Liquefaction hazard assessment in a GIS environment: A case study of Buğday Pazarı neighborhood in Çankırı province
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Yurdakul, Eren
Öztürk, Şevki
Sarıfakıoğlu, Ender
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Seismic movements have varying effects on structures based on characteristics of local site. During an earthquake, weak soils are susceptible to damage due to amplified wave amplitudes. Soil-structure interaction issue has garnered increased attention in Türkiye, after devastating earthquakes in Kocaeli Gölcük (1999), Izmir (2020), Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık and Elbistan (2023). Consequently, liquefaction potential has been investigated in detail for different regions of Türkiye, mainly with available field test results. Çankırı, a city located close to North Anatolian Fault, is mainly built on alluvium, which is prone to liquefaction. However, no study on liquefaction hazard has been conducted thus far. In this study, groundwater level map, SPT map, and liquefaction risk map have been generated using Geographical Information System (GIS) for the Buğday Pazarı District of Çankırı province. Site investigations studies previously performed for 47 parcels (76 boreholes) were used within the scope of this study. The liquefaction assessment was conducted using Seed and Idriss's (1971) simplified method and the visualization of areas susceptible to liquefaction risk has been accomplished. The results of this study have been compared with the City Council’s precautionary map which is currently in use. As a result of this study, it is recommended that minimum depth of boreholes in the region should be at least 30m and adequate number of laboratory tests particularly in liquefiable areas should be performed. Another important recommendation for the region is that detailed investigation should be performed by local authorities since findings of this study differ from currently used precautionary map.
Alluvium, Geographical Information System, Liquefaction, Liquefaction Hazard Assessment, Site Characterization
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
Fields of Science
Yurdakul, Eren; Öztürk, Şevki; Sarıfakıoğlu, Ender (2024). "Liquefaction hazard assessment in a GIS environment: A case study of Buğday Pazarı neighborhood in Çankırı province", Geomechanics and Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 455-464.
Scopus Q
Geomechanics and Engineering
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