNTER DESIGN AGAINST CONSUMPTION: 1972 “ITALY, THE NEW DOMESTIC LANDSCAPE” EXHIBITION (1)", Metu Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 151-174.DESIGN AND COUNTER DESIGN AGAINST CONSUMPTION: 1972 “ITALY, THE NEW DOMESTIC LANDSCAPE” EXHIBITION (1)(2023) Boysan, Aysu; Tunca, Gülru Mutlu; 17487In Western Europe, the 1960s and 1970s covered the radical criticism of some European designers against mass production and consumption. Several Italian Radical designers raised the most compelling objection at an exhibition on the other side of the ocean: “Italy: The New Domestic Landscape” (INDL), curated by Emilio Ambasz in the Museum of Modern Art, New York, in 1972. INDL marked a significant moment in contemporary design history. For the show, Ambasz selected more than a hundred “objects” produced by Italian manufacturers and displayed them in specially designed cases in the garden area. Moreover, he invited eleven Italian designers to create unique “microenvironments” by interpreting concepts assigned by a “special design program,” such as environmental psychology, locality, urbanism, micro and macro-scale housing, consumerism, and mass production. Although the “objects” displayed in the garden were of great importance - since the event was one of the first instances of Italian design’s introduction to the American public-this study concentrates on the contradicting responses of Italian designers, under headings “design and counterdesign as postulation” for understanding the design philosophy behind the appearance of “design versus non-design” dialectics of that era, which is still a recognized topic in contemporary architectural theory. This study, therefore, analyzes the eclectic and postmodern approaches of six Italian designers in the “design” category and the provocative denials of Radical designers presented under the “counterdesign” category. It aims to understand better the impact of this discursive opposition made visible by the exhibition on the anticonsumerist approaches and the search for alternative methodologies, which subsequently increased among designers.Article Citation Count: Avcı, Ayşe Nihan (2023). "ASSESSMENT OF DAYLIGHTING IN A HISTORICAL EDUCATIONAL BUILDING: ANKARA UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SCIENCE ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY", Light and Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 70-77.ASSESSMENT OF DAYLIGHTING IN A HISTORICAL EDUCATIONAL BUILDING: ANKARA UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SCIENCE ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY(2023) Avcı, Ayşe Nihan; 237970The conditions of Ottoman architecture persisted during the republican period at the turn of the 20th century. Later, radical changes in the structure of the state affected the field of architecture, and changes in the world were reflected in our country. The structures that are the subject of architectural debates are typically early republican period buildings, which were built between 1920s and 1950s. On the other hand, in past buildings, the interior design criteria that are important for the user in interior design have been the subject of interest in various disciplines. Lighting – daylighting and electric lighting – in different interiors is one of the design criteria that has intrigued many researchers. Laboratories, classrooms, studios, circulation areas, administrative spaces, offices, conference rooms, and wet spaces are all common features of educational buildings. Each of these spaces has unique lighting requirements. The aim of this study is to assess the daylighting performance in the interior and encourage similar studies in historical educational buildings rather than the architectural design of these buildings. Daylighting performance was assessed in the analytical chemistry laboratory at the Ankara University Faculty of Science, block A, which was built during the Second National Architectural Movement and bears the traces of Sedad Hakki Eldem, Emin Onat, and Paul Bonatz. A morning interval (10:00–11:00) where the courses are considered the most productive was chosen for the evaluation. The results were compared and interpreted with the values specified in the standards; the measurement is limited to the day and time interval.Conference Object Citation Count: Alkan, A.; Dökmeci Yörükoğlu, Papatya Nur (2023). "AN INVESTIGATION OF SOUND SOURCES IN SMART HOUSES FOR IMPROVED MACHINE-TO-HUMAN COMMUNICATION", Proceedings of Forum Acusticum, 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association, EAA 2023, Torino, 11 September 2023through 15 September 2023.AN INVESTIGATION OF SOUND SOURCES IN SMART HOUSES FOR IMPROVED MACHINE-TO-HUMAN COMMUNICATION(2023) Alkan, A.; Dökmeci Yörükoğlu, Papatya Nur; 214925This study aims to investigate the ever-evolving indoor soundscapes of smart houses by classification of the sounds emitted from smart devices. Nowadays, communication is no longer limited to person-to-person. Smart devices frequently communicate with users by verbal or tonal notifications. Therefore, acoustic characteristics of smart houses, especially reverberation time and background noise levels, have increased importance in achieving improved and lossless signal transfer and speech intelligibility. It is hypothesized that most houses are unsuitable for effective tonal and verbal communication with smart devices regarding acoustical conditions. Within the scope of the study, the devices found in the smart technology market were investigated. The sounds emitted from the identified devices were then classified according to their communicative nature (verbal/tonal), designability, customizability, and cause (i.e., intentional or consequential). The acoustic requirements for effective communication with the individual smart devices were analyzed in addition to the resulting holistic indoor soundscape of the smart houses The results of the study will help architects, interior architects, and other environmental designers to improve the quality of communication while guiding future research to understand indoor soundscapes of smart houses. © 2023 First author et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Article Citation Count: Uysal Bilge, Fulay Doğu; Demirbaş, Güler Ufuk (2022). "Urbanity in the Open Spaces in Developing Nodes along Main Arteries: Söğütözü Node on Dumlupınar Road in Ankara", ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 165-192.Urbanity in the Open Spaces in Developing Nodes along Main Arteries: Söğütözü Node on Dumlupınar Road in Ankara(Middle East Technical University Faculty of Architecture, 2022) Uysal Bilge, Fulay Doğu; Demirbaş, Güler Ufuk; 17572The effects of the main transportation arteries on the urban sprawl and the formation of new public spaces is an important topic of discussion today. Considering the urban roads, major arteries trigger fast development and the formation of a significant amount of urban open space together with buildings. Vehicular roads are the main elements that bring out urbanity and centrality by providing a combination of circulation at different speeds and making possible the interaction of users from local and remote areas (Jacobs, 1969; Nijenhuis, 1994 and Read, 2006). In this context, sub-spaces were defined as public spaces that are beside / under / above / between / within vehicular roads and the sub-space perceptions of pedestrians in the case of the closest part of Ankara Eskişehir Road to the city center, were investigated in an earlier study (Alanyalı Aral and Demirbaş, 2015). In the current study, Söğütözü is defined as a developing node with its rapidly increasing built stock and function density on one of the most important transportation arteries of the city, and its urban features are discussed within the scope of the emerging open spaces. Despite the unsuitable conditions, Söğütözü node displays a constant pedestrian density, and with this feature, it exemplifies ‘activity’ as an important indicator, which Montgomery (1998) defines as one of the three components of the concept of ‘urbanity’. Accordingly, a conceptual framework is developed on the characteristics of urbanity, activity and public space, and then the components of the open space stock are discussed within the scope of spaces of ‘places’ and ‘flows’ (Nijhuis and Jauslin, 2015) specific to developing nodes. Spaces of ‘places’ in developing nodes include privately owned public use spaces, in-between spaces and informal public spaces -’fourth place’s (Aelbrecht, 2016). The spaces of the ‘flows’, on the other hand, are discussed as pedestrian spaces that enhance urbanity. In the case study, firstly the historical and current development of Söğütözü node is examined, and then a comprehensive model based on the relevant pedestrian needs is suggested to evaluate the activitybased urbanity in the node. The defining elements of the activity-based urbanity are explored via map analysis and on-site observations, whereas the pedestrian perceptions in the node are investigated with the applied questionnaires. The results show that the pedestrian experience is negatively affected due to the conditional and intermittent pedestrian access, as well as the inability to provide physical, psychological and physiological comfort; nevertheless, many and various activities add vitality to the area which result in many informal public spaces (fourth places) formed at the entrances and transitions to the public and semi-public spaces. The questionnaire survey, which was conducted with fewer but still comparable numbers of users due to the pandemic conditions, included the pedestrian perception questions in the survey conducted in 2005-2007. It is seen that although today the perception of traffic such as noise increased slightly, the perception of air pollution and traffic safety problems decreased. Additionally, the perception of public space qualities like well-known and dynamic / lively spaces increased significantly and constituted the most common perception after the perception of noisy / tiresome space. The results reveal that open spaces in the node of Söğütözü, where mixed use, large-scale and fragmented complexes are dominant, cannot provide environmental and internal continuity as well as appropriate walking environment within the framework of activity-based urbanization, and thus necessitate a holistic urban design approach. The urbanism formed in this rapidly developing node can be enhanced by temporal and spatial continuities; in addition to provision of pedestrian comfort with the arrangements to reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle dominance. The overall evaluation validates that the open spaces in the node should be enriched with accessible spaces for all users, carefully designed indooroutdoor relations, cultural uses, small-scale businesses and activities spanning time.Article Citation Count: Eryılmaz, Burcu. (2022). "Revisiting the Concept of Ephemerality in the Counter-Culture Architecture of the 1960s: Infatable Structures", sITA – studii de Istoria şi Teoria Arhitecturii, No.10, pp.41-54.Revisiting the Concept of Ephemerality in the Counter-Culture Architecture of the 1960s: Infatable Structures(2022) Eryılmaz, Burcu; 283453In his 1969 project An Experimental Bottery, published in the ninth issue of Archigram, David Greene introduces time as a concept that has had a significant impact on the arts over the past few years, but not so much on architecture. Still, he proposed the temporary space as the example of “an architecture that exists only with reference to time” by pointing out its potential to last in memory. Along this line of thought, this paper aims to make inquiry into the critical examples of temporary architecture to reflect on how they challenge architecture’s long-standing claim to permanence and thus attempt to transform the conventional relationship between architecture and time. To do so, it discusses a selection of inflatable structures that had been produced by such avant-garde architecture collectives as Archigram, Haus-Rucker-Co, and Coop Himmelb(l)au between the late 1960s and early 1970s. Starting from the assumption that these experimental spaces contribute to the expansion of the established boundaries of the discipline as they are situated at the margins of dominating architectural culture, this research provides a ground to argue how inflatable structures turned into a critical medium to reassess architecture’s relation with time during this period which was marked by technological developments and social, political and cultural upheavals.In his 1969 project An Experimental Bottery, published in the ninth issue of Archigram, David Greene introduces time as a concept that has had a significant impact on the arts over the past few years, but not so much on architecture. Still, he proposed the temporary space as the example of “an architecture that exists only with reference to time” by pointing out its potential to last in memory. Along this line of thought, this paper aims to make inquiry into the critical examples of temporary architecture to reflect on how they challenge architecture’s long-standing claim to permanence and thus attempt to transform the conventional relationship between architecture and time. To do so, it discusses a selection of inflatable structures that had been produced by such avant-garde architecture collectives as Archigram, Haus-Rucker-Co, and Coop Himmelb(l)au between the late 1960s and early 1970s. Starting from the assumption that these experimental spaces contribute to the expansion of the established boundaries of the discipline as they are situated at the margins of dominating architectural culture, this research provides a ground to argue how inflatable structures turned into a critical medium to reassess architecture’s relation with time during this period which was marked by technological developments and social, political and cultural upheavals.Article Citation Count: Avcı, Ayşe Nihan; Akbay, Saadet (2022). "Visual comfort assessment of OLED lighting in an indoor office environment", Visual comfort assessment of OLED lighting in an indoor office environment, Vol.5, No.2, pp.129-413.Visual comfort assessment of OLED lighting in an indoor office environment(2022) Avcı, Ayşe Nihan; Akbay, Saadet; 237970; 21742Visual comfort is one of the significant criteria influencing good-quality lighting in an indoor environment. There are various technologies for delivering illumination in indoor installations; three important milestones are incandescent, fluorescent, and LED lighting. Alternative technologies, such as OLED (organic light-emitting diode) lighting, cannot be disregarded by a thorough examination. Few studies have investigated the influence of OLED lighting on visual comfort in terms of merely illuminance level. To this end, this study investigates the influence of OLED lighting conditions on visual comfort, including general comfort parameters—overall comfort, illuminance, brightness ratio, veiling reflections, colour, flicker effect, overall satisfaction—in an indoor office environment. Twelve members from the Faculty of Architecture, Çankaya University, voluntarily participated in the study. A full-scale indoor office environment was designed for the test environment, which was illuminated by OLED lighting (2900 K). An Office Lighting Survey was adopted to assess the general visual comfort of OLED lighting conditions in an indoor office environment. In contrast to earlier lighting studies, this study did not measure any task performance under the lighting condition. Instead, it focused solely on participants’ visual comfort evaluations when exposed to OLED lighting during their everyday routines in an indoor office environment. This study is a preliminary study for further investigations on the doctoral thesis.Article Citation Count: Efe Yavaşcan, E.; Gediz Urak, Z. (2021). "Sit Sınırlarının Koruma Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi: Niğde Kalesi ve Eskisaray Mahallesi Kentsel Sit Alanı", Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, Vol.25, No.2, pp.324-334.Sit Sınırlarının Koruma Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi: Niğde Kalesi ve Eskisaray Mahallesi Kentsel Sit Alanı(2021) Efe Yavaşcan, Emel; Gediz Urak, Zehra; 1487Tarihi, Neolitik ve Kalkolitik çağlara kadar uzanan Niğde İli, geçmiş dönemlerde Kapadokya içerisinde önemli bir konuma sahip olmuş, korunması gerekli tarihi çevreler barındırmaktadır. Niğde İli kent merkezinde bir adet kentsel sit alanı bulunmaktadır. 17.09.1993 tarih ve 1535 karar numarası ile tescillenen, kentin tarihi çekirdeğini oluşturan çalışma alanı Kale, Alaeddin ve Eskisaray Mahallelerini kapsayan sit sınırı ve çevresidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı sit alanı sınırlarının korunmuşluk durumunun araştırılmasıdır. Çalışma alanında yapılan alan analizleri sonucu önerilen sit sınırının dışında kalan tarihi dokunun ne yazık ki sit alanı ile bir bütün olarak korunamadığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Sit sınırı biter bitmez inşa edilen yüksek katlı yapılar sit sınırı ile sınırın dışında kalan tarihi doku arasında bir duvar oluşturmuştur. Sit alanı içinde ise problemler bulunduğu ve tescilli ve tescilsiz geleneksel pek çok konutun yerinde olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, önerilen sit sınırının, Alaeddin Tepesi ve kısmi çevresini içermesi, devam eden tarihi dokuyu içine almamasının da telafisi olmayan zararların meydana gelmesine neden olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu araştırmalar neticesinde, alandaki tarihi değerlerin bir bütün olarak korunması için çağdaş korumanın yönetsel boyutu olan alan yönetimine Niğde Tarihi Kent Merkezi’nin ihtiyacı olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Yönetim alanı ve etkileşim alanı sınırlarının doğru belirlenmesi ise alanın bütünleşik korunması için şarttır. Bu bağlamda, Niğde Tarihi Kent Merkezi’nde yapılan alan analizlerinden elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesi neticesinde yönetim ve etkileşim alanı sınırları önerilmiştir.Article Citation Count: Kılcı, Gülhayat; Gediz Urak, Zehra. (2021). "Sivas Geleneksel Konut Mimarisinin Özellikleri ve Korunma Sorunları", Mimarlık ve Yaşam Dergisi, Vol.6, No.2, pp.371-392.Sivas Geleneksel Konut Mimarisinin Özellikleri ve Korunma Sorunları(2021) Kılcı, Gülhayat; Gediz Urak, Zehra; 1487Geleneksel konutlar geçmiş nesillerin gündelik sosyal hayatlarının delili olan miras varlıklarıdır. Kentlerin hızla değişim ve dönüşüm gösterdiği günümüzde bu miras varlıklarını belgelemek, korumak ve gelecek nesillere aktarmak bugünkü neslin önemli bir görevi olmuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı yok olmaya yüz tutmuş Sivas geleneksel konut mirasının günümüze ulaşan son örneklerini belgelemek, mimari özelliklerini değerlendirmek ve koruma sorunlarını ortaya koymaktır. Sivas kent merkezinde gerçekleştirilen alan çalışması sonucu tespit edilen 106 geleneksel konutta envanter çalışması yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bilgiler harita, şekil, grafik ve tablolara dökülerek belgelenmiştir. Söz konusu konutlar geç 19. yüzyıl ve erken 20. yüzyıla tarihlenmektedir. Verilerin değerlendirilmesi bağlamında: geleneksel konutların yerleşim özellikleri, plan özellikleri, cephe organizasyonları, yapım sistemleri ve malzeme kullanım özellikleri, tarihi çevre karakteristikleri ve koruma sorunları aktarılmıştır. Kent ölçeğinden başlayıp yapı ölçeğine kadar yapılan detaylı analizler sonucunda Sivas kent merkezinde sürekli bir geleneksel dokunun varlığından söz edilememektedir. Mevcut yapıların, katmanlı bir kültürel tarihe sahip olan Sivas ilinin, geleneksel Türk Evi’ne dair son örnekleri olması konutların mimari, kültürel ve sosyal değerlerini daha da önemli kılmaktadır. Bu çalışma Sivas geleneksel konutlarının karakteristik özelliklerini ve mevcut durumlarını ortaya koymaktadır ve gelecek çalışmalar için kaynak niteliği taşıması beklenmektedir.Article Citation Count: Tuna Kayılı, Merve; Çelebi, Gülser; Güldaş, Abdulmecit. (2018). "Sürdürülebilir Yapı Malzemesi Hedefiyle Demir Çelik ve Plastik Endüstrisi Atıklarının Geri Kazanımı", Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol.32, No.2, pp.33-44.Sürdürülebilir Yapı Malzemesi Hedefiyle Demir Çelik ve Plastik Endüstrisi Atıklarının Geri Kazanımı(2018) Tuna Kayılı, Merve; Çelebi, Gülser; Güldaş, Abdulmecit; 2919Demir-çelik ve plastik endüstrisi ithal girdisi yüksek endüstrilerdendir. Bu endüstrilerin üretim ve ürünün kullanım sonrası evresinde çok miktarda atık meydana gelmektedir. Demir-çelik endüstrisinin üretim evresi atıklarından en problemli atık, yüksek fırın baca tozu (YFBT) atığıdır. Kullanım oranını her geçen gün artıran plastikler kullanım ömrünü doldurduğunda yüksek bozunma süresinden dolayı doğada uzun yıllar atık olarak kalabilmektedir. Türkiye’de ve dünyada en fazla kullanım hacmine sahip plastik türü ise düşük yoğunluklu polietilen (LDPE)’dir. Bu atıkların geri kazanımı, çevre problemlerinin azaltılması ve ürünlerin ülke ekonomisine kazandırılması açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmada LDPE ve YFBT ekstrüzyon yöntemiyle bir araya getirilmiş ve kompozit granül üretilmiştir. Üretilen kompozit granüller enjeksiyon yöntemiyle şekillendirilmiş, mekanik özellikleri incelenmiş ve elde edilen kompozit malzemenin yapıda zemin kaplama malzemesi olarak kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir.Conference Object Citation Count: Süzer, Özge. The analysis of LEED regarding its weighting system and approach on regional variations, ECOLOGY’ 18: II. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ECOLOGY, ECOSYSTEMS AND CLIMATE CHANGEAt: Istanbul, TURKEY, 2018.The analysis of LEED regarding its weighting system and approach on regional variations(2018) Süzer, Özge; 27418Article Citation Count: Atar, Musa...et.al. (2022). "Tensile Performance of Traditional and Modern Corner Joints in Wooden Structures", Drvna Industrija, Vol.73, No.1, pp.69-80.Tensile Performance of Traditional and Modern Corner Joints in Wooden Structures(2022) Atar, Musa; Gode, Fazl; Kucuktuvek, Mustafa; Akan, Asli Er; Ormecioglu, Hilal Tugba; Keskin, Hakan; 154406Corner joints are critical points of wooden structures not only in furniture construction but also in traditional wooden architecture, especially in constructions without nails. This study was performed to determine the effects of particular factors such as the axis of assembly, types of material, and adhesive on the tensile performance of various modern and traditional types of wooden corner joints. For this purpose, various corner joint specimens were prepared with three different wooden materials: Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris Lipsky) wood, Lombardy poplar (Populus nigra Lipsky) wood, and Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) using two different adhesives: polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) and polyurethane (Desmodur-VTKA) glues; and five different wooden joint types: dowel, tongue-and-groove, half-blind dovetail, screw, and eccentric screw joints. Tensile performance tests, vertical and parallel to the axis of assembly, were carried out according to ASTM D 1037 guidelines. Experiments indicated that, while the tensile performance of MDF specimen connected with a screw and PVAc adhesive was the highest under loading parallel to the axis of assembly (4592 N); it was the lowest under loading parallel to the axis of assembly in MDF specimen connected with tongue-and-groove joint and PVAc adhesive (260 N), respectively. As a result, it may be advantageous to apply screwed joints in corners for high tensile strength in parallel to the axis of the assembly.Review Citation Count: Akreim, Mohamed; Süzer, Özge. (2018). "Motivators for Green Buildings: A Review", Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, Vol.7, No.2, pp.137-156.Motivators for Green Buildings: A Review(2018) Akreim, Mohamed; Süzer, Özge; 27418Motivators can be defined as specific catalysts that drive people to act in a certain way. These motivators are important for promoting green buildings and have a clear impact on decision-makers to adopt and implement the green building concept in architectural practice. This paper presents a comprehensive literature review to identify the important motivators for the adoption of green buildings among the stakeholders of the construction industry, the categorization and efficiency of green building motivators, and also the strategies for green building motivators. By reviewing 32 relevant studies conducted in different countries from 2008 to 2017, a total of 26 factors were identified as the main motivators to promote green buildings. These green building motivators were categorized into environmental, economic, and social motivators. With regard to efficiency, it was found that all green building motivators, whether environmental, economic or social are important for promoting green buildings and to determine a priority among these categories was not possible. The strategies for the adoption of green building motivators were also found. It is notable that the government has the greatest role to motivate stakeholders to adopt and implement the green building concept. The literature review of this study has a wide scope, covering most of the countries in the world, including developed and developing countries from the West to East. Hence, unlike most studies on the main issue of this paper that focus on a specific country or region, this in-depth research led to the development of a list of motivators for green buildings, derived from an extensive range of nations, which vary from environmental, economic, and social This paper is expected to provide valuable information for decision-makers in the construction industry, namely, governmental authorities, design teams, and owners of projects regarding what motivate people to help further promote green buildings. The findings may also be useful for researchers to pursue further analyses on similar topics.Conference Object Citation Count: Akbay Yenigül, Saadet; Ural, Sibel. "Understanding individuals emotional responses to colour: The repertory grid technique", Interim Meeting of the International Colour Association, AIC 2008 Colour-Effects Affects, 2008.Understanding individuals emotional responses to colour: The repertory grid technique(2008) Akbay Yenigül, Saadet; Ural, Sibel; 21742Conference Object Citation Count: Demirbaş, Güler Ufuk; Uluğ, Ali; Demirbaş, Özgen Osman. "The betterment of wayfinding process in complex hospital environments by using mobile navigation systems: A proposal for a mobile wayfinding system", 4T Conference: Design, Technology and Experience, İzmir.The betterment of wayfinding process in complex hospital environments by using mobile navigation systems: A proposal for a mobile wayfinding system(2011) Demirbaş, Güler Ufuk; Uluğ, Ali; Demirbaş, Özgen Osman; 17572Conference Object Citation Count: Dökmeci Yörükoğlu, Papatya Nur. "Spatial design outcomes of indoor soundscaping course as part of interior architecture education", INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, pp. 5993-6767, 2023.Spatial design outcomes of indoor soundscaping course as part of interior architecture education(2023) Dökmeci Yörükoğlu, Papatya Nur; 214925Indoor soundscaping is a multi-disciplinary field that integrates, sound, user experience, and architecture. At its core, it has the potential to redefine any enclosed acoustic environment. It nor solely considers the theories and methods of architectural acoustics or depends only on noise management techniques, yet primarily focus on user, perception, expectation, and experience. Through this perspective, listening to spaces should be an active act of an interior architect; an awareness that should be gained during the early years of architectural education. The elective course with the same name, 'Listening to Spaces' has been offered to interior architecture students since 2015 at Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey under the Department of Interior Architecture, with the aim of implementing an important additional topic specific course to the present education curriculum of the Department as the course combines architectural, spatial and functional analysis methods from an acoustical perspective, in order to raise awareness on conscious listening of spaces with different functions. The course is conducted through interactive learning bases and the orientation is more research-based than teaching-based, although basic acoustical and soundscape theoretical knowledge is given. Students are expected to accomplish 6 tasks progressively following the cognitive processing dimensions parallel to Bloom's taxonomy. The outcomes of the tasks and the final spatial design proposals has been evaluated and discussed as part of this study to highlight the importance of topic specific course integration to architectural design education.Article Citation Count: Süzer, Özge; Yılmaz, Meltem. (2020). "Karma Kullanımlı Çok Katlı Konut Yapıları Üzerine Bir Analiz: Yeşil Bina Değerlendirme Kategorileri Bazında Üç Vaka Etüdü", Artium, Vol.8, No.1, pp.18-29.Karma Kullanımlı Çok Katlı Konut Yapıları Üzerine Bir Analiz: Yeşil Bina Değerlendirme Kategorileri Bazında Üç Vaka Etüdü(2020) Süzer, Özge; Yılmaz, Meltem; 27418Conference Object Citation Count: Mutlu Tunca, Gülru; Akbay, Saadet; Demirbaş, Ufuk. "Parametric Design Studio in Interior Architecture Education: A Case of Integration of Colour Design", AIC 14th Congress, 30 August-3 September 2021, Milano, Italy, pp. 1091-1096, 2021.Parametric Design Studio in Interior Architecture Education: A Case of Integration of Colour Design(2021) Mutlu Tunca, Gülru; Akbay, Saadet; Demirbaş, Ufuk; 21742; 17572This paper aims to disclose the alternative ways in which the interior architecture students integrate their colour design decisions as one of the main determinants of the project from the beginning of the design process. This revised approach is proposed in the third-year interior design studio course mainly specialises in the parametric design approaches in interior spaces. This paper outlines how colour design is integrated into stages thoroughly in the parametric interior design studio. The main motivation is to maintain a procedure that will make colour design decisions evolve through the whole design process as an integral part of it. This study suggests that producing colour charts from the initial stages of the design process, making colour design decisions for interior environments in 3D visualisations at all stages are critical for improving the student projects and helps them to envision and effectively reflect their atmosphere creations.