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Article Citation Count: Demirbaş, G.U. ; Küçükarslan, M. (2004). "İnsan Mekan Yapı", Yapı-Yaşam Sanatı, Vol.1, No.1, pp.63-64.İnsan Mekan Yapı(2004) Demirbaş, Güler Ufuk; Küçükarslan, Melahat; 17572Article Citation Count: Okur Tolun, Elif. (2005). "İktidar Masal Reklam", Cankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences", Vol.1, No.3, pp.107-118.İktidar Masal Reklam(2005) Okur Tolun, ElifBu makalede amaç, evrensel anlatı özelliği kazandığı ve toplumsal normlara uygun bir içeriği olduğu için sorgulanmadan kabul edilen ve kuşaklar arası süregelen masum bir masalın aslında ne kadar ideolojik ve taraflı olabileceği üzerinde durup, günümüze olan yansımaları ile tekrar tekrar nasıl üretildiği ve günlük hayatımızda nasıl bir rol oynadığı araştırılmıştır. Makalede örnek olarak “Pamuk Prenses ve Yedi Cüceler” ile Hülya Avşar’ın oynadığı Molfix çocuk bezi reklam filmi ele alınmıştır. İnsan beynine farkında olmadan sessiz ve gizlice kodlanan iktidar ilişkileri ve kadının toplum içindeki ikincil konumuna dikkat çekilmiştirConference Object Citation Count: Akbay Yenigül, Saadet; Ural, Sibel. "Understanding individuals emotional responses to colour: The repertory grid technique", Interim Meeting of the International Colour Association, AIC 2008 Colour-Effects Affects, 2008.Understanding individuals emotional responses to colour: The repertory grid technique(2008) Akbay Yenigül, Saadet; Ural, Sibel; 21742Conference Object Citation Count: Demirbaş, Güler Ufuk; Uluğ, Ali; Demirbaş, Özgen Osman. "The betterment of wayfinding process in complex hospital environments by using mobile navigation systems: A proposal for a mobile wayfinding system", 4T Conference: Design, Technology and Experience, İzmir.The betterment of wayfinding process in complex hospital environments by using mobile navigation systems: A proposal for a mobile wayfinding system(2011) Demirbaş, Güler Ufuk; Uluğ, Ali; Demirbaş, Özgen Osman; 17572Article Citation Count: Turgay, O.; Altuncu, D. (2011). "İç Mekˆanda Kullanılan Yapay Aydınlatmanın Kullanıcı Açısından Etkileri", Çankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, pp.167-181.I¸c Mekˆanda Kullanılan Yapay Aydınlatmanın Kullanıcı A¸cısından Etkileri(2011) Turgay, Orkunt; Altuncu, Damla; 102069Mekˆan en geni¸s anlamda; insanın bir amaca y¨onelik olarak do˘gal ¸cevrede ger¸cekle¸stirdi˘gi bir sınırlama, yapay bir de˘gi¸sim, sosyal ¨org¨utlenmenin ifadesi olan bir kurgulamadır. Tasarlanan mekˆan, zihinde yaratılan kavramı fonksiyonel ve simgesel olarak dı¸sa yansıtan bir kabuk olarak da de˘gerlendirilmektedir. Mekˆan kavramı renk, doku, malzeme gibi ¨o˘gelerinin biraraya getirilmesi ve mekˆana uygulanması sonucunda kullanıcısıyla birlikte kimlik kazanır. Mekˆan kurgusundaki ¨onemli ¨o˘gelerden biri de aydınlatmadır. Sanayile¸smi¸s toplumlarda, g¨un ge¸ctik¸ce i¸c mekˆanlarda ge¸cirilen ya¸sam s¨uresi uzamakta; buna ba˘glı olarak da yapay ı¸sı˘ga duyulan ihtiya¸c artmaktadır. Son yıllarda i¸c mimarlıkta kullanılan yapay aydınlatma; mekˆan i¸cin belirleyici, vurgulayıcı, sınırlayıcı, ¨u¸c boyutlulu˘gun algılanmasını sa˘glayan y¨onleri ile g¨u¸cl¨u bir anlatım aracı olma niteli˘gi kazanmı¸stır. Bu bakımdan aydınlatmanın, mekˆansal ¨ozellikleri algılatmada, hatırlatmada b¨uy¨uk ¨onemi vardır. Kullanıcı, mekˆanın bi¸cimine ve mekˆana alınan ı¸sı˘gın, kullanılan aydınlatma sisteminin ¨ozelliklerine ba˘glı olarak mekˆanı anlamlandırmaktadır. G¨orsel konfor ¸sartlarını yerine getirerek g¨ormeyi ger¸cekle¸stirmek i¸cin gereken aydınlatmanın, kullanıcı ¨uzerinde bilinen etkileri yanında g¨orsel olmayan etkileri de yadsınamayacak kadar fazladır. Mimari aydınlatmanın g¨orsel olmayan etkilerini bilerek olu¸sturulan tasarımlar, zamanının b¨uy¨uk bir kısmını kapalı mekˆanlarda ve yapay ı¸sık altında ge¸ciren ki¸silerin g¨orsel performansları yanında mekˆan algılarını ve psikolojilerini de etkileyecektir. Bu nedenle aydınlatma tasarımın bir par¸cası olarak kabul edilerek; konunun multidisipliner bir ¸sekilde ele alınması gerekmektedir. Bu ¸calı¸smada, i¸c mimarlıkta kullanılan yapay aydınlatmanın kullanıcı ¨uzerindeki g¨orsel olmayan etkilerine ve mekˆan kavramına etkisine dikkat ¸cekmek hedeflenmektedir.Conference Object Citation Count: Özcan, Zühal; Ayalp, Nur; Aktaş, G. Güner. "A myth? Sustainable tourism as a tool for rescuing traditional spaces: A case study from Turkey, Ankara", SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 2012, Vol. 161, 2012.A myth? Sustainable tourism as a tool for rescuing traditional spaces: A case study from Turkey, Ankara(2012) Özcan, Zühal; Ayalp, Nur; Aktaş, G. GünerA myth? Sustainable tourism as a tool for rescuing traditional spaces: a case study from Turkey, Ankara Z. Ozcan, N. Ayalp & G. Guner Aktas TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey Abstract The concept of social sustainability should be considered and investigated in developing the conditions of traditional urban spaces. Sustainable tourism can be a basic tool for the physical conservation of architectural heritage. The traditional spaces regain considerable visual and economical value with tourism investments but the social reactions are to the contrary. In the content of the study, two different characteristically spaces were selected in the city of Ankara. The selected urban core was composed of 19th century Ottoman dwellings called \“Hamamonu” which have not been considered for a long time. The local municipality developed a project to rehabilitate a part of this area with the help of tourism and left the other part untouched \“Hamamarkasi”. Social, physical and spatial aspects will be questioned and the opinions of respondents will be output about the rehabilitation project. Keywords: sustainable tourism, traditional space, hamamönü, hamamarkası. 1 Introduction The oldest urban core of a settlement covers special spaces that help to differentiate it from the others with its original spatial character. In developing countries like Turkey, they are \“lost” urban spaces turned to squatter zones, composed of \“unpopular” traditional dwellings. Deterioration of the physical space is also the indicator of social change. The new housing zones lead to a social migration from the traditional urban core, leaving the place to lower income groups unaware of their possession responsibilities, resulting in the further collapse of the architectural indoor and outdoor spaces. In several cases, it is observed that not only the physical spaces but also the user profile changes Sustainable Tourism V 297Article Citation Count: Tunca, Gülru Mutlu. (2013). A historical project: Doubling INDL exhibition catalogue. Metu journal of the faculty of archıtecture. 30(2). 195-214.A historical project: Doubling INDL exhibition catalogue(Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, 2013) Tunca, Gülru Mutlu; 17487There exist, in the history of architecture and art, in general, particular moments or singular “cases” that assume a critical determining value for the comprehension of the entire cultural cycles.Article Citation Count: Gökhan, Çiğdem B. (2013). "A New Composıte Learnıng And Teachıng Method To Achıeve Success For The Academıcally Unsuccessful Students", International Online Journal of Primary Education, Vol.2, No.2, pp.30-39.A New Composıte Learnıng And Teachıng Method To Achıeve Success For The Academıcally Unsuccessful Students(2013) Gökhan, Çiğdem BerdiThis article is about adult students’ learning of Interior Architecture design course and efficacy and efficiency of new method of instructional design experience employed in 2011-2012 spring semester. A student group of 14 whom were all consist of irregular students, who at least once experienced unsuccessfulness in their university education. The aim of the instructional design was to achieve CC average grade for the class, which was expected to encourage students for their further studies with confidence moreover would demonstrate the success of the experience. Instructional design consisted of two main methods, personal SWOT analysis with in depth interviews and unprofessional counselling, and as education style Constructionists’ approach of self improvement and development within Active Learning environment. 2,15 pt out of 4 point grading system demonstrated the success besides where students’ assessments averaging 4,4 out of 5 likert scale reinforced the results and students’ approval of the new instructional design implemented.Conference Object Citation Count: Memikoglu, Ipek, "Utilization of Second Life as a Tool for Spatial Learning in Interior Architecture", 5th World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES), pp. 1288-1292, (2014).Utilization of Second Life as a Tool for Spatial Learning in Interior Architecture(Elsevier Science, 2014) Memikoğlu, İpek; 19105With increase in computer usage. three-dimensional (3D) virtual environments (VEs) have become new areas for navigation and spatial learning. Second Life (SL) has become one of the most popular 3D VEs that is used as a learning environment. This study focuses on the issue of spatial learning during virtual navigation in a multi-level desktop VE designed in SL. The usability of SL as a tool for spatial learning in interior architectural design is investigated by analyzing virtual navigation paths, gender differences and sense of presence. The study is conducted with 90 interior architecture students studying at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. Results indicated that SL can be an effective tool for individuals to learn an environment and for interior architects to improve their designs by learning from the navigation behaviors of the users. CO 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsexiet Ltd.Conference Object Citation Count: Terviel, Candan Dizdar; Berker, Olgu Sumengen, "Profficiency In Art (Phd) Education In Hacettepe University Faculty Of Fine Arts Department Of Ceramic", Proceedings of 6th World Conference on Educational Sciences, 191, pp. 1897-1902 (2015).Profficiency In Art (Phd) Education In Hacettepe University Faculty Of Fine Arts Department Of Ceramic(Elsevier Science, 2015) Terviel, Candan Dizdar; Berker, Olgu SümengenThis study presents art education in graduate programs in Turkey. And puts forth which programs and methods applied during the graduate education in the aim of attaining academic artists in our counry. Hacettepe University Faculty of Fine Arts Department of Ceramic contributes this aim since its establishment. This study also presents all musts and methods of graduate art education by an example of a Profficiency in Art distertation. This example distertation was completed between 2008 and 2012 years by Berker with the supervision of Prof. Dr. Terviel. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Conference Object Citation Count: Berker, Olgu Sumengen, "Architecture and Ceramics", Proceedings of 6th World Conference on Educational Sciences, 191, pp. 291-295, (2015).Architecture and Ceramics(Elsevier Science, 2015) Berker, Olgu SümengenMost of the different art disciplines, meet each other on some intersections during the creation process. The art comes into life from the needs of human beings. Therefore the formation of these intersections are not so surprising for the art era. The aim of this paper is to set forth the association of architecture and ceramic art and interaction between them especially by means of the abstraction of contemporary ceramic artworks. Notions like inner space and outer space are mostly considered basic concepts of ceramic art. This conceptual consideration gains an importance when these concepts are viewed from the architectural perspective. Because these notions are also basic notions of architecture. While architecture transforms these notions into forms, it also creates outer spaces for the ceramic artworks. In this paper some chosen examples of ceramics are referenced from the ancient times until 20th century (when ceramic was accepted as an art discipline to express the ancient association of these two art disciplines. Then the artworks of contemporary ceramic artists are featured in terms of conceptual basis, styles, production methods and processes, and the opportunities that comes from the nature of ceramic materials. Abstracting the expressions of the contemporary ceramic artists in the architectural manner, resulted as the displaying how do these two art disciplines come together on the concept of inner and outer space. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Article Citation Count: Süzer, Özge. (2015). A comparative review of environmental concern prioritization: LEED vs other major certification systems. Journal of Environmental Management. 154. 266-283.A comparative review of environmental concern prioritization: LEED vs other major certification systems(2015) Süzer, Özge; 27418The matter of environmental concern prioritization integrated into globally used green building rating systems is a fundamental issue since it determines how the performance of a structure or development is reflected. Certain nationally-developed certification systems are used globally without being subjected to adjustments with respect to local geographical, cultural, economic and social parameters. This may lead to a situation where the results of an evaluation may not reflect the reality of the region and/or the site of construction. The main objective of this paper is to examine and underline the problems regarding the issue of weighting environmental concerns in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification system, which is a US-originated but globally used assessment tool. The methodology of this study consists of; (i) an analysis of the approach of LEED in the New Construction and Major Renovations scheme in version 3 (LEED NC, v.3) and the Building Design and Construction scheme in version 4 (LEED BD þ C, v.4), (ii) case studies in which regional priority credits (RPCs) set by LEED for four countries (Canada, Turkey, China and Egypt) are criticized with respect to countries’ own local conditions, and, (iii) an analysis of the approaches of major environmental assessment tools, namely; BREEAM, SBTool, CASBEE and Green Star, in comparison to the approach in LEED, regarding the main issue of this paper. This work shows that, even in its latest version (v.4) LEED still displays some inadequacies and inconsistencies from the aspect of environmental concern prioritization and has not yet managed to incorporate a system which is more sensitive to this issue. This paper further outlines the differences and similarities between the approaches of the aforementioned major environmental assessment tools with respect to the issue of concern and the factors that should be integrated into future versions of LEED.Article Citation Count: Yorukoglu, Papatya Nur Dokmeci; Kang, Jian, "Analysing Sound Environment and Architectural Characteristics of Libraries through Indoor Soundscape Framework", Archives of Acoustics, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 203-2012, (2016).Analysing Sound Environment and Architectural Characteristics of Libraries through Indoor Soundscape Framework(Polska Akad Nauk, 2016) Dökmeci Yörükoğlu, Papatya Nur; Kang, Jian; 214925This study presents the indoor soundscape framework in detail by describing the variables and factors that form an indoor soundscape study. The main objective is to introduce a new indoor soundscaping framework and systematically explain the variables that contribute to the overall evaluation of an indoor soundscape. Hence, the dependencies of physical and psychoacoustical factors of the sound environment and the spatial factors of the built entity are statistically tested. The new indoor soundscaping framework leads to an overarching evaluation perspective of enclosed sound environments, combining objective room acoustics research and noise control engineering with architectural analysis. Therefore, it is hypothesised that case spaces with certain plan organisations, volumetric relations, and spatial referencing lead to differentiated sound pressure level (SPL) and loudness (N) values. SPL and N parametric variances of the sound environments are discussed through the statistical findings with respect to the architectural characteristics of each library case space. The results show that the relation between crowd level variances and sound environment parametric values is statistically significant. It is also found that increasing the atrium height and atrium void volume, the atrium's presence as a common architectural element, and its interpenetrating reference and domain containment results in unwanted variances and acoustic formations, leading to high SPL and N values.Book Citation Count: Dökmeci Yörükoğlu, Papatya Nur...et al. "Is it Real? Structuring Reality by Means of Signs", Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, pp. 1-310.Is it Real? Structuring Reality by Means of Signs(Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016) Dökmeci Yörükoğlu, Papatya Nur; Onur, Zeynep; Tarasti, Eero; Src, lhami; 214925Is it Real? is a collection of twenty-eight papers on the most challenging, provocative and profound topics related to the quest for real and virtual realities of vision and other senses, and realities that are either constructed or imagined. There was no school, no theory, no methodology, nor any empirical approach in semiotics which was not forced to take a position, whether implicitly or explicitly, in attempting to discuss this issue. Semiotics is a discipline dealing with signs, and, thus, it is commonly thought that if we say of something that it is a sign, then it is something less real than the thing itself to which it refers. As such, the field of problems which opens from the theme Is it Real? is almost endless but also relevant. This volume presents interactive dialogue related to this question structured under six different headings: five papers on the topic of Visual Realities; six on What is Real?; five on Textual Realities, concentrating on realities revealed from literature or the written language through texts; five on Constructed Realities; three on Virtual Realities; and, finally, four papers on Imagery Realities.Article Citation Count: Çelebi, Gülser; Tuna, Merve; Veer, Frederic (2016). "Assessment of the energy savings and CO2 emissions reduction of glass structures through alternative demolition scenarios", Glass Structures and Engineerin, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 435-449.Assessment of the energy savings and CO2 emissions reduction of glass structures through alternative demolition scenarios(2016) Çelebi, Gülser; Tuna, Merve; Veer, Frederic; 2919Glass is a material that has been significantly increasing its role in architecture in recent decades. Although glass is a material that can survive long, as can be seen from the archaeological pieces in many museums, in practice the glass structures that built nowadays have a finite life time. A notorious case is the original New York Apple Cube, which was removed and replaced within several years of original completion.Whatever the eventual lifetime of the structure, there will be a point where the structure needs to be demolished. This introduces critical questions about the relation between ecological impact and the demolition methods and procedure. This paper looks at the eco-impact of different end of life scenarios of glass structures, using the Haarlem glass cube as a well-documented example to determine the differences between various ends of life scenarios.Conference Object Citation Count: Avcı, Ayşe Nihan; Memikoğlu, İpek (2016). "Aydınlık düzeylerinin kullanıcının okuma hızı ve görsel konforu üzerindeki etkisi", İÇLİS - İç Mimarlık Lisansüstü Çalışmalar Sempozyumu-I, pp. 29-36.Aydınlık düzeylerinin kullanıcının okuma hızı ve görsel konforu üzerindeki etkisi(2016) Avcı, Ayşe Nihan; Memikoğlu, İpek; 237970; 19105Article Citation Count: Dökmeci Yörükoğlu, Papatya Nur; Kang, Jian (2017). Development and testing of Indoor Soundscape Questionnaire for evaluating contextual experience in public spaces. Building Acoustics, 24(4), 307-324.Development and testing of Indoor Soundscape Questionnaire for evaluating contextual experience in public spaces(Sage Publications INC, 2017) Dökmeci Yörükoğlu, Papatya Nur; Kang, Jian; 214925An Indoor Soundscape Questionnaire aiming at the evaluation of indoor public sound environments was designed, statistically tested and presented. It was established through initial pilot studies and three main factors under contextual experience variable are established as (1) psychological factors, (2) space usage factors and (3) demographical factors. In addition to the questions on demographical and space usage factors, detailed questions on psychological factors are designed and statistically tested for expectation, perception and reaction categories of the psychological factor. The questionnaire was applied as part of a case study in enclosed library foyer environments to a group of 270 participants through non-experimental survey data sampling. The reliability and validity scores of the Indoor Soundscape Questionnaire were statistically tested and confirmed. Furthermore, statistical tests were used to derive relationships between contextual experience variables of psychological, space usage and demographical factors. Chi-square test of goodness-of-fit results showed statistical significances of demographical and space usage factors with the psychological factors.Conference Object Citation Count: Mohammed, Ali Omar; Harputlugil, Timuçin, "Onceptual framework for a decision-making model based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) To Select The Best Public Private Partnership (PPP) model for airports", 3rd Nzaar International Event Series On Natural And Built Environment, Cities, Sustainability And Advanced Engineering, pp.99-107, (2017).CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR A DECISION-MAKING MODEL BASED ON THE ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS (AHP) TO SELECT THE BEST PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP (PPP) MODEL FOR AIRPORTS(New Zealand Acad Applied Research LTD, 2017) Mohammed, Ali Omar; Harputlugil, Timuçin; 40295The adoption of public-private partnerships (PPPs) as a strategy for infrastructure projects, such as airports, highways, bridges, water supplies, and telecommunication, has been implemented in developed and developing countries with a number of obstacles. Based on this stance, critical success factors (CSFs) of public-private partnership projects and the selection of appropriate PPP models are critical issues that need to be analyzed. A multidisciplinary review of the literature on the critical success factors of public-private partnerships projects reveals the lack of a comprehensive decision-making model for selecting an appropriate PPP model. This paper presents a conceptual framework for a decision-making model to select the best PPP model considering CSFs for developing countries. The model is expected to be used for infrastructure projects, mostly for airports. The decision-making model is structured on the Analytic Hierarchy Process and sensitivity analysis. The decisionmaking model is expected to be adopted as a tool and contribute to decision makers for selecting the best fit PPP model for airports in order to enhance projects successfully.Book Part Citation Count: Akbay, Saadet; Joao João Durão, Maria. "Colour harmony: The ideality of pleasurableness", in Worlds and Frontiers of the Imaginar, CRP Press: Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 193-198, 2017.Colour harmony: The ideality of pleasurableness(2017) Akbay, Saadet; Joao João Durão, Maria; 21742The search for the essence of colour harmony has a long tradition that, being a quest for aesthetic values, remains a contemporary question insofar as it addresses the interrelated issues of both beauty and pleasure. Colour harmony has been discussed in terms of two different points of view. As a measurement of aesthetics, the researches of colour harmony are based on the discovery of its systematic rules by identifying the relationship between colours and its aesthetic value in beauty and harmony. The proportional and orderly arrangements of colours and their relations to mathematics are the main concerns of this first approach. As a measurement of emotion, colour harmony is regarded as subject matter of pleasure, subjective feeling which is peculiar to an individual. Relying on the second approach, many studies have been conducted to identify the reasons behind why colour combinations are perceived as beautiful, pleasant, and harmonious. Thus, this paper is a retrospective review of the literature of colour harmony, its theories, and principles considering the two approaches. The assumption is that, in either case, colour harmony is grounded in a search for the ideality of pleasurableness.Article Citation Count: Avcı, Ayşe Nihan; Memikoğlu, İpek (2017). "Effects of LED Lighting on Visual Comfort with Respect to the Reading Task", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 11, No. 8, pp. 930-934.Effects of LED Lighting on Visual Comfort with Respect to the Reading Task(2017) Avcı, Ayşe Nihan; Memikoğlu, İpek; 237970Lighting systems in interior architecture need to be designed according to the function of the space, the type of task within the space, user comfort and needs. Desired and comfortable lighting levels increase task efficiency. When natural lighting is inadequate in a space, artificial lighting is additionally used to support the level of light. With the technological developments, the characteristics of light are being researched comprehensively and several business segments have focused on its qualitative and quantitative characteristics. These studies have increased awareness and usage of artificial lighting systems and researchers have investigated the effects of lighting on physical and psychological aspects of human in various ways. The aim of this study is to research the effects of illuminance levels of LED lighting on user visual comfort. Eighty participants from the Department of Interior Architecture of Çankaya University participated in three lighting scenarios consisting of 200 lux, 500 lux and 800 lux that are created with LED lighting. Each lighting scenario is evaluated according to six visual comfort criteria in which a reading task is performed. The results of the study indicated that LED lighting with three different illuminance levels affect visual comfort in different ways. The results are limited to the participants and questions that are attended and used in this study.