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Artificial intelligence computing analysis of fractional order COVID-19 epidemic model

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Artificial intelligence plays a very prominent role in many fields, and of late, this term has been gaining much more popularity due to recent advances in machine learning. Machine learning is a sphere of artificial intelligence where machines are responsible for doing daily chores and are believed to be more intelligent than humans. Furthermore, artificial intelligence is significant in behavioral, social, physical, and biological engineering, biomathematical sciences, and many more disciplines. Fractional-order modeling of a real-world problem is a powerful tool for understanding the dynamics of the problem. In this study, an investigation into a fractional-order epidemic model of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is presented using intelligent computing through Bayesian-regularization backpropagation networks (BRBFNs). The designed BRBFNs are exploited to predict the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 disease by taking the dataset from a fractional numerical method based on the Grünwald-Letnikov backward finite difference. The datasets for the fractional-order mathematical model of COVID-19 for Wuhan and Karachi metropolitan cities are trained with BRBFNs for biased and unbiased input and target values. The proposed technique (BRBFNs) is implemented to estimate the integer and fractional-order COVID-19 spread dynamics. Its reliability, effectiveness, and validation are verified through consistently achieved accuracy metrics that depend on error histograms, regression studies, and mean squared error.



Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Neural Networks, Fractional Calculus, Mathematical Modeling, Coronaviruses

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL

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Raza, Ali...et.al. (2023). "Artificial intelligence computing analysis of fractional order COVID-19 epidemic model", AIP Advances, Vol.13, No.8.


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AIP Advances





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