Globalization and management: The effects of globalization on organizational culture in global organization
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Bu çalışma, şirketlerin küreselleşme sürecini incelemiştir. Söz konusu çalışmanın başında küreselleşme ve organizasyon kültürü birbirinden bağımsız iki kavram olarak incelenmiş, daha sonra küreselleşmenin bir sonucu varsayılan "değişim" kavramı altında birleştirilmiştir. Tezin esas olarak odaklandığı konu, küreselleşmenin organizasyon kültürüne etkileri olup, bu da özellikle küresel organizasyonların kültüründe ortaya çıkan değişimler açısından incelenmiştir. Tüm bunlara ek olarak, yine küreselleşmenin bir sonucu varsayılan 'küresel yöneticiler' ve organizasyonlardaki 'anonim kültür' yönetim yöntemleri üzerinde durulmuş ve bu konuda kayda değer uygulamaları bulunan dünya çapında şirketler ve organizasyonlar örnek olarak sunulmuştur.
This thesis analyses the process of globalization in organizations. The 'globalization' and the 'organization culture' concepts are examined independently. And they are combined under the concept "change" which is supposed as a result of globalization in the organization culture. The thesis mainly focuses on the effect of globalization on the organizational culture, and this is analyzed especially in the global corporations like what changes appears in the culture of organizations. In addition to all these, the thesis addresses ' global managers' and 'corporate culture' concepts, which are also assumed as a result of globalization. And the management process of global corporate culture is presented by giving significant applications of worldwide organizations as example.
This thesis analyses the process of globalization in organizations. The 'globalization' and the 'organization culture' concepts are examined independently. And they are combined under the concept "change" which is supposed as a result of globalization in the organization culture. The thesis mainly focuses on the effect of globalization on the organizational culture, and this is analyzed especially in the global corporations like what changes appears in the culture of organizations. In addition to all these, the thesis addresses ' global managers' and 'corporate culture' concepts, which are also assumed as a result of globalization. And the management process of global corporate culture is presented by giving significant applications of worldwide organizations as example.
Küreselleşme, Organizasyon Kültürü, Değişim, Globalization, Organizational Culture, Change
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
Fields of Science
Çulhaoğlu, C. (2001). Globalization and management: The effects of globalization on organizational culture in global organization. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara. Çankaya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.