Building strong brand (theory and practice) a case study
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Marka inşa etme konsepti, firmalar tarafından uygulanmış ve onları hayatta tutma konusunda başarılı bir yol olduğu kanıtlanmıştır. Tüketici-marka ilişkisini geliştirmek, çağdaş pazarlamanın önemli konularından birisi olmuştur. Bu tez, markalaşmanın yeni trendini ve markalaşmayı sağlamanın faydaları amacı ile güçlü etkin bir marka kurmayı açıklamayı hedefler. İlk olarak markalaşmanın literatürü açıklandı, Apple'ın markalaşma programları takip edildi. Sonuçta deneysel bir çalışma yürütüldü. Son olarak, uygulama, Ankara Çankaya Üniversitesi öğrencileri üzerine yapılmıştır. Nicel araştırma yöntemleri kullanılarak Apple markasının marka oluşturma faktörleri ile finansal olmayan markalama yararları arasında korelasyon aranmış ve marka hazcılığı değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışma bağımsız çeşitlilikte hareket eden (toplu ve bireysel) marka inşa etme faktörleri ve finansal olmayan markalaşma faydaları arasında pozitif ve belirgin korelâsyonlar olduğunu kanıtladı. Ek olarak, açıkça en etkin marka inşa etme faktörü, finansal olmayan markalaşma faydası markayla özdeşleşme sağlayan markanın göze çarpması, Diğer yandan marka inşa eden Apple'ın müşteri gözünde rasyonelden daha çok duygusal sayıldığını gösteren. CBBE'de duygusal marka inşa faktörlerinin rasyonel etkilerden daha güçlü olduğu bulundu.
The brand building concept is applied by companies and has been proved to be a successful way to keep them alive. Developing the consumer-brand relationship has become one of the most important aspects of modern marketing. This thesis attempts to clarify the modern trend of branding and building a strong brand effectively in order to achieve branding benefits. First, the literature of branding is explained, followed by the branding applications of Apple. Finally, an empirical study is conducted in Çankaya university\ ANKARA and quantitative research method is used to investigate the correlation between brand building factors and non- financial branding benefits for Apple brand, and to assess brand hedonistic. The study has proved that there are positive and significant correlations between brand building factors which are acting as independent variables (collectively and individually), and the non-financial branding benefits. Additionally, it was clear that the most influential brand building factor that has the strongest impact on non-financial branding benefits is brand salience, which provides brand identification. On the other hand, it has been found that the effect of emotional brand building factors is stronger than the rational effect on the CBBE, which showed that brand building for Apple has highly emotional rather than rational consideration from the point of view of the consumer.
The brand building concept is applied by companies and has been proved to be a successful way to keep them alive. Developing the consumer-brand relationship has become one of the most important aspects of modern marketing. This thesis attempts to clarify the modern trend of branding and building a strong brand effectively in order to achieve branding benefits. First, the literature of branding is explained, followed by the branding applications of Apple. Finally, an empirical study is conducted in Çankaya university\ ANKARA and quantitative research method is used to investigate the correlation between brand building factors and non- financial branding benefits for Apple brand, and to assess brand hedonistic. The study has proved that there are positive and significant correlations between brand building factors which are acting as independent variables (collectively and individually), and the non-financial branding benefits. Additionally, it was clear that the most influential brand building factor that has the strongest impact on non-financial branding benefits is brand salience, which provides brand identification. On the other hand, it has been found that the effect of emotional brand building factors is stronger than the rational effect on the CBBE, which showed that brand building for Apple has highly emotional rather than rational consideration from the point of view of the consumer.
Marka, Marka İnşa Etmek, Marka Eşitliği, Marka Hayat Döngüsü, Markalaşmanin Faydaları, Brand, Brand Building, Brand Equity, Brand Life Cycle, Branding Benefits
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Mahmood, A. (2015). Building strong brand (theory and practice) a case study. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara. Çankaya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
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