Quality cost estimating relationships: A parametric study
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Dünya pazarlarında büyüyen rekabet, girişimlerin yönetimlerine bir işin başarılı olabilmesi için kalitenin işin özüne taşınması zorunluluğunu kavratmıştır. Kalite kontrol yatırımlarından yarar sağlayabilmek için, önleme ve ölçme-değerlendirme maliyetlerinin bir fonksiyonu olan iç hata maliyeti veya yine önleme ve ölçme- değerlendirme maliyetlerinin bir fonksiyonu olan dış hata maliyeti incelenmelidir. Bu tezde, iki farklı durum için toplam kalite maliyetinin dört bileşeninin kendi aralarındaki ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Birinde toplam satış maliyetini diğerinde ise toplam imalat maliyetini temel alarak iki farklı durum için geliştirilen denklemler güvenilir bulunmuşlardır. Dört bileşene ait olan bu denklemler ayrıca kalite maliyeti optimizasyonu hesaplamalarında kullanılmışlardır.
The growing competitiveness in the world markets made management of enterprises realize that for a business to be successful it is necessary to move quality to its strategic core. In order to estimate benefits from quality control investments, internal failure costs as a function of prevention and appraisal costs or external failure costs also as a function of prevention and appraisal costs have to be studied. In this thesis, interrelationships among the four components of total quality costs have been examined for two different cases. The equations developed for the two cases, one based on total sales and the other one based on manufacturing cost, have found to be reasonably reliable. These equations have further been used in quality cost optimization calculations relating to the four components.
The growing competitiveness in the world markets made management of enterprises realize that for a business to be successful it is necessary to move quality to its strategic core. In order to estimate benefits from quality control investments, internal failure costs as a function of prevention and appraisal costs or external failure costs also as a function of prevention and appraisal costs have to be studied. In this thesis, interrelationships among the four components of total quality costs have been examined for two different cases. The equations developed for the two cases, one based on total sales and the other one based on manufacturing cost, have found to be reasonably reliable. These equations have further been used in quality cost optimization calculations relating to the four components.
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Günal, Ö. (2002). Quality cost estimating relationships: A parametric study. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara. Çankaya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.